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Poetry Magnum Opus

Poetry.LA / Rattle Poetry Reading Series

David W. Parsley

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David W. Parsley

I have begun giving public readings at the poetry series sponsored by Rattle magazine. One session was recorded and posted to YouTube by Poetry.LA, on which the following reading is given:


At the Dark Crossing


This poem won an award from the Academy of American Poets while I was still earning my degree at the University of Utah. I still have the poem out with a few potential print publishers. Should those not come through, I will post the poem here.


Dave Parsley


Note: For those who know me, don't be too alarmed by my appearance. I am still on the road to recovery from the illness that kept me out of work for the first three months of 2014. My health is considerably improved (20 lb. lighter since this video was made and still going) and the voice is better, too.

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