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Poetry Magnum Opus

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South of Latitude 37  

It's been a while since traveling to Mexico,
late mornings walking on the frothy shore
and dingys docking, rocking to and fro.
The comic pelicans were never a bore.
At night a balmy breeze would brush my skin
and we would look up to the stars, before
we slept, then dreamt of coming back again.
                               ~~Judi Van Gorder

Verse Form:  Canopus

~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com


I don't know about this "invented" form, Judi; I write in iambic pentameter all the time and make up rhyme schemes just like this one, but I wouldn't give any of the forms I apply a name, lol.

That said, this is a lovely poem very much to my liking: a geographic title that draws me in, an intriguing setting, a bit of nostalgia, a touch of personal content, a perfect length, and impeccable meter. I love it.


Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic


Thank you, Tony!  That makes me feel good.

  I know most invented forms, in my opinion, are just the frame of a poem that someone wrote and as an afterthought, gets a name attached. This particular form, I am sure has been used by countless poets that had no clue someone had named it.  It is legitimate,  in a book about poetic forms from the 60s.  

The lion share of these invented forms cropped up from poetic communities such as PMO.  We actually have an invented form that was created right here by Badge.   He didn't know he was inventing anything but a poem at the time.  I broke down the frame, gave it a name, "Badger's Hexastich", copied the frame for a poem I wrote, and added it in the Reference Section under invented forms.  Since then I have been involved at another poetry forum where members were challenged to write a Badger's Hexastich and the source was a link to another site that had copied and pasted my description from the Reference Section.  There are probably hundreds maybe thousands of Badger's Hexastiches out on the internet now.  I wrote Pele in response to the challenge.


~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com


A beguiling, inviting write Tink, that drew this reader into the personal remembrance. Perhaps it is time to make reality a return😀



comic pelicans

Nice sonics!




1998 was my last time in Mexico. It all rings true, Tink.

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