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The Pacific

The water flavors the wind
that sticks to my skin 
with its salty presence. 
Never still, never silent,
the tide trespasses
then recedes back to its depth
after soaking the sandy shore
leaving behind its cast offs.
My evening looks out
to the edge of the world
where the ocean falls
off the ledge and slowly 
takes the sun with it.
            ~~Judi Van Gorder 

April 20  a body of water

~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com


Lots of feeling and tangible imagery in this one. My favorites have to be


the tide trespasses



My evening looks out
to the edge of the world ...

The second one is of unbelievable quality. I love it!


Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic


Thank Tony,  I have lived where I could see the Pacific Ocean from my home, all but 1 year of my life.   The home I grew up in looked out onto the San Francisco Bay and I could look out beyond the Golden Gate from their living room window to the Pacific.   I did live 9 months, in 2 apartments (6 months downstairs, 3 months upstairs) a little inland and with no view of the ocean from the time I left home to work and  when I married and moved upstairs with my husband. (I met him in the parking lot of the apartment building the day after I moved in.)  Then we bought the home I live in now with a view of the Pacific's horizon through a dip in the trees from my front windows.  I am watching the sunset from my desk right now. It is subdued tonight.   I don't know if I could be happy living too far away from the mountains and the ocean.  They are part of me.


~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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