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Larsen M. Callirhoe

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Larsen M. Callirhoe

i have written 39 poems in a year's time. is that good? what do you all think?


3 a month is not a bad average and i have two poems in the works,



Larsen M. Callirhoe

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Hi Victor,


A pretty good record you have:


Larsen M. Callirhoe wrote:

i have written 39 poems in a year's time. is that good? what do you all think?




Does a particular theme inspire you or is it more varied? I'm impressed icon_biggrin.png 3 a month is excellent icon_smile.gif







Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.

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Victor my friend, I am glad to read this. Yes it is pretty good this quantity of your poetry. Too much even is not good.


Ok here is one of the experiences what I learned from the poets here what I know.

When I was the President of City Poetry Club in Kavadarci, I already had published one book of poetry. Even the publishing was much more earlier on my 16 years old. And I become President at 18 I think. So when I got some experience with poetry, I was somehow sorry bc I published that book. It was my start in those waters, but I should not do that. Because in that little book I put all of my poems what I wrote on my teenagers years. And I am never reading that book icon_smile.gif can you imagine my own book of poetry . I don't like it. Somebody says that it's good bc it was written when I was so young, but anyway it was not good enough for publishing, but then I had nobody to tell me that. I just met one guy in Struga , at Struga Poetry Evenings, he was a Secretary there, and he introduced me how good is to be a poet, and he was telling me that one day I can publish too. And after that I came back from there, and start to plan about publishing my poems in a book. And I did icon_smile.gif . And happened what happened. A lot's of people loved that poem bc it is so sad , but without poetry quality. I know that .

Once one other " poet " said to me, bc I was still so young ( happened after few years since publishing my book ) and he said: " Alek your book is wonderful and inside you have good poetry " icon_rolleyes.gif

But I answered to him: " I know how much is worth my poems there so I don't need some kindness by somebody else to tell me how " good " is my book, and I don't need that for satisfaction "

He was so surprised by my words and action, and he said : " you will be one day a good poet "

and then he told me the truth but the ages and that poetry is good.


So why I am telling all of this dear Victor?! Because after that I learned by famous poets and authors that for to publish a book with , let's say a hundred poem, you need a thousand left from which you will pick up a hundred... So I never was hurry to publish other book. I have ready material since few years ago, even the material got a award for the best not published book. and then I got a gold placard. When I learned that I won there the award was also they to publish your book. but I didn't accepted. The book it wasn't ready for my opinion. Even that " book " have reviewing by some poets and it stays like that ready for printing. But I don't want. And why? Because i need to have much more " quality poems " for to make a book. ANd always I think and I'm saying - Keep the quality and not keep the quantity. I learned that.

I never gave to the kids to hurry for publishing their poetry in a book when I was there a President. And when they was showing me a poems for to pick up which one should be read on some poetry manifestation, I was bringing back to them their poems and I was telling them, not to look who is gonna give me more poems, but to try to write as more is possible more quality poem, it's ok even they give me one by each, but to be GOOD. And other cases, one of the poets in my club gave me maybe 80 poems to check and to tell that the poems are good bc the that kid wanted to publish a book. I checked in a half hour. And I said that from there I can pick up just maybe 5 poems most what can stay in a book, even that poems needs a gooood reviewing. And the kid said: heyyy but I have written 80? So what?


All of us can write million poems, but will be all of those poems a real poems? No.


So I am sorry if I tool more time with different subject Vic, just I wanted to express by real happening what I think of the quantity of poems. Quality and quantity almost never goes together. So your number is wonderful


Thank you for reading Vic and also to you all who read me.



The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

History of Macedonia



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Larsen M. Callirhoe

hi goldenlangur: thanks for your response. mostly romance was the subject of about 75 percent of my poems.


hi aleks. thanks for the word of wisdom. you inspired me to think. maybe 10 of my poems are worth sticking in a book. i have 212 poems written now and i say 20 or 30 are good enough to stick in a book.


thanks for responding the way you did. i9 didn't want to imflate an ego over my head lol. anyway 3 a month is not bad for an ametuer.



Larsen M. Callirhoe

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Ah Victor don't keep like right the scale what I explored . I just was guessing how it should be in some cases. It's not some rule that percent a hundred from a thousand.


And of course it's not bad at all, your statistic of writing per month.

BW this is one other good and worth topic where we can share about our thoughts about this. It's in coo relation with golden's topic about writer's block.


Let's see how many poems we have written in the last month? a year? not how many published of course, but written at all. icon_smile.gif


Thanks Victor for this another wonderful topic.



The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

History of Macedonia



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Hi again victor,




Larsen M. Callirhoe wrote:

..... anyway 3 a month is not bad for an ametuer.





That one writes something at all is what I applaud and feel that perhaps keeping at it is perhaps one way out of a writer's block and despair.



So here's to many more from you icon_biggrin.png








Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.

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Hi Aleksandra,


Your discussion about "quality not quantity" is quite illuminating! Thank you for sharing your experience of the publishing aspect of writing - one of which I confess I have very little idea. What strikes one is how amazing that you began with the idea and experience of publishing quite young.


But I'm so glad that you've returned with these words:



aleksandra wrote:


Let's see how many poems we have written in the last month? a year? not how many published of course, but written at all.





To keep writing might well keep one's spirit going and one never knows there may be a pearl or two in amongst the large numbers one has written icon_wink.gif




Enjoying this flow of ideas and thoughts very much icon_biggrin.png







Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.

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Goldenlangur thank you for your wonderful words icon_smile.gif

Yes I started young, and even then I thought that I am a poet icon_rolleyes.gif because everyone was saying she is a poet. But later I learned that I was not a poet then icon_biggrin.png just I thought I was icon_razz.gif .


And yes I like that idea to check on our poetry. I will see and share with you here , about how many poems I wrote in a past months or year. icon_smile.gifI was something busy to do that. but soon I will for sure.


Have a nice day GL . Victor you too my friend.



The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

History of Macedonia



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