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To what am I called?


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To what am I called, other than complaisance:
3 weeks after February 24, 2022

Arrogant bluebonnets where there should be nothing;
crawfish mounds now brittle from the sun;
heavy air pushing the shrieks of the factory's whistle
close to the ground from which they cannot flee.

                            The revival church two lots over is silent.

A child's count-up to twenty for hide-n-seek;
a cardinal perched on the feeder, indifferent to seed.
The lawn's cut is an hour old but the neighbor's cat
Still finds her fancy, on her back, in the clover.

                            The revival church two lots over is silent.

Clemenza and his tomatoes are on pause;
The Dons, Cooley and Pleasance, are still on the shelf.
Gene and Donald may dance much later,
Unless the audio stream from Europe cannot be borne.

                            The revival church two lots over is silent;
                            Its steeple-cross casts no shadow.


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Yes, complaisance. I think I understand; I think I might be a people pleaser (to my own detriment, of course). We are -- I'm hesitant to say "stuck" -- in our lots in life.

We are where we are because we are what we are. I'm not so sure that's a bad thing, it's just a choice. Very nice work, Marti. 


Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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Thank you for reading.

Feb 24 was, of course, the start of the criminal Russian invasion of Ukraine. I had really just cut the lawn, so the first two non-italic stanzas actually happened.

Later that night, I watched The Godfather, hence the movie inferences. I do sometimes find European vids or radio online, and it's often difficult. The italics came into being as an "interlude" because the non-denom, evangelical church (2 lots over) is always silent - as silent as the SILENCE in the Orthodox Bishops NOT condemning Kiril or the Russian Orthodox Church.

Now in awe of your observation: "We are where we are because we are what we are."

Please, if you all can, donate to Ukraine charities. I found the UN World Food Program for Ukraine.

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Hi Marti,  Your poem is clear and moving.  The date put me right there and the mowed grass brought me home. 

In all honesty, I thought this tragedy would be over in a matter of days and have been inspired by and amazed at the tenacity of the Ukrainian people and bamboozled by the ineptness yet persistence of the Russian army.  Everyday I wake with a prayer of gratitude for my own peaceful environment.   And of course, once I saw it would go on with civilians targeted, I too sought out a charity to somehow help.  I feel helpless to do much but I chose Catholic Relief Services whom I've worked with in the past.  You need to keep writing.


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~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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19 hours ago, dr_con said:

Agreed, a remarkable work. Nice Marti

Thank you, dr_con, as always.

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15 hours ago, Tinker said:

Hi Marti,  Your poem is clear and moving.  The date put me right there and the mowed grass brought me home. 

In all honesty, I thought this tragedy would be over in a matter of days and have been inspired by and amazed at the tenacity of the Ukrainian people and bamboozled by the ineptness yet persistence of the Russian army.  Everyday I wake with a prayer of gratitude for my own peaceful environment.   And of course, once I saw it would go on with civilians targeted, I too sought out a charity to somehow help.  I feel helpless to do much but I chose Catholic Relief Services whom I've worked with in the past.  You need to keep writing.


"Helpless to do much".....but hopeful enough to do something. Thank you for donating AND for reading.


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  • 3 months later...
David W. Parsley

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men [and women] to do nothing."

~ Edmunde Burke

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