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Poetry Magnum Opus

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I felt the sugar on your lip,

Not the venom in your heart,

At last struck me like a dart

My heart you managed to rip.


I’m numb, a little meek,

Not passive as you feel.

I just want to heal,

Payback I do not seek.


Your sedition came out of the blue,

Willy veiled in my dearest faith,

Forced me see my own wraith,

I just wish I knew; you were never true.


I tried to cushion the blow,

Blamed me for your perfidy.

That was my tragedy,

I hope my pain you will never know.


I'm sorry to be the one to have to tell you this, but there's no way out of this predicament. You hope that he will never know this pain? Not even close to the truth! You want/need him to feel the pain you feel. Rx: Drink a thousand bottles of wine to numb it, but it never goes completely away.

Welcome to the forum, Ronark. I'm excited that you've joined.

Tony 🌻

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Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic


Hi Tony. Thank you for your kind words. I know what you mean and forgiveness is hard. Easier to strike back. But I just wanted to move on, so I started with my body language, for me, it's the words I write.

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