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Storming the Citadel

Our forces stormed the citadel
determined to slay and conquer.
To prove ourselves strong and worthy,
proudly displaying battle scars.
The siege was mere playtime for some,
but for me, a right of passage.
I climbed, clinging with fingertips,
willing my young body upward.
At the pinnacle of the quest
I joyfully breathed in success.
Nevermore would I fear to climb.
                    ~~~Judi Van Gorder

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~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com


I was never one for climbing Judi, and I'm generally risk adverse, but your poem translates the ambition and resonates with success. Childhood defines so much for later life. Loved the back story and context of now.



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Thanks Phil,  I was willing to take on any physical challenge to prove myself when I was a kid. We are talking 40s-early 50s when girls were expected to play with dolls and learn to embroider.  I did those things but was unwilling to be limited by them.  Boys had so much more freedom to explore and get into trouble and there was that part of me that envied that freedom and was determined to claim it for myself.  I think I was 9 or 10 when I finally scaled the Citadel.    I have another poem about rock climbing at a different place in my teens, Arlington Park

This was a WDC forum challenge, to just write about a memory from childhood for 15 to 20 minutes and then condense it into a Prose Poem, then create a poem in lines.   I've done this before many times, but the end result of this one pleased me.  I considered just posting the poem but thought seeing the process might benefit somebody.  So I included the rest of the challenge in hidden notes.  


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~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com


No rhyme scheme, but with every line eight syllables, it flowed smoothly. Nicely done.

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