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Poetry Magnum Opus

Thoughts on Nature - Critique very much appreciated


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What I Saw Today



Blue sky

Hazy air

Square farms

Roads here, there


To left:

Gray rocks

Scary cracks

Large cliff!

Just relax…


To right:

Gray lines

Tall green tree


My fam - ily



Dirt trail

Many roots

Dark cave

Prints from shoes


All around:


Humbling sights

Things that

Words can’t describe

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Some others:

Things That Stood Out


Rough rocks

Small caves

Green farm

High ways

Plant stalks

Weedy yard

tight roads

funny folks

fat toads



Some free-ish verse:


Before me is a fatal


in front of this ROCK

i sit c a l m y atop

Far away from all the

highways     cars     smoke      trash

I could hike this trail for days

     but... Would I?

i'll go see my family now... i miss their laugh 🙂




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