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Poetry Magnum Opus

Alta lake park


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The resolute movements of the moon, imperceptible sound

of eyes reading about Alta lake park. Waters float a song in
search of a tongue, mountain is like a telephone handset
that has been left on a table, hear the sound of rain falling
on rock and the hands of the clock of the soul tap out an
Wind divines music from trees docked, rain falls from leaves
like notes leaking from heaven. Can you hear Alta lake park
talking to America and the world. Candle of silence becomes
surrounded by songs, is the light blind as it dances alone?,
as the hands of the sun and moon clasp in prayer for the
sustainability of parks. Ghosts are released as a flower opens,
wind mutters the names on graves of those who have passed
through and passed on. 
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Hi Barry.  Interesting that parks seem to have inspired both you and Badger to write very different poems, both with unique images.  Imagery has always been what I like best of your writing.    

"Waters float a song in search of a tongue"

"rain falls from leaves like notes leaking from heaven"

"Ghosts are releasd as a flower opens"

That's great stuff.    ~~Tink

~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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What I find most striking are "Can you hear Alta lake park / talking to America and the world" and 

On 2/18/2019 at 3:56 AM, eclipse said:
wind mutters the names on graves of those who have passed
through and passed on.

Those who have passed through and passed on -- not just one, but both. Nicely done.


Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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