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Pablo Neruda - Soneto LXV

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Soneto LXV

...............( Cien sonetos de amor )


Matilde, dónde estás? Noté, hacia abajo,

entre corbata y corazón, arriba,

cierta melancolía intercostal:

era que tú de pronto eras ausente.


Me hizo falta la luz de tu energía

y miré devorando la esperanza,

miré el vacío que es sin ti una casa,

no quedan sino trágicas ventanas.


De puro taciturno el techo escucha

caer antiguas lluvias deshojadas,

plumas, lo que la noche aprisionó:


y así te espero como casa sola

y volverás a verme y habitarme.

De otro modo me duelen las ventanas.



Pablo Neruda

The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

History of Macedonia




Hi Aleksandra,


The idea of a World Poetry Forum in which we post works in languages other than English is a splendid one icon_biggrin.png


Here in this poem, although I cannot read word for word, yet the beautiful, soulful cadence and lilt of the language comes through for me.


Thank you for a moving read.






Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.


I am glad you like this idea for this forum goldenlangur. And yes the poem is wonderful but I forgot to post here translation too.


I will do that.


BW I love this language and poems of Neruda , I love to read in Spanish ( not that I am so good in Spanish, just I enjoy to read it icon_razz.gif )


Thank you for reading GL



The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

History of Macedonia



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