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Poetry Magnum Opus

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Cathedral in a cloud-gravestones cry
onto a raven's wing above the flames
of a church roof burning. Rain lies on
forgotten graves-dreams lie and dreamers
die is there a state that corresponds with
spirits that abscond . The sea establishes
the status of a drowning king, smoke penetrates
a ravens wing,the king's narrative echoes off
disparate tongues that fail to cohere into a whole.
Church clock hands feign knocking on heaven's door,
a planet shocks it's guests into confronting the ghost
that is more real than them as it amplifies the sound
of thermometers fainting-mother earth shuffles her seasons.


Barry,   "Mother earth shuffles her seasons"  is something to ponder.  Spring follows Winter, Summer follows Spring, Fall follows Summer and Winter follows Fall but with the erratic patterns of today, dare I say, caused by global warming, the seasons while still basically in sync are also warmer when they should be cooler and cooler when they should be warmer and warmer than the warm norm and cooler than the cool norm.   So we "knock, knock, knock on Heaven's Door", you had me singing that song while the church burns down.  The many awesome images you present in this poem led me through the maze of smoke, that I am experiencing right now. (Mid another California fire is blazing.)

I loved the repletion of rhyme sounds in piece lies/ lie / die . . . corresponds / abscond   king/wing

This is a keeper.


~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com


Hi there thanks...its been raining here for three days....


This makes me think of the fire that damaged the cathedral in France last year. I couldn't care less about it when it happened, and I still don't care about it now. When billionnaires donate to repair a structure, all I can think is vanity, self-aggrandizement, personal glory, Falsehood ... or at least misplaced charity. How much actual good, alleviation of real human and animal  suffering could have been effected with the donated funds? But no, just give it to some government approved institutional cause instead, never mind the actual suffering that's all around.

Loved "spirits that abscond" and smoke/penetrates a raven's wings. But I won't be shedding any tears for "a drowning king."


Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

On 10/26/2019 at 12:06 PM, eclipse said:

...its been raining here for three days...

And yea, that's depressing. 🙁

Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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