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It's Simple


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It's Simple



In the drone of mosquitoes and dung flies, a guru sits motionless under a Bo tree. His eyes scan a horizon imperceptible to the followers at his feet. He turns to a forlorn chela:


What ails you, my son? How was your visit to the villages?


The young man prostrates in the dusty courtyard, shuffles forward and says:


"I told them what you taught us:

Your essence is your wealth.

Experience is the first step to salvation.

Not luck or the deities in temples, but your own karma determines your next rebirth.


But they would not listen to what I had to say. They accuse me of things I did not utter. They fear I want to steal their lives and their beliefs."


The guru is silent. The chela cries:


"Tell me Guru, What shall I do?"


The guru replies:


My child, it's as simple as seeing this tree and me. When a door is locked and barred, you walk away free.








Chela : Sanskrit term for follower of a learned master, a spiritual teacher.

Karma: Action - good or bad.






Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.

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Hi Tony,


I don't know what is a "teleplay" but I appreciate very much the way you've engaged with this piece and posted your rewarding comments.


You're quite right. This is about perceptions and how receptive to change and wisdom we are/can be.


Thank you so much



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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Well, well Goldenlangur. Again rich and full with treasure in this wonderful story. I can name this as some quote of you. It is well described and well expressed. Again you provoke me for some discussion icon_razz.gif Ah what I can do, I am interested by this.


Ok at first, I have noticed, how much you use the " Bo Tree " that is so meaningful in the Buddhism, where Siddhattha have been sitting underneath, when he was enlightened. buddha3.jpgAnd also that is well-known symbol for happiness, prosperity, longevity and good luck and have few names more as Tree of Enlightenment


I hope I am right with this photo of Bo Tree?




GL I love this expression:


a guru sits motionless under a Bo tree. His eyes scan a horizon imperceptible to the followers at his feet.


And also the wonderful conversation between guru and chela, and this part the taught by the teacher:


Your essence is your wealth.

Experience is the first step to salvation.

Not luck or the deities in temples, but your own karma determines your next rebirth.


And then comes the well known destiny of the humanity:

They accuse me of things I did not utter. They fear I want to steal their lives and their beliefs

And ok that doesn't means just for beliefs, but for everything, there are no eyes for the truth - almost always...


And the end as always GL, it is so wise and well written here. The replies of guru :


My child, it's as simple as seeing this tree and me. When a door is locked and barred, you walk away free.


Yes that is the big truth of humanity.


I love your way of writing GL. Your writing is so rich with culture and I love that. Some retrospective is always good, and this is something more. The wisdom captures in those words.

And yes that provokes me, I already said, that I enjoy to search or to scan icon_smile.gif about that part.


So thank you for sharing Goldenlangur this wonderful story with us. These words and expression of wisdom.



The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

History of Macedonia



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How amazing Aleksandra that you've taken the trouble to post these images of the Buddha and the Bo tree!


The Bo tree in your second picture looks wonderfully young and strong! Some of the old ones here are knobbly and seem bent with age!


But yes, the Bo tree is quite an important symbol of the enlightenment of the historical Buddha and also for the tradition of a spiritual guru and followers, all seeking Nirvana, like him.



I'm very grateful that you've taken such consideration to examine and understand the various images and motifs in this piece.


I suppose it is akin to what the English saying warns : The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Often we think we can teach/impart our knowledge to others, only to find that they might not want it or appreciate it and our good intentions might well lead to tension and suspicion. Thus, no matter how well intentioned, words of wisdom fall on deaf ears unless and until the person/people have reached a certain stage of acceptance and openness to new ideas.


There's nothing like the zeal of a new adept or convert!



With gratitude for your comprehensive and perceptive review.







Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.

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How amazing Aleksandra that you've taken the trouble to post these images of the Buddha and the Bo tree!


The Bo tree in your second picture looks wonderfully young and strong! Some of the old ones here are knobbly and seem bent with age!


But yes, the Bo tree is quite an important symbol of the enlightenment of the historical Buddha and also for the tradition of a spiritual guru and followers, all seeking Nirvana, like him.



I'm very grateful that you've taken such consideration to examine and understand the various images and motifs in this piece.


I suppose it is akin to what the English saying warns : The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Often we think we can teach/impart our knowledge to others, only to find that they might not want it or appreciate it and our good intentions might well lead to tension and suspicion. Thus, no matter how well intentioned, words of wisdom fall on deaf ears unless and until the person/people have reached a certain stage of acceptance and openness to new ideas.


There's nothing like the zeal of a new adept or convert!



With gratitude for your comprehensive and perceptive review.





Wow GL my friend icon_smile.gif the red part what I quoted you wrote so well and I must admit so much in political way. And I like it what you are saying there ab: The road to hell is paved with good intentions. - yes that is true. And even the devil was an angel and that most beautiful before to be a devil, so that expression is so truthful.

And I like that tradition about Bo tree etc. That peace and wisdom... ah we need that often, but can't find easily.


It was my pleasure to comment here and share my thoughts with you golden.

Thanks for your attention.



The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

History of Macedonia



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How true this is Aleksandra and you've expressed this very well!


.. even the devil was an angel and that most beautiful before to be a devil....




Peace of mind and dreams to you and all!



With appreciation,








Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.

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Apologies Tony icon_redface.gif



I seem to have made a mess of my response to your review. I'm very sorry. But could I just say how much I appreciate your reading this prose piece and your thoughtful review.





goldenlangur icon_redface.gif




Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.

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Please don't worry about it, Golden. Of course, I'll probably be the hapless soul that presses the wrong button and accidentally deletes the entire forum. icon_pale.gif (Only kidding ... there seems to be a backup feature we can use even if that happens to restore the forum to the previous day. Hopefully we never have occasion to need it and to test whether it works. icon_eek.gificon_lol.gif )


Important thing is, you got my feedback: I enjoyed the piece. I just wanted to point out that I like how you included the sound of the mosquitos and the smells of the environs -- the things that can be portrayed well with writing but not so well with cinematography.


[Of course, if you want to distance yourself from the unusual character in the picture to the left of the post icon_lol.gif , you can just go back in, copy your text, put it in a new reply, and delete it from my post. Either way, it's all ok with me.]


Tony icon_biggrin.png

Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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