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Poetry Magnum Opus

as it is written 12.22.19

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as it is written 12.22.19

As you listen
please write the words down
not as it is written
but as they are heard
ever-increase your precision:
With or without inflection &
capture empathically the Speaker’s
Mood Feeling Existential-Longings
as they speak as well as the Great Silence
in-between fore & back & surrounding
the  firmament enfolding each letter
be it silent or constant modifying or 
other & the Spaker's mispronunciation of
symbols & the way their h& shook when they
learned how to write them as well as their first
false-language spoken after the Original
Glossolalia & how many
languages since the first 
(& most painful) fall &
accent not just its region & terroir  
The Neighborhood Family &
Ancestors & how 
the genetic drift of pets & wildlife
(from humble origins
as a South Carolina puppy mill-purebred
creating beltway meta-mutts the family rescued
from a kill shelter up-north or how 
the termites who destroyed 
the S T R U Cture
leaving unfixable gaps
on a limited budget
had an infusion of vitality
from African cousins who
Hitched a ride on the
in their environment
changes the way
they say:

“as if with a woman”

or how the ‘U’
in ‘Blue Sky’ is altered
by _________ TV shows & movies
available during the hot-moment
of the developmental Flash
(it decides so much
often we mistake it for Every-

And how those Boxes if removed 
-cuts deeply-
your Psyche Soul & Body are stripped
down to bare bones
the remaining skeletal  Memento Vita
tuned to the dominant 7’th
with adjustments made
not only for humidity & barometric pressure
but atmospheric molecular blend
(excess carbon atoms are known
to give it an excessively fiery crescendo 
while hydrogen &  oxygen moisten the tempo) leaving
only easily filtered 'signal & noise'
a singular Emptiness remains

How would these words sound then?

I’ll hold -- while you get a pen.

Edited by dr_con
latest edit
  • 2 weeks later...

I have my pen, but I'm reduced to typing in order to project these words into the universe. But will they stick or will they be like music to the deaf, where only "a singular emptiness" remains? Despite the title-date, the poem, with its striking "stripped down" "skeletal memento vitae" intangible residuum delivers a "Día de Muertos" effect. The last two lines are unexpected and very welcome. I love it. 


Catrinas_2 rs.jpg

Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic



Many Thanks for reading through one of my favorite recent experiments -- and I believe your experience of it was dead on with my 'intention' as such;-) I'm glad you enjoyed it!



My favorite part is the last two lines and how they tie into the opening.


TY AB! working wil reply to your very generous comments on the solstice poem when I have some time;-)


🙂 Great, thanks--take your time!


D_C,   I was trying to literally do as instructed.  I'm exhausted.   This is one to revisit many time over.   Something new pops out each time.


~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com


My feelings echo Tinker's--I didn't even try to do an analysis of the bulk of the poem. Are there actually people who have the incisive intellect and endurance to effectively process such a complex inundation?

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