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Hello Tony,



Wonderfully intriguing and indeed teasing your allusions to the cosmos - are you an avid sky watcher? If I read your references correctly the changing time - 'Morning, 'Late in the afternoon' allude to the possible times of the spectacles of the 'nebula' being visible? And the 'horses kicking up their feet,' 'my face... a crimson stone' and 'the eastern veil' are all different configurations of the supernova which exploded thousands of years ago and are indeed many, many light years away from our universe but still visible.


Love the image "my face is a crimson stone' and the 'veil' of gases that swirl in the cosmos comes magically alive in your evocative poem. But I could well be barking up the wrong tree.


Enjoyed this very much,






Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.


Tony, wonderful, short, cute poem. I feel this poem like freely written, not going hard and this one doesn't give a hard time to be read icon_smile.gif.

This expression is wonderful and can be read on many ways, and also gives some wonderful imagery:


tonyv wrote:

Morning, and the horses

are kicking up their feet

Here sounds painful, like something bad happened and you want to be heard how much you suffered by the cold - because you introduced this poem with the title "In February ".

tonyv wrote:

... I want you to know:


Late, in the afternoon, my face

is a crimson stone


... I'll never forget.

The ending part is different and gives another dimension, more general and with some specific point. I am sure that for this part works and your interests in these photos what you shared, but definitely, the photos are only used like an inspiration to get this kind of end. Bw it sounds perfectly using the expression like " ghosts in the eastern Veil " - I love it.


tonyv wrote:

Ghosts in the eastern Veil

-- star to star is closer now.




Your poem is amazing Tony.



The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

History of Macedonia



Larsen M. Callirhoe

hi tony, im not sure if i understand the jist of your poem. i understand the part about the cold time of season according to the cozsmos. i like the word play. this poem sounds like you are illiterating about astrology. honestly it is an interesting poem with vivid imagery but i don't think i understand the jist of the poem.






hi guys im working on a few poems but they are not finished yet. i have a eye allergy and sometimes i can't seeto well. my eyesight becomes to blurry to be creative and it is fustrating to say the least.

Larsen M. Callirhoe


Hi Tony,


This is a terse piece (your new experiment?). To me, astrology is always mysterious, intangible. While "the horses/are kicking up their feet " is so vivid, concrete. This poem gives me a zoom-in and zoom-out effect. A lot to ponder.


Good one.



goldenlangur wrote:


Wonderfully intriguing and indeed teasing your allusions to the cosmos - are you an avid sky watcher?

Hi Golden,


I watch my computer screen, and watching the sky is definitely something I should do more often. icon_neutral.gif However, without access to the Pic du Midi Observatory, it's unlikely I would ever see any nebula, save on line (or in books) ... Perhaps a balance is best when it comes to sources of inspiration. icon_smile.gif And, though changing time and vast distances seem to be concepts that are prevalent in my verse -- I don't know why -- I, myself, am not so sure about the meaning of this latest attempt of mine. At first, because of my own ambivalence toward this one, I put it in the unlimited section, but Alek moved it here. icon_lol.gif Now, I have all these fine, unexpected comments! icon_smile.gif I love your take on this poem -- thank you for your kind comment!


Tony icon_smile.gif

Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

aleksandra wrote:


Tony, wonderful, short, cute poem. I feel this poem like freely written, not going hard and this one doesn't give a hard time to be read icon_smile.gif.


Not like the last one, Aleksandre?icon_smile.gif

aleksandra wrote:


Here sounds painful, like something bad happened and you want to be heard how much you suffered by the cold - because you introduced this poem with the title "In February ".

tonyv wrote:


... I want you to know:


Late, in the afternoon, my face

is a crimson stone


... I'll never forget.

Yes, it does seem that way. And I like how you caught the ending, too ... Thank you for your sweet comment.



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

Larsen M. Callirhoe wrote:


hi tony, im not sure if i understand the jist of your poem. honestly it is an interesting poem with vivid imagery but i don't think i understand the jist of the poem.

I'm not so sure I get it either, Victor. For me, it's just a small stack of loose associations. In any case, I do appreciate your read and comment ...



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

Hi Tony,


This is a terse piece (your new experiment?). To me, astrology is always mysterious, intangible. While "the horses/are kicking up their feet " is so vivid, concrete. This poem gives me a zoom-in and zoom-out effect. A lot to ponder.


Good one.




Thank you, Lake! I'm pleased that the poem gives you a zoom-in, zoom out effect. It has the same effect on me.


Tony icon_smile.gif

Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

Frank E Gibbard

Some telling images Tony asking questions of the reader needs reading and rereading but rewards. Frank

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