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That Door


The madness has come again

too fast


That Door needs to be opened

not with pillage

or thermonuclear blast


But gently

thievery's lock picks

a lover's hesitating knock


Time returns

back Home.


Wonderful expressed poem. Metaphorical and poignant. I love this one. The last lines hits.


Excellent poem Dr_con.



The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

History of Macedonia






This is the shortest form I've read from you. The pace of the poem and the occasional rhymes, I like. The first two verses sound like a storm, but in the next two, it quiets down. The ending is a home run.


Nicely done.




Hi DC,


You suggest so much and let the reader pick their way through the evocative images in your poem to arrive at their own musings.


I read it as letting things run their course, not trying to impose an order or system to achieve results.


This is brilliant:



dr_con wrote:


thievery's lock picks

a lover's hesitating knock










Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.


Hi DC, You hooked me with the opening line... its a grabber


The madness has come again

too fast


This was exciting and I wanted to see what was going to happen...


Then the narrator throws out a word of caution, as if he is attempting to slow himself down... not get too excited about the possibilities of ...


That Door needs to be opened

not with pillage

or thermonuclear blast


never unsure, warming himself but careful not to jump into the fire just yet


But gently

thievery's lock picks

a lover's hesitating knock


This had my heart rate up and I was expectant....


Then he thinks himself in control, safe...

Time returns

back Home.


and the safety disappointed me a little... I wanted to see what was on the other side of the door... You say so much in this short poem... This was an intriguing read.



~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com


Thanks all! I was reflecting on short forms- since there has been a recent run (again ;-) of brilliant short works, and thought I'd try a little simplicity to help wash down the spate of detailed pieces I've done;-)


Many Thanks!




I, too, enjoyed this compact work, Dr. Con, especially the opening hook. I like that you tried something different (in your case a short poem), and your willingness to venture into "uncharted waters" is inspiring.:) Mine are all short, however, I don't think I could compose a long one if I tried.:|



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic


I really enjoyed this excellent miniature. For me the message is two fold: 1) the door to this maddness in which we find ourselves should be opened with care yet we most often run quickly through it with little thought to the consequences. 2) All things come in their own time. We need not rush carelessly through the door to madness, it will come to us soon enough.


Great work, as usual,




Well, Doctor! --- Good to see you on top form again.



Drown your sorrows in drink, by all means, but the real sorrows can swim


See how a short form invites interpretation DR C, the space to interplay for reader and writer!




Ded, Badge- Many Thanks for the read!






dr_con wrote:


That Door


The madness has come again

too fast


That Door needs to be opened

not with pillage

or thermonuclear blast


But gently

thievery's lock picks

a lover's hesitating knock


Time returns

back Home.


Everyone has been complimentary enough. To even say I concur iwould be an injustice you do not deserve.


I could argue that "with" (in L4) seems the wrong preposition re "pillage" which is not a means like key, ram, hammer or, as you have, with "blast", nor a designation of reason, like intent, malice, and since the common use is "by ruthless violence (+pillage) or thermo- etc." would be simplercleare.


Another oddity, though possibly believable, is to use "a lock (thievery's?) to pick a ... knock". Methinks, you suggest to the reader a "knock" to be as good as any device to "pick a lock", meaning a way "to open a locked door". That last certainly would be a most novel image/metaphor.

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