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Poetry Magnum Opus

Mickey Rourke, The Wrestler

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Angelic step in air

falls on the carpet

I was very good at it

cause problems to the sensitive Hollywood

I do it exceptionally well

was stupid say

acting is not work to hard-boiled male

so after much knock out

my memory have a long space.





This concise piece is top-rate. I wouldn't add to it or omit anything; every word and expression belongs. I especially like how it's written in the first person, the "hard-boiled male" expression, and the last line. I'd say it's one of your best.



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic


Interesting poem, inspired by a movie, Joao.

I like always, how you are dealing with these kinds of poems, dedicated in which you talk as Tony says, in first person. That gives interesting touch and sense of your style.



The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

History of Macedonia




Thanks Alek e Tony for your words.

This poem is the result of my sympathy for Mickey. One man against establishment. An anti-hero.



Fascinating. the poem lumbers, and yet is concise in its first person awkwardness- Beautiful! An antihero, deserving of aredemption.


Well, well done!



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