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Poetry Magnum Opus

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In saving the body, have they condemned
Her to brief moments of lucidity?
In strengthening the arms and the legs,
How will they again give power to her voice?
Unsteady is the hand that feeds the mouth;
The once clear eyes question the simplest
Of questions in reply; the Indian
And Nigerian nurses call her by
Her nickname but that she understands.

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Hi Marti,  This one hurts, I know these 100 days, I've lived them twice with my husband over the past three years.  Thankfully, his mind did recover as well as his body.  But there were many moments when I was unsure.  But those days he was in the rehab facility gave me a much needed break when I thought I might go under.

And now my friend is taking this journey.  See my blog, As Reflected. 


~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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2 hours ago, Tinker said:

Hi Marti,  This one hurts, I know these 100 days, I've lived them twice with my husband over the past three years.  Thankfully, his mind did recover as well as his body.  But there were many moments when I was unsure.  But those days he was in the rehab facility gave me a much needed break when I thought I might go under.

And now my friend is taking this journey.  See my blog, As Reflected. 


We must have some psychic ESP, posting such close topics so close in time.

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This is all perfectly clear, but somehow it feels more like prose than poetry to me. I'm not talking about rhyme, meter, or suchlike nearly so much as a certain something that moves a reader beyond their superficial perception of a subject into something new, greater, or deeper. 

I was wanting a comma after "nickname."

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hi Marti,

            Poignant those contrasts of mind and body health. Those limits of what healthcare can achieve - excuse my ignorance on this, but the title also implies there is a time limit on what is provided in terms of care? That glimmer of light in recognising her nickname a connection that keeps alive hope? Or a final bitter irony. As the opening question asks - are lucid moments in the darkness enough?


In strengthening the arms and the legs,
How will they again give power to her voice?

It is the inner person we want back.

Heartfelt, knowing poem Marti.

Thank you for sharing


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What painful questions to be forced to confront! 

On 2/27/2020 at 12:05 AM, badger11 said:

Or a final bitter irony. As the opening question asks - are lucid moments in the darkness enough?

I can only reflect briefly on such matters; to have to dwell on them could lead to despondency.

On 2/23/2020 at 11:15 AM, dcmarti1 said:

In strengthening the arms and the legs,
How will they again give power to her voice?

The irony of it all: they most likely can't. Take care on this journey, Marti.


Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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On 2/26/2020 at 11:05 PM, badger11 said:

hi Marti,

            Poignant those contrasts of mind and body health. Those limits of what healthcare can achieve - excuse my ignorance on this, but the title also implies there is a time limit on what is provided in terms of care? That glimmer of light in recognising her nickname a connection that keeps alive hope? Or a final bitter irony. As the opening question asks - are lucid moments in the darkness enough?

It is the inner person we want back.

Heartfelt, knowing poem Marti.

Thank you for sharing


Thank you for reading and commenting.

Yes, there's a time limit but there are home care options after this.

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2 hours ago, tonyv said:

What painful questions to be forced to confront! 

I can only reflect briefly on such matters; to have to dwell on them could lead to despondency.

The irony of it all: they most likely can't. Take care on this journey, Marti.


Thank you for reading and the concern. Truly.

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