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Poetry Magnum Opus


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Are the falcons dreams
Numbered, the
Falconer counts
His flights and tears
For a missing bird.
Prayer by proxy
On wings and flight
Between moons.
Fire in middle
Of two mirrors translating
Light to illuminate
Tattooed winds for
Young eyes, narrating
Dreams of sleeping flames.
Painted faces on
A ceiling without names.
Whispering echoes
Of history. Tradition as
Remote as words
On lightning.
A falcon hovers
Between two watchtowers,
A father counts dreams until
His final flight, son is
Absorbed by technology's

'tears for a missing bird' The first five lines, prescient to the entire poem. 'two mirrors translating' 'between two watchtowers'  The poem reads as though moving between the conscious mind and subconscious, a surrealistic impression weaving through the falconer, the falcon (taken by some to represent the spirit world and higher self) and yet putting forth some juxtaposition between the father and son.

I don't know if it succeeds fully with the technology aspect, because we think of technology as lifeless, and nothing in the poem is;  but since a Sentient AI is considered possible by some, that changes everything, (but perhaps goes further than the poem meant). And electricity is alive, no matter where.

I find the poem difficult, and not well suited to paraphrase, and no really good poem is.  Aspects of surrealism with enough elements to give a reality to its meaning,, though indeterminate to the reader. And in measured ways, indetermination stretches us to understand things far more than the literal ever does and to partake of the poem as consciousness expanding; at least, by making it necessary in order to even try to understand the poem. 

One thing I can say, your poems cannot be understood by any method involving autopsy.


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