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Tinker's Poetic Forms: Tetrastich

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Tinker's Poetic Forms: Tetrastich
(gurunAthan ramaNi)

01. How do they know?
(iambic trimeter)

A raven and a dove
On my water tank above
When it starts to overflow
How do they even know?

02. Fishworm!
(trochaic tetrameter)

Slowly, sadly, drags the earthworm!
Put your finger tip it squirms
Daddy takes his fishing rod
makes it dangle, O my God!

03. Rainbow!
(iambic pentameter)

The gentle breeze, it makes the ants dizzy
My dad is on his phone, he's always busy!
The drizzle stopped, the sky is back in flame
The rainbow fades as quickly as it came!



What an amazing exercise creating small gems in variable meter.    I love the unique imagery.   "dizzy ants"  dangling earthworms   Very cool.



~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com


Many thanks, Tinker.



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