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Hello MOers in the USA,


Obama's victory caused a huge ripple around the globe. Would you mind sharing how it feels for you? What does this mean and what do you envisage for America during his term of office?






Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.

Larsen M. Callirhoe

hi goldenlangur, everyone,


i think he will do a good job in office if he doesn't get assinated by a white supremist group. blacks are dancing in the street because they think they will get more money from the government that being wellfare because many are lazy. you have to remember obama was raised by his white grandma so he thinks like a white person. many blacks even though they voted for him don't consider him a complete african american because he is mixed.. if obama dies in office i don't want the liberal joe biden to run the country. i honestly think he will do a good job. he is cool calm, and collective in his composure senator mcain wasn't. sarah palin scared people because she is a conservative christian. most americans thought sarah palin was dumb. i thought she was smart. right now it would be unwise for her to run in office for he 2012 prsedential election because she will lose to obama who will win again no mater how he does in office.


blacks in america are very prejudice esecially the ones who come from slave families. they think all whites enslaved them. im a white jew and my family didn't come to america until 60 years after the slavery ended. black people think they are jewish here in america. the white people by 2042 will be a minorty to the black eoople in america and their is only like 20 million more whites then blacks in america right now. blacks have false pride and think every one is against them,


i won't get into politics but soon america will be as black as most of africa is. they populate faster then the chinese do.


i voted for ralph nadar a independent canidate. i wasted my vote because a former independent said both the democrats and republican parties worked against him just because of his party instead of solving state problems. after he next 8 years will see in america how left winged the democrats are. they control a majority in both the usa senate and congress. the republicans are too right-winged though.


in eight years america will go republican instead of democrat for president. if obama was reuplican and not a democrat he still would have won.


the only two things i disagree on with obama is off-shore drilling in the usa. he oppses it. the other is that he has to much pride in being black like a god complex. i think bush did good until he didn't resolve the iraq and afghanastan conflicts. also he should have managed the economics of the usa better.



Larsen M. Callirhoe


What a wonderfully detailed response vic!


You've given us on the other side of the world, an idea of the wide spectrum of issues, sensibilities and opinions of the myriad of ethnic groups in the US.


I find your response quite fascinating and informative.



Thank you,






Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.

Larsen M. Callirhoe

hi goldrnlangur,


i was just trying to give a accurate picture of the tensions in america. i feel if america has obama assisanted blacks will riot because they are not as civilized as their counterparts in africa who are very loving people from the blacks i met who families where not slaves here in the usa. the blacks who came from slave familes of the 1800's and 1900's are very racist and they will not admit it. i will get back to this later. im not prejudice and wish obama well but i think the democrat and republican partues in the usa dropped the ball.



Larsen M. Callirhoe


Thank you vic for your honesty.


You're right - European ancestry, African roots and its history of slavery - America is such a mix of races, histories and aspirations.


Obama said in his victory speech that his election as President symbolizes what is possible in America.


So with the painful history, anger and racial tension there is also some sense of having crossed a certain threshold to a new phase in your country's history?


Most fascinating and how good of you to share your perspective.







Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.


Ouch Victor, I was surprised by your response. I think you were being a little harsh on the American voters. I see things here very differently. Yes there are always fringe groups but this election was not about them or race. This election was very exciting because apathy was erased from the American political arena. So cool.


Barrack Obama was elected by the people for a multitude of reasons, each as individual as the voters themselves. Certainly there were black voters who voted simply because he is black, but there were also white voters who voted against him simply because he was black. I will not deny there have been racial differences in this country but I believe Obama transcends racial lines. I personally think he was elected primarily because he represents change and he gives many hope for a better America.


As a side note: The slavery issue really has nothing to do with Obama, he is not the descendant of slaves. But I thought it interesting that you mention the disconnect from slavery because your ancestors immigrated here after slavery was abolished. I come from ancestors who did own slaves. My great great great great grandfather (I think I have the right number of greats) was Dr. Rueben Lewis, brother of Meriweather Lewis of the Lewis and Clark Expedition and governor of Louisianna Territory. They were friends of Thomas Jefferson and grew up on the neighboring plantation, Lotus Hill. I read of one document that showed the purchase for Lotus Hill of 120 slaves. This is history, a part of which I am proud and another part of which I believe terrible. But I can't change what was. We are who we are partly because of our environment and partly from genetics. But I am pretty sure there isn't a slave owner gene that was passed down so I feel no guilt for what a long ago ancestor did or did not do. icon_wink.gif



~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

Larsen M. Callirhoe

hey tinker,


i don't know why you are shocked at my comments tinker i spoke the truth. i live in cincinnati ohio and twice they rioted here because black people were dealt with harshly because they were caught on tape the police and the suspects and they were high as kites so the ppolice who were mostly white used excessive force on two individuals and the black suspects died. what did the blacks do the ones that were uneducated and uncivilrized started riots twice in cincinnati on two seperate occassions. my mom feared for my life. the cops were white and both black suspects had prior records.


my statement only spoke of what others feel barrack and bush will do and did. my dad retired two weeks ago and meet with the retirees of were he used to work for breakfast or lunch. one of the oldtimers says he works parttime as a county bus driver. a black teenager was unruly on his bus two days ago and stood up and the bus driver told him to please sit down for your safety and the black boy said no barrack obama is president now i don't have to do as you say. i grew up in south florida and several cities were predominantly black and they had much higher crime rates then predominantly white cities. i knew allot of young white males who did drugs and stole but no one condemned them or pressed charges against them all but two of my friends who stole cars and such. they were heavt into drugs what im getting at is black ones from slave families a majority of them don't want to work for a living they want a silver spoon in their mouth handed to them, education is the problem and solution. blacks roited in miami a few times also for reasons i forget. when white people get arreated by blacks or do things that are illegal like examples david koresch whites didn't riot because of what the government accused them of.no one rioted though the government clearly went against constitutional righs of kresh and his so called followers.


i know barracks father was not from a slave family, i don't know if barrack's mother's family were slave owners or not. i deal with lower educated black people daily as my care because i am a paralyzed person from the nipples down and i live in a black community nursing home. i get treated like garbage almost daily by blacks. i complain but the management is white and they listen and belief their workers first. i will get back on this later in my post they treat everyone like shit no matter even if they're the same race. education is the key to racial equality. tinker i said nothing that is not true in my statement. i looked at the whole spectrum before i commented on the forum.


i have had a very educated life. i have been to medical school and college. and i think back on it because i never graduated because i broke my neck in a car wreck. while i feel i could have graduated with a mahor in pharmacy and minor in child pyscholgy i don't think it matters anymore.


i have read so much that im burnt out. ith because if my inhury and from stydy to hard. my mind forgets stuff to easily now.


i have never had black friends and the few I associated with picked on me in my childhood,


im telling you to pray barrack doesn't get assinated in america or we might have a race war. white presidents were assinated and no one rioted. what if those thugs who a month or two ago had assinated barrack we would have blacks crying bloody murder and they probably would have ruited.


hopefully i pray barrack will get the usa out of the two wars and stablize the economy. right now the european union has grown stronger because of the usa's economic problems. russia is just now recovering from dealing with religioust fanatics in afghastan 30 years ago. america is dealing with the same roblems in iraq.


the bible does state that bagdad will ve destroyed by god. i wait to see if this happen. this country cannot stay united and god despises a country that can't stay united.


i will say more later.


and to thje blacks that read this now that barrack is presudent i pray ge has godly insight to be a leader of the world. im not prejudice/




sorry for the typos/

Larsen M. Callirhoe


Hi Tink and vic,


Thank you for this passionate exchange of perspectives.


Tink -Erasing 'political apathy' and transcending 'racial lines' are indeed admirable markers of your country's democracy. The voter turnout numbers certainly were remarkable, we read in the papers here and saw on TV.

Political commentator here echo your view, Tink:


I personally think he was elected primarily because he represents change and he gives many hope for a better America.


What a rich personal history you have Tink! I've read a little about Jefferson and find him most fascinating.


There's certainly something to be said for your robust take on of history and inheritance.


This is history, a part of which I am proud and another part of which I believe terrible. But I can't change what was. We are who we are partly because of our environment and partly from genetics. But I am pretty sure there isn't a slave owner gene that was passed down so I feel no guilt for what a long ago ancestor did or did not do.


vic - Your point about Black youths who use Obama's name to vindicate their anti-social behaviour reminds me of instances in our recent history, when local officials in the 'federal states' (to borrow your administrative division) in order to line their pocket and flex their own power, harassed youths and local people, by imposing all kinds of fines on us on a range of 'law and order' issues which had nothing to do with the King and his policies. It certainly created tension and dissatisfaction in the local valleys.


How Obama's administration channels the expectations of all the ethnic groups will be crucial?


Both yours and Tink's points remind me of what Nabokov said about America - that heady mix of possibilities and a sullen past history.



Thank you both very much for sharing your experiences of an election that has had us agog.







Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.

Larsen M. Callirhoe

thanks golden and tinker,


i want to add that im not racist. i sincerely hope obama does better than bush to show people what an education does for ypou. both avama and bush went to harvard if i am correct. well i know barrack went to harvard law school because he met his wife michelle there. i know if bush didn't go to harvad than he went to yale but i think he went to harvard.


i pray no white supremist groups assinate him or we could have a race war. barrack has socialistic views tin uf that is what you mean by change. i believe we should drill for oil now off the coast of the usa. barrack oposes this for now. barracks plans have been used before and they failed. past adminstarations used failed olicies that obama believes will suceede.


you can't tell me blacks are not prejudice. 95 percent of blacks voted for barrack.barrack will win the 2012 election unless he doesn't straiten upp the economic greed bull crap of every america corporation asking for bailouts because they had quarterly loses for one 3 month quarter.


barrack has a mess to fix.


while i voted for bush it was under his watch that we had all hese economic issues. plus i feel maybe we should of ended the wars.


i strongly agree with barrack on the issues of withdrawing from iraq and agghanstan and finally freeing or trying the qyabtanomo risoners. bush still hs time to act on this. but im afraid he wont.


my first choice for president was hucjabee than independant canidate ralp nadar. hucjabee was a republican.


the voters voted 53 percent to 47 percent for obama. that is only a 6 percent difference.


enough said for now.


i hope obama does well.



Larsen M. Callirhoe


Hello vic,


Both you and Tink have been brilliant icon_smile.gif I've enjoyed your exchange very much and I wish your country the very best under a new president.






Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.


Hi Victor, We come from different parts of the country with different personal experiences. My son is a deputy sheriff and has shared some of his experiences so I am not ignorant of the criminal elements that plague our country, whites, blacks, hispanic and asian all contribute. You and I shared truth as we see it.


I am normally conservative in my political convictions. A rare thing here in California, a registered republican. But I wasn't a Bush supporter, I too voted for Nader in the last election. This election I voted for Obama, I read his book the Audacity of Hope long before he declared his candidacy and have been a fan of his ever since. I have great hope for the future.



~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com


Hi gl, Well with only 2 of us responding to your question, I think you can see that there is diversity here in the US. I am pretty certain that if others responded they would have entirely different responses. This is a big country with every culture infused somewhere here. Big cities, rural communities, all races, all religions, we walk together and sometimes we clash but we work through it. Thank you for being interested.


Yes my family tree is interesting, explorers and pioneers. But I think most Americans have some similar stories if they search back. Although I have to admit when you have a famous historical figure in your ancestory, it is easier to do the seeking.



~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com


Hi Tink,


This presidential election in the US has been followed with much interest here - more so than any other election. So I wondered how people in the US actually feel and react. As you say, your country is immensely diverse and this is what makes it fascinating.


Would tracing an ancestral line involve oral oral traditions as well as land documents and perhaps census records?


Thank you for getting back.







Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.

Larsen M. Callirhoe

hello gl and tink,


everything being said, i hope obama frees the captures held in guantamo base in cuba and also resolves and ends the iraq and afghanastan conflict. america's resources can't handle these conflicts economically anymore. i believe obama will solve those crisises. as for the economic mess bush admistration is leavin obama with i don't know if it can be fixed easily. we don't know the longterm repercussions of this yet. it might take 20 years to fix the fincial rutt that bush made even if it is not his fault it hapened under his watch.


i voted for bush in 2000 election. i didn't vote for president in 2004 election. i voted for ralph nadar in the 2009 election. i hought bush was doing the right things in afghanastan and iraq until these conflict seem to be never ending. in the christian bible ut says god will eventually destroy iraq forever. that shows you how unruly these people really are. it makes you also wonder if the bible is true. is god really like that.


obama has his hands full with the economic mess bush is leaving his new adminstration with.



Larsen M. Callirhoe


Hi vic,


The economic mess in America is also reflected elsewhere in our part of the world - this summer the price of food grains, oil and other commodities spiraled out of reach for many people and the rains this monsoon, the floods mean less harvest and more price hikes. So we too face an economic crisis.

So perhaps what Bush failed to do in America is not isolated - the disappointment with his administration for this part of the globe was his reluctance to engage with other nations, without him invoking the 'war on terror' chant - which often sounded like 'you and us' - the US and the rest of the world.


Obama certainly will need to undo some of this diplomatic damage to the US's reputation and of course the economic crisis will also be a major challenge.


When Obama visited Europe and the Middle East in the course of his election campaign he came across as an American (Black or White didn't seem to emerge as an issue) - a new voice but American for us. Does this make any sense?



Thank you for returning with more thoughts - I've learned much and enjoyed these exchanges with you and Tink icon_smile.gif







Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.

Larsen M. Callirhoe

hi everyone,


yes you make sense gl. see america could have easily made sure at least food prices didn't inflate. america's greatest assest is there fertile land to grow crops. we pay armers subides to not grow their full growth potentail to regulate food prices. if we didn't we could feed africa an china with our food resources. just like joseph jacob's son mentioned in the book of genesis in the christian bible warned egypt that there would be a famine and they became wealthy by collecting precious metals like gold and silver for food. america should do the same grow food and collect diamonds and gold and silver. maybe america should trade food for gas and oil to the muslim nations to pay for oil because soon america's money may become worthless in the money market because of inflation just like germany's money during ww2.


the whole world is seeing how really unpractical the stock market exchanges of the world really are. it may not be vush' fault about the economic's of the world but his adminstration watches for such things and they failed to protect america's assests and the world's also. the euro in europe has become more stable now. soon it will be sought after highly and countries will reject america;s dollars.


i hope i informed gl of how america is looked at by conservative view points since that is my view point spectrum.


thanks for the intriguing stinuli. i tried to stay away from olitics and pushing a certain arties agenda. i thought that would be bad taste and not wanted on the forum.


usually i would avoid politics on a poetry forum because poets have an obligation to soceity because we are the brightest soiety has to iffer because of our cleverness and creativity.


gl i have the spiritual gifts of a seer. i really didn't mention to much about what god instills what the crisises that concern him. he wants peace on earth.


i think bush got america into mess by starting a war in iraq and a conflict in adghanastan. america was terriorized by bin laden someone who was educated by the usa's government. he knows are politicians don't care about the islamic people. america is about greed and is a throw away society.


america used to have shops that fixed radios and tv's etc... now they have become a relic of the past because it is cheaper to but a new product then buy a part and fix a consumer product.


well gl i filled you in on americ'a issues.



Larsen M. Callirhoe


A big thank you vic for taking the trouble to post your thoughts on the issues of importance for you in the election and your hopes and fears for the future.


You've given an outsider a vivid and detailed account of the political scenario and I appreciate your honesty in addressing the painful and troublesome issues of race, religion and the present economic mess.


I too hope that both America and we in Asia and indeed the rest of the world, come through this crisis and perhaps not repeat the mistakes we've all made in handling the issues.



GOOD LUCK for the future and thank you so much.







Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.


Goldenlangur, Victor, Tinker hi. I was reading here what you all were writing and that proves the reality how much dust makes in back, America in any field.

The crises is felt everywhere even in the countries like us, where our government says like an answer: that is because of the world wide crises. But I don't agree much about that. There is always a joker in a pocket - where every clever and worth government, should feel the crises earlier, and they must protect the population from disaster. I am talking about great prices for food. They must act on time and make sure that their people would be set, with the most important products, like a wheat, oil, sugar etc. For example even before this popular crises, here for a few months, we had an astronomic price for oil. More than in countries what are already a members in EU, - imagine 2 EUR for 1 l. and on a living standard - 0 . And all different products, and we lived an inflation. But the economic crises now are huge and I don't think that now will be changed much or fast.

Obama is brand new like a person, but like a politician, who should make something different, something better, I don't think that he would make a new brand of politics.

That world politics, American politic, took a way and works like a huge machinery. Imagine like a machine full with gas for what is paid too much and the gas should keep the machine in a life for many years. So now, who gonna pay that much a treasure again to change the gas, with new one, when already machine have more... So we like a human beings, we can only keep our hope, and we should pray for one day... maybe for the next generations, to see some better shiny day. I am 26 years old, and I can't even imagine or organize my future. How?... So thats why I am saying the next generations maybe would make it better.


And like Victor said, we are different souls, who have another dimension in our hearts. We should keep our voice up, and maybe one day we are going to rule this world icon_smile.gif


Thanks people it was fun and worth to read you.



The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

History of Macedonia




Hello Aleksandra,


Thank you for giving us another angle to this topic - the situation in Europe and the perspective from there. The idea of a two-tiered Euro does not augur well for stability in the region, especially with Russia flexing its fuel and nuclear muscles every now and then!

Yes, indeed it is a bit depressing that a change for America might not necessarily bring better times for the rest of the world.

I don't want to fuel any negative vibes but it was the Green Movement in Europe which forced farmers in India, Indonesia etc to grow 'bio-fuel' crops and now we find that food crops have been edged out and so the crisis is deepened.


So much to sort out and how saddening that you feel you have no control over your future - a bitter reckoning here.


You've given us much to think about. I hope the 'next generation' will inherit a better future, come their time.







Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.

Larsen M. Callirhoe

yes food commodities and oil inflation is going to destroy the current money market. we need to act fast or wars will break out over food and oil. o just hope their will be a world worth livin in for my nephews jonah and mason and aleks niece verica and nephew mite jr. all 4 are adorebale children. wow that much for gas aleks. holy crap. gas prices here are dwindling because of the curent money crisis. everyone is losing money. my dad had a stock optopns that was worth 110,000 usa dollars. now it is worth 55,000 usa dollars because of the stock market crash. talk more later about this perhaps. yes gl i hope our next generation has a roof over their heads.



Larsen M. Callirhoe

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