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Poetry Magnum Opus



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Just a rhyme

or two real quick

thrown at the wall

See if it sticks.


If it’s done,

or so they say,

it sticks like red

to Georgia clay.


Doesn’t matter

if it makes sense;

for good or ill

no consequence.


Oh dear reader

best beware

Secrete meaning’s

hidden there.


If you search it

you may find

what is really

on my mind.


Fret and furrow

of the brow,

dig up the truth

with mental plow


Rhyme is descent;

rhythm fair;

but what else

is hidden there?


I could tell you

but that’s no fun.

Just let me know

when you are done.


One last verse

to say farewell

and let you know

I’ll never tell.

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Hi Rhymeguy, A riddle and you've got me stumped. You are right though the rhyme is descent and the rhythm is more than fair but whatever is hidden there remains a mystery to me. It doesn't have an acrostic message, nor does it give clues I can grasp in the imagery.. I do like the images of " red on Georgia clay" and "mental plow" which lead me to believe we are meant to dig a little deeper. Hmmmmmmm.



~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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I, too, especially like the images Tinker mentioned. Always it seems there's something sinister below the surface of your rhymes, Rhymeguy. Carefully timed mentions of secret meanings and farewell arouse suspiscion. What is really on your mind??? Do tell!


Tony icon_smile.gif

Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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Larsen M. Callirhoe

love the rhythm in the poem, it flows and is well organized.


larsen aka victor

Larsen M. Callirhoe

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You do rhyme well, rhymeguy. And the rhyme seems it comes so easy to you not as what you said in the poem "fret and furrow", "mental plow". You've done well. I read it as a defense of using rhyme in poetry, is it? What triggered it?


I like the flow of the language here.





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