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Poetry Magnum Opus


Frank E Gibbard

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Frank E Gibbard

A season of sallow brutalness fades away

As one of fruitfulness brightens our day

Winter’s tentacles loosen their harsh hold

Frigid embedded seeds yield up new gold

Flowers rise as if to sniff the warming breeze

Heads of baby birds are bobbing in the trees

Spring is burgeoning in natural tumescence

A surging of renewal that is its very essence

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And what fine promise this poem predicts. Well done.



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very beautiful! you have described the essence of rebirth and awakening very well in this tribute to spring. thanks for the enjoyable read! icon_flower.png

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You have a rich vocabulary, Frank. I, myself, had to look up tumescence, and it works! But my favorite part is your opening line:

A season of sallow brutalness fades away ...

I enjoyed your rhyming couplets.

Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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Beautiful tribute to Spring. I agree with Tony that you have a rich vocabulary. I find the lines are lovely:


Flowers rise as if to sniff the warming breeze

Heads of baby birds are bobbing in the trees


Enjoyable read.



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I agree with others, Frank.


This poem is wonderful, and rich with wonderful imageries, which makes this poem very picturesque.


I like the tone and how this poem feels.


I agree with Lake, those lines are lovely.



The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

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