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Poetry Magnum Opus

a tree dies in Sligo

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The old tree in Sligo died between

a false moon projected by the ghost
of Yeats and a false ghost of him
created by the moon. The false
phantom sits at the top of the tree
in silhouette mouthing verse as it's
spirit sails away, words fall from
branches, they will land demanding
an authentic inquiring Irish tongue.
Senators seek synthetic light into
their darkness as they protect a
singular address from which they
impress upon the public, creaking
paradigms, arthritic rhymes. The
spirit of a dead poet wears the night's
black coat- emptying the pockets of
stars-the moon resting on his tongue
will never make contact with the orb
in his eyes. Two Irish states are too
close to dance, their is an incantation
in the confluence as the day shakes
out the newly born, falling into existence.
David W. Parsley

Hi Barry, I can't help thinking the old master would take a wry, piquant pleasure in this piece. In some ways it reminds me of a sonnet by Wordsworth titled, "London, 1802." There is an unmistakable sense that the poet is saying within himself, "Yeats, thou shouldst be living at this hour: Ireland hath need of thee!" In your piece, the grizzled poet and dissident, indeed is shown as having "dwelt apart" but could yet be looking on in the guise of a shifting phantom, perhaps no more than a trick of the moonlight. The spirit existence is evoked with image and language somewhat reminiscent of the early phase of Yeats' poetic oeuvre, dream-like and ethereal.



- Dave


hi There David-thank you-good to see you here_barry

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