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Poetry Magnum Opus


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We have conversations

most often magic

they show me their spell

declaiming Not What

I Wanted


O  no no


hard not to point out

because of Painting

Poetry because of Snow




in everywhich direction

the assertion of nonreplication

theories of color


We are possible

of course

that doesn’t mean it’s

good by any ---- standard or measure


like wishing iced perspiration

adhering  to red/yellow/brown

leaves to invert or frankly


reverse become greener and greener

eternal kinetic buds always and only

about to BURST


by walking away from the World As It Is

We obscure imperfection’s enchantments

ignore the dreamless dream 

it requires us to 

Try and Do

again and again:


O no no no.




Juris,   This poem is very visual and yet I felt it rather than saw it.  The wash of color seeps deep into the fabric of your thoughts.  I loved it, it is my new favorite of yours.

Interesting to me that I just posted a prompt in the Daily Poem section of the Playground, a challenge to write a poem using color in some way.   I've seen similar prompts in the past and responded with simple "violets are blue" kind of writing.  But, this poem truly exemplifies what I think the prompt aspires to inspire.    So good!  

Very cool that you included a painting, your painting.  When I first saw it, not knowing your were the artist, I thought, this was the inspiration for the poem.  Now that I know it is yours, I wonder which came first, the chicken or the egg?  


~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com


Judi -- Many Thanks, hope you don't mind if I flood the board, in the midst of some serious experimentation! 😉 The answer to your question is both and neither. I painted the painting with a memory of something I almost saw, and then sat with the painting and composed the poem BUT Liberation Blues was the first attempt at getting at that something BUT I entered it into a new collection I'm putting together called: Gate (less;-).




By the way dr con what is the painting supposed to be? I know I should be commenting on the poem though but still i just wanted to know.


Whatever (you) would like it to be;-) The title is Gate(less) and I plan to do probably a few more versions. Really its more of an emotion or a mood than an object or a thing or as Creely said when asked if There was a Man was about John the Baptist: "I don't know I just wrote the poem." 😉



This poem with its concomitant painting has got to be one of the best expressions ever in favor of artistic license ... which I happen to love. I love that you've included the painting; it doesn't replace the poem, but it enhances it the way album artwork does when it come to our music media experience.

On 11/13/2019 at 2:16 PM, dr_con said:

Whatever (you) would like it to be ... Really its more of an emotion or a mood than an object or a thing or as Creely said when asked if There was a Man was about John the Baptist: "I don't know I just wrote the poem."

And I love this! Damn, this is good ...

Tony :-8)

Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic


TY Phil! That is, actually, the highest compliment;-) Many Thanks!

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