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Poetry Magnum Opus

Trust me I don't know what I'm doing

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Hand me a tool and I will learn how to employ it.

Put me in any vehicle, it will be an easy operation.

Tell me to watch the house while you're away and it will be cleaner upon return.


Entrust me with a heart and


I am incapable of function. 

How do you

Take care of something so

Intimate and dear?

I can't wash it...

It never forgets an offense. 

I can't set it aside...

It never forgets an impression. Wait!

What if I held it but nothing more?!



I am struck by the lack of activity in my hands. 

Its not in shards

Like I tried to avoid...

It hasn't been charred

Under my careful watch....

Why isn't it beating?


Entrust me with a heart.

I'm going in blind.


Whoah, Welcome Sweet Nuggz,   What a dynamic introduction.  I am looking forward to reading more of you work~


ps: For future, if you want to tighten your work, hold the shift key as you hit return and this

Entrust me with a heart           

I'm going in blind.         

becomes  this

Entrust me with a heart
I'm going in blind.

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~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com


Thanks for the kind words Tink!! I wrote it up on my pphone so I'll have to play around with spacing

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David W. Parsley

A charming introduction.  Welcome to the forum, SweetNuggz!

 - David

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