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Poetry Magnum Opus



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The uplift of a butterfly it's wings like the pages of a book of prayer. Does God leave clues to his gifts in the silence and spaces, the echoing of dreams.
Does the lord pray to natures cathedral in bonsai form, the robin and does this bird contain heavens acoustics to host miracles, does heaven contain earthly acoustics to host human miracles.

God and man both use innovation, the desert sphinx is a stethoscope for a deity monitoring his creations ability to cope with the expansion of altruism through a global pandemic.

Imperceptible movements of mountains through time delivering a hymn, across frozen waterfalls, rivers winter repeats the last movements of the mouth of the man on a cross. Through the seasons the creator whispers warnings about words being replaced by fire.

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  • 2 weeks later...
David W. Parsley

Hi Barry, I really like the fresh imagery in this one.  Highly original.  I found the diction and movement of the second stanza/paragraph a bit unwieldy, could use some crafting.

 - David

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