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Tinkering with Tinker's Poetic Forms: Couplet


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Tinkering with Tinker's Poetic Forms: Couplet
Eye catches!
gurunAthan ramaNi

(Alexandrine couplet: iambic hexameter)

The absent-minded boss || walks in the morning fog 
His hat in chain beside, and on his head his dog!

She danced on the hobbyhorse || in the temple annual fair
Amused that a chubby child, demand a seat on the mare!

The pearly drop of rain || suspended on a leaf
It caught within its walls the lofty mountain chief!


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Haha, Usually when people play with forms they drift toward the invented artificially tortured forms, not you..  

I love this!  You have taken a classic, the Alexandrine couplet,  which has been mostly overlooked by modern poets and given it a fresh new look with humor and unique imagery. Well executed, entertaining and a great example of why the study of classic form can influence good modern poetry.  Thank you and Bravo!


ps.  I will link this small piece to the article on the Alexandrine couplet. 


~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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The Alexandrine line is beyond my poetic comprehension and sensibilities. I can only tell you what this poem makes me feel:

  • I want someone to drop a nuclear bomb on that boss
  • I want someone to guillotine that chubby child, and
  • I want to topple that carousel's flying horses!!!

(Oh, and I'd also burn down the rainforests and send that lofty mountain chief back to his reservation.)

Am I angry? Yes, I'm angry ... and that's a good thing. The poem is working.


Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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