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New Year and Me[ Ballade]

Alemeye Gammo

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Alemeye Gammo
And, always after the summer, in an autumn
bidens macroptera blooms here and there
Cisticolas and allies come to excursion
I don’t know where they all where
children are gamboling, bees sucking a flower
everybody had passed the last year and it is obsoleted
melancholies, despair, failure, haggling, all were in the old year 
the future is unknown but hope is filled in us to change the world 

Everything is not new here, the night and the day were not alone
I were, the one, who had been with those taken by departure
nothing an additional to expect, I saw this night’s moon, today’s sun
generation is a continual process, I am now as a changeover
my Dad replaced me, I am his descendant, and I will bring the other
the earth, giving its seeds,the azure is to give the rain and has a cloud
I considered and counted my age,it is running on the fixed global nature
the future is unknown but hope is filled in us to change the world 

The next is another, I am the current epoch endeavor of a human
the old was as the new, it had many successes and gave to the future
kindness,love,compassion,all this tried to avoid an abomination
the hate, grievance, opposition, the virus of politics were created a war
destruction, death,famine, racial attacks, new pandemic and despair
all were the surplus of the old counted years, begun in the elapsed
you see the challenges; building was tough from damaging the matter
the future is unknown but hope is filled in us to change the world 

Yes I, I accepted myself, the period itself allowed me to reach hear
the cycle of time is as it was, as I experienced, it is still lasted
there for,it is better to keep me alive with my hope if I have an endeavor
the future is unknown but hope is filled in us to change the world 

Alemeye Gammo, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 
August 12, 2020
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Alemeye,  When you connect your poem to an old French form, I can't help myself from comparing the elements.  This is an interesting loosening of the meter and rhyme scheme for the Ballade.  Normally there are only 3 rhymes in the whole poem which is one reason why the form is so difficult to write in English.  The lines are usually either 8 syllables or 10 syllables each, whatever the choice the lines should be the same length.  The 3 octaves followed by a quatrain with the last line of each a refrain does fit the form.

I particularly liked the imagery of the last octave.  



~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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I like your writing style very much, Alemeye Gammo. This one has a detached feel I can appreciate, because I see myself as a bit detached. It has a hopefulness I can take seriously, because the poem is not over-the-top melodramatic.

I love the title. It's all good, but this line especially stands out:

On 8/18/2020 at 2:05 AM, Alemeye Gammo said:

... I am now as a changeover
my Dad replaced me, I am his descendant ..

Excellent work!


Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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