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Poetry Magnum Opus

On Morning Fog and an Appointment

Terry A

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Pallid, sallow sheets hang

motionless nothing relieving monochrome

In breaching white

even ghosts have no shape

to lingering eyes


When miserable things

those last claims of love

litter but don’t bother

anything real

Snow patches rocky ground

winter’s coat accompanies

waiting boots by door


for weather telling

The impasse cannot last.


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It kills me, all of it, but this:

1 minute ago, Terry A said:

The impasse cannot last.

Not "this" impasse, but "the" impasse hits hard and makes it real.

Thank you for this.


Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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On 1/28/2023 at 10:16 PM, Terry A said:


Pallid, sallow sheets hang

motionless nothing relieves


In breaching white

even ghosts have no shape

to linger eyes


When miserable things

those last claims of love

litter but don’t bother

anything real

Snow patches rocky ground

winter’s coat accompanies

waiting boots by door

            Wait and watch

for weather tells

The impasse cannot last.


Enjoyed. Especially the end. The -ing can be an addictive chime for the writer, for transitions, so just offering options above.

Welcome to the forum





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Hi Terry,  So glad you are here and posting.   Loved this piece and the title was my first draw.  I can so relate living on the Pacific Coast.  Often morning fog here is light and misty and welcoming.  But then there are mornings that are socked in. Wrapping me in a cocoon and daring me to creep out into its density. 

motionless nothing relieving monochrome
In breaching white
even ghosts have no shape
to lingering eyes"

This imagery is so telling. I really enjoyed reading this poem and look forward to moving forward to the next.


PS   Technical Note: you can tighten the appearance of your lines merely by holding down the shift key and hitting return or enter.  

~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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Thank you for all your comments. And oh my, you are one perceptive lady.....I was wondering how to correct the line spaces as I did not intend the spread-out that happened when I copied and pasted.  

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