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Poetry Magnum Opus

The Machine


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The Machine


The Prophet asked me

"Do you hear the machine?"

and I do, I do. The ambient hum

the space between gears

of great ships bigger than stars


World Eaters, just behind those shadows

on a clear sunny day, or the mirror-verse

imitating perfectly except for the blemish

just there when you pay attention, thin

like Shakespeare's scrawl cataloging

future narratives, we can pick from-

a clothing rack in the Abrahamic

store of Betrayal, Madness

Judgment and Being-


A suit that cuts like a knife

disassembles to the core

a simile that relates past

reason or assemblage

the click, click


of moving parts

the objective reality of a gun

or the silent roar of radiation

and sun spots playing the crucial

hand in evolution's parlor


"Of course I hear The Machine"

I sat before the Throne

I have congress

with angels

and demons


"I declared I was human"

before the uncaring story

full of grace, killed by translation

and reborn an atheist

the truth reproducible


that the greatest act of faith

is to reject the parts

to see clearly

the whole.

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I hear as if a dialog between The Prophet and N. The ending stanza is great with wisdom. Is The Machine allegory of something?


Still pondering.



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DrC, even games could inspire you! This is a collage of a poem in terms of allusions and phrases. You are echoing the early Modern Poets. The only thing missing is foreign words :-)

"Words are not things, and yet they are not non-things either." - Ann Lauterbach

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This is my take- Organized religion has consistantly misrepresented god and faith; driven many away from belief and assisted in the developement of atheistic thought. That is it in my nut shell. I personally could not agree more.


I love this line:


"we can pick from-

a clothing rack in the Abrahamic

store of Betrayal, Madness

Judgment and Being-"


The last two verses really bring it home. Great work, one of my favorites!!





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Thanks All!


Yes Lake that is the question ;-) Allegory for/or ? Thanks for your insight! icon_biggrin.png


JJ- As a matter of fact, I have tried writing several poems based on board games, so far nathing that satisfies icon_eek.gif


Rumi- Indeed although depending on my mood I can read it as the opposite icon_cyclops.gif


Many Thanks to you all for engaging!


My deepest appreciation,


Dr. Con

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An effective continuum which demonstrates in no uncertain terms the efficiency of "The Machine." I love the image of ships bigger than stars and the "World Eaters."



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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