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Poetry Magnum Opus



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The caravan of stars
Ran with the magi, prophecy
Of a special child realised.
An unborn child uses
Angels as a compass
To navigate two forms
And absorb a planet's mass.
Winds are like question
Marks as they
Blow against the virgin
Mother, does she dream
About heaven's funeral
And resurrection.
A son who will be
On both sides of the door
At the same time between
Heaven and earth.
Did the holy spirit
Talk or sing- its choir
Of reflections assembled
Vision of a future king
Who would invite heaven's
Pens to write the secret
Of how to ignite its celestial
A father holds the Christ child,
mothers face launches the hunt
that would haunt artists. 
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Hello Incantation,  Some lovely imagery here and thought provoking ones also.  I love " both sides of a door".  This has me quandering, 

does she dream
About heaven's funeral
And resurrection."

 I'm also wondering if this was inspired by a particular painting or writing.  That is kind of how it comes across to me, like a poetic interpretation of an existing piece of art.    If so. I'd love to see it.  It is pretty easy to add an image here, just follow the attachement instructions at the bottom of an open "edit" or "post reply" note at the bottom.  

Otherwise, it seems an 😇 early prep for the Christmas season. Although on this warm California day, I am reminded that the nativity occurred in a Middle Eastern Country where heat is the norm year round.  So the weather here is probably closer to that of the weather at the time of actual event than in the frigid cold of a North American winter when our thoughts are more focused on the birth of Christ simply because of tradition.   Thanks for the reminder.



~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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David W. Parsley

Hi Barry, I temporarily forgot this is your new moniker.  It only took a few lines for me to "get it" again!  I am getting accustomed to the spelling, punctuation, and mixed tense choices as deliberate ambiguities, rendered more engageable by checking before posting.  Thanks!!

The movement of symbol and theology is crisp and imaginative, insightful.  I think it would move with even greater originality and power by removing the third line (and the end of the second.)  The choice to not capitalize "Holy Spirit" not only gives the reader pause to consider the narrator's ambivalence toward Divinity, but also casts uncertainty on "father" in the second-to-last line.  All of it encourages your partner in the poem (the reader) to evaluate their own beliefs and experiences.

- David

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