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Poetry Magnum Opus

Table for two


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Reservation in hell, a table for two
I'm dining with heroin, how about you
I've taken my order, it'll be here soon
A candle lit romance under the spoon
As I'm waiting, it appears at the table
Draw it up slow, but fast as I'm able
In a hurry, filled with desperation
Took the shot with no hesitation
Pulled the point out like a pin in grenade
Continued to fall back in a nodded fade
After I've eaten, I'm left unfulfilled 
Use my napkin, for the blood that spilled
My last meal get to share with a friend
Time our evening has came to an end
As I started to head towards the door
Stopped in my tracks it said one more
Looking around, gave a second glance
Grabbed my arm we got ready to dance
Wrapping around me, squeezed on tight
Took my breath away, kissing goodnight
This isn't how I wanted to say bye
Loved me to death, in a casket I lye

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Whoa, Welcome to PMO.   This was pretty heavy.  So heavy, the rhymed couplets were almost unnoticeable. 

Bottomsin,  You might want to edit to fix your last 11 lines.  It loses power in the run on and is hard to read. 


~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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23 minutes ago, Tinker said:

Whoa, Welcome to PMO.   This was pretty heavy.  So heavy, the rhymed couplets were almost unnoticeable. 

Bottomsin,  You might want to edit to fix your last 11 lines.  It loses power in the run on and is hard to read. 


Thanks. Yeah I don't know what happened there

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Welcome, BottomsIn. I like it! It reads like a rap lyric. The line that excited me the most?

On 2/3/2020 at 1:28 PM, Bottomsln said:

Pulled the point out like a pin in grenade


In any case, you posted and ghosted, so I hope this isn't a true account, because we need more! (Poems, that is. Street level junk, not so sure. :wacko:)

Opiates -- keep making them. Imagine the crisis we would have if the pharmaceutical companies being accused of getting people hooked said screw all of you, we'll stop making painkillers, and a shortage came about? The hospitals would be full of people screaming in pain.

Tony :-8)

Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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