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Yard Work


This is what the end

feels like the lawnmower

putters on unseasonably long

grass the Change evident in too

warm winters too wet summers

I know his old bone hides there

before I reach the corner where

lawn has gone feral he passed

a few short weeks ago the

Canine soul whose center

is MU No/Negation


And I think of my father

making me earn early 12-13

who now knows a work ethic

reaps what it sows empty empty

Relaxed compared to his parents

invested in equal parts capital patriotism

And it worked I cut other follies foolish

water wasters expanses based on mis-

appropriation The Dream to be Wealth

Good Education Elite and unadorned

with the suffering of poverty’s deep

deep silences hidden beneath

the shag carpet behind

imitation oak repurposed


Trees stripped of their Godhood

replaced by simulations of the good

the true the beautiful if there was a lower

substrate than lower case I’d use it too

Even here the Buddha rests Alas Alas

calling Fake Fake Fake simulations

of the Past replicating the errors

with the same gusto our

forebears reached

for belts


or branches

we correct the animals

by going past abstraction

Alone the Dog and I

talked for hours.



HI DC,  Well as usual you give me something to think about.  That is one of the things I like about your work.    I love the last 2 lines, so true but I don't get quite as deep as you, your dog must be super smart.  Mine is just a little sweetheart with an independent streak.  She will only listen so long..

" Trees stripped of the their Godhood"    Wow  all kinds of images came to mine.



~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com


Great title, fab ending, and much to chew on.






The "yard work," the look back at childhood to where it all began, the pet, and the loss of the beloved pet -- there's a pleasing cohesion in this poem. I enjoyed it very much.


Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic


Thank You All.... Writing very little these days, my life consumed by Doc Concrescence, which is poetry, of a sort;-) But its good I can still produce something worthwhile for other poets.



On 7/23/2017 at 1:02 PM, dr_con said:

Thank You All.... Writing very little these days, my life consumed by Doc Concrescence, which is poetry, of a sort;-) But its good I can still produce something worthwhile for other poets.



Loved "where the lawn has gone feral".


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