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Poetry Magnum Opus

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After removing my glasses,

the smoke muffled the words, shuffled

the meaning, twisted the way ahead like a slur.


The acridity bites my ears

like angry dogs tearing away not just fabric

but my flesh from flesh.


Outside the open window of the top-most floor,

the air is sucked out to the edge of the concrete

where I stood.

"Words are not things, and yet they are not non-things either." - Ann Lauterbach


There isn't a word out of place in this compact poem, Joel. The stanzas are packed with powerful, original imagery. Some of my favorite images:

... the words, shuffled

the meaning, twisted the way ahead like a slur.


The acridity bites my ears like angry dogs.

Let them tear away not just fabric

but my flesh from flesh ...

And being familiar with construction environments, I can certainly appreciate how,

Outside the open window of the top-most floor,

the air is sucked out to the edge of the concrete

where I stood with my feet.

I only have one suggestion: perhaps you could change eye-glasses to simply glasses. It seems to read more smoothly as such. I'm impressed with all your ideas. What inspired you (if you don't mind)?



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic


Thank you, Tony. With your suggestion, I decided to hunt down other lines where I can optimize still and change some declarations to more action oriented tone.


It's my way of expressing a persona's disappointment or disillusionment.

"Words are not things, and yet they are not non-things either." - Ann Lauterbach




I echo Tony's comment - original imagery. Vivid and sharp. The revised is an improvement for sure.


Thanks for the good read.




Joel. Wonderful expressed poem. The imageries are so strong and works well. It shows some dark and gray view from the window. I can't pick up favorites lines, because in every line is presented that what I felt in this poem.


Thank you for sharing



The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

History of Macedonia




Thank you, Lake and Alek. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

"Words are not things, and yet they are not non-things either." - Ann Lauterbach


Hello JoelJosol,


What images of violation and pain you portray:


'acridity bites my ears', 'angry dogs tearing... my flesh from flesh', 'smoke muffled the words, shuffled the meaning' - All these suggest a wanton disregard for compassion and acceptance.


Your last two lines hint at estrangement:


JoelJosol wrote:


the air is sucked out to the edge of the concrete

where I stood.



Your poem delivers a strong and sharp impact.






Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.

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