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Jay O'Toole

Here are two poems made with a form that is completely new to me.  At the bottom of the post is a link that explains the form.

Summer flowers

Roses, vincas, hostas, bushes

Some are flowers


Stifled by heat

Roses drip with afternoon rain

Body feels beat



Hi Jay,   Clever play on words In the first.  The second one  I can relate, it has been hot here although no rain. 

I believe the Trilinea (your source has a couple of misspells) has been around since the 50s and was first published in Pathways for a Poet, a book of poetic forms written for teachers and contributed to by teachers. I included it on my Haiku Wannabe page. The Trilinea appears to me to be a simplified 15th century Stornello which I think is more poetic. The Stornello is sometimes called Fiori which means "flower" so when I was writing a Stornello I did use the rose as a metaphor, very cliché but was perfect for me at the time. Using the word "rose" is not an element of the Stornello.



I rose to see
a world of possibilities
beckoning me.
            ~~Judi Van Gorder

~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com


They're both very nice Jay. I especially like the first one with summer/some are.


Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

Jay O'Toole

Thanks so much, Tony!  

  • Jay O'Toole changed the title to Trilinea Form is New to Me

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