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She never turns up! (Ghazal)

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She never turns up!
gurunAthan ramaNi

(English Ghazal: iambic hexameter couplets)

The sun goes down, the sky is blue — she ne'er turns up;
The waves are red, even the air has hue — she ne'er turns up.

The crowd is thin, I spot a couple 'hind the boat
The boat and the net are decked with dew — she ne'er turns up. 

The lighthouse, lean and tall, its beacon yet to shine 
The ships are far between and few — she ne'er turns up. 

The broken moon is dim, the stars are yet to shine,
I walk in sand, without a clue — she ne'er turns up. 

The waves adorn the sandy shore with froth and blob 
The time is up and overdue — she ne'er turns up. 

The couple 'hind the boat at some distance stood up
And there she is! so that's the cue — she ne'er turns up. 



gurunAthan, Been there, done that. I'd be all set with that "relationship." I wouldn't let on that I know -- I'd play along for a bit -- and it would be, "Adios!" before she knew what hit her. Best of luck to her!


Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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