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  1. Explore the Craft of Writing Poetry Invented Forms Pathways for the Poet by Viola Berg (1977) is a book for and by educators. Classic poetic forms as well as many invented forms which appear to have been invented as teaching tools or exercises for use in workshops or classrooms are included. Some of these invented forms I have found in use in internet poetry communities, a testament to their staying power. On this page I include the metric invented forms found there in which appear to be exclusive to the community of educators from whom Ms. Berg drew her support. I have yet to find these in any other source. I have included the syllabic invented forms on a separate page. Whether classroom exercise or sharpening your skill as a writer, some of these forms can be fun to play with. Amaranth is an invented verse form that was probably created as a teaching tool by Viola Gardner. It makes deliberate use of the 9 most common metric feet. Each line is one metric foot, the pattern changing from line to line. The elements of the Amaranth are: 9 line strophe. It is a stand-alone poem. metric, the 9 most common metric feet are used in sequence. L1 Spondee SS L2 Iamb uS L3 Pyrrhic uu L4 Dactyl Suu L5 Trochee Su L6 Amphimacer SuS L7 Choriamb SuuS L8 Anapest uuS L9 Amphibrach uSu rhymed at the discretion of the poet, although the metric restrictions are probably enough to contend with in this verse form. On the Cross by Judi Van Gorder Behold! I am without sinfulness. Blameless, innocent guileless, bereft pleasing God forever. Amphion, another 20th-century American verse form invented as a teaching tool. It alternates tetrameter lines with dimeter lines, created by Viola Berg. The elements of the Amphion are: a 10 line poem. metered, tetrameter lines alternate with sets of rhymed dimeter couplets. Rhymed, rhyme scheme abbaccdeed. Super Bowl Sunday by Judi Van Gorder A day of football at its end, the bowls of chips and gooey dips. Emotions now are on the mend the ups and downs the fan base clowns. The black and gold have got the win, the players crow, the losers go their loss is carried on the chin. Analogue is a metered invented form that is limited to 3 rhymes. Its source is Rena Ferguson Parks a 20th-century poet and educator. The elements of the Analogue are: a 9 line poem. metric, all lines are iambic pentameter. rhymed, rhyme scheme abbaabbcc. Growing Up by Judi Van Gorder Reflecting on my youth in circumstance, my younger days I'd wander here and there without a thought of what and why, or where. My passions were to laugh and sing and dance. Of course, I knew I needed to advance but many of life's dramas I will share, I mostly worried over what I'd wear. Eventually, I opened mind and heart, to look beyond myself and find my part. Arabesque created by Lucille Evans features head rhyme (rhyme at the beginning of the line) in couplets. The end words rise and fall.The elements of the Arabesque are: stanzaic, written in any number of couplets. metric in pattern but no line length is required. The beginning metric foot of each line is a trochee Su, subsequent feet at the discretion of the poet until the end foot of each line which are alternately trochee (falling or feminine) and iamb (rising or strong). Lines should be of equal length. rhymed, head rhyming couplets (rhyme at the beginning of the line). Sample by Judi Van Gorder Aching with a need to be sleeping, making my fingers continue to type. Writing a poem to be an example, fighting fatigue, can't help but gripe. Arkaham Ballad can be identified by the last line of each stanza being repeated as the first three metric feet of the next stanza. One more invented stanza form appears to be a teaching tool created by Queena Davidson Miller. It is not really a ballad but is suited to relate current events and news articles. The elements of the Arkaham Ballad are: stanzaic, written in any number of cinquains. accentual syllabic, iambic, L1, L3, L4 tetrameter and L2 and L5 trimeter. rhymed, rhyme scheme xabba xcddc xeffe etc. x being unrhymed. composed with L5 repeated as the 1st three metric feet of L1 of the next stanza. suited to current events and the news. Police Shooting by Judi Van Gorder They say an unarmed man was shot by cops who've run-a-muck. A family man who cut some hair and shaved a face or two. A pair of punks high-jacked a truck. The punks highjacked a truck and he was at the same address, police arrived and shots were fired, the barber hit and soon expired The why of it a guess. The Boutonniere seems to be an exercise in writing in catalectic trochaic meter. In other words, the stress comes first in each metric foot, but the last foot of the line, drops the last unstressed syllable. Trochaic tetrameter would be Su / Su/ Su/ Su. Catalectic trochaic tetrameter would be Su/Su/Su/S. Created by Ann Byrnes Smith. The elements of the Boutonniere are: written in 13 lines. metric, catalectic trochaic tetrameter. Su/Su/Su/S. rhymed, rhyme scheme A¹A² bbcccbddd A¹A². refrained, L1 is repeated as L12 and L2 is repeated as L13. Cali Fire Storm by Judi Van Gorder Running, running, running race, fire in flicking, licking pace. Roar of winds are whirling loud, crack and boom of heated shroud. Giant trees engulfed in flame, grass and houses all the same, human life, a piece of the game. Rushing storm in smoky cloud, choking, burning eyes and skin. Treasures lost, devoured within moments. Time and life a spin. Running, running, running race Fire in flicking, licking pace. The Briolette was invented in the 1950s by Viola Berg. The elements of the Briolette are: stanzaic, can be composed in any number of cinquains made up of a triplet and a rhyming couplet. metric, iambic tetrameter. rhymed, rhyme scheme aaabb cccdd etc. Briolette of India by Judi Van Gorder The Maharajah claimed it cursed the diamond cut to quench a thirst. King Richard, Lion Hearted, erst would take the gem on his crusade, a brilliance which will never fade. Canopus is an invented verse form which stresses a "continuous flow of thought". This is attributed to author Clement Wood of The Complete Rhyming Dictionary and Poet's Craft Book 1936. Canopus is also the 2nd brightest star in Earth's sky, though not visible to anyone living above latitude 37 degrees north of the northern hemisphere. The elements of the Canopus are: a heptastich, a poem in 7 lines. metric, written in iambic pentameter. rhymed, rhyme scheme ababcbc. South of Latitude 37 by Judi Van Gorder Caryotte (French - carrot, a root vegetable) is also a verse form which is an exercise in meter and rhyme created by Robert Cary. The short, 2 foot lines with head and tail rhyme seem best suited for a List Poem of sorts. The elements of the Caryotte are: a 12 line poem, made up of 6 couplets. metric, dactylic dimeter with the 2nd foot catalexus (dropping an unstressed syllable.)Suu / Su composed with head and tail rhyme in each couplet. Rhyme scheme a-b a-b c-d c-d e-f e-f g-h g-h i-j i-j k-l k-l. Below, bold=stressed syllable... In English, rhyme should on the stressed syllable. sing and rising do not rhyme. singing and ring do rhyme. axx bx axx bx cxx dx cxx dx exx fx exx fx gxx hx gxx hx ixx jx ixx jx kxx lx kxx lx The Cycle appears to be an exercise in meter and rhyme. This invented verse form was created by Paul Emile Miller. The elements of the Cycle are: metric, L1 and L3 tetrameter made up of a trochee followed by a dactyl and 2 iambs; L1 and L3 often use feminine end words. L2 and L4 are iambic trimeter. "Pathways" description and example are in conflict, the description of meter here fits with the example poem. stanzaic, written in 3 quatrains. rhymed, abab cbcb dbdb. The Decannelle was made popular in 1949 when it was published in a poetry magazine. It was created by Joseph Nutter. The odd numbered lines have unrhymed feminine endings, while the even number lines have rhymed masculine endings. The elements of the Decannelle are: a decastich, a poem in 10 lines. metered, trochaic tetrameter, alternating 8-7-8-7-8-7-8-7-8-7 syllables causing the odd numbered lines to end with feminine end words. rhymed, xaxaxaxbxb with the x being unrhymed. Deaf Tones by Judi Van Gorder Beethoven, romantic genius, Maestro plays from deep inside. Music deigned to reign forever fingers flick and stroke then glide over and under the tenor octave tones that flow as if the tide. Swelling sonics soar and pulses race along unsanctified. Never halting ever daunting hearing gone, continued stride. Decathlon (Greek= contest of 10)) is said to be "suited to the fervid, the triumphant", created by Anne Pendleton. An exercise in meter and rhyme. The elements of the Decathlon are: a decastich, a poem in 10 lines. metered, L1, L2, L4, L6,L7 are tetrameter, L3, L5,L8 are dimeter, L9-L10 are pentameter (a heroic couplet. rhymed, axbxaccbdd. X being unrhymed. Decathlon-Invented Form by Judi Van Gorder The fervid and triumphant due, creating frame by predesign. Artistic try to write ten lines into a tome that's something new with book of words that match and rhyme entice to waste way too much time. Now shorten line and finish with iambic rhyming two, heroic couplet read on white in blue. The Dickson Nocturne seems to be an exercise in meter. It was created by Margaret Ball Dickson who at one time was head of Creative Writing at Valparaiso University, Indiana. The elements of the Dickson Nocturne are: strophic, a 12 line poem made up of a tercet, a quatrain and a cinquain. L1,L2, L4, L5, L6, L8, L9, L11 are dactylic trimeter, some catalectic (dropping a syllable at the end) and L3,L7,L10,L12 are iambic dimeter. L3, L7 and L12 are a repeated refrain. The Dionol created by Dion O'Donnell is another exercise in meter. This form employs a rentrament which is the repetition of a phrase from one line as a line elsewhere in the poem. The elements of the Dionol are: an octave with a rentrament as an added line, the last phrase of L2 is repeated as L9. metered, iambic pentameter with L9 iambic trimeter. abcddcbab. xx xx xx xx xa xx xx rr rr rb xx xx xx xx xc xx xx xx xx xd xx xx xx xx xd xx xx xx xx xc xx xx xx xx xb xx xx xx xx xa rr rr rb Dr Stella is a verse using sequential rhyme. It was developed by James Gray in honor of Dr Stella Woodall who was at one time president of the American Poetry League and editor of a couple of poetry magazines. The elements of the Dr Stella are: an octave made up of 2 quatrains. metered, alternating iambic tetrameter and trimeter. rhymed, abcdabcd. L2 and L6 have feminine end words. The Dorsimbra seems to have been a collaborative project. Created in 3 parts by 3 poets, Frieda Dorris, Robert Simonton and Eve Braden. The elements of the Dorsimbra are: a 12 line poem, made up of 3 different framed quatrains. composed with the first quatrain alternate rhymed, iambic pentameter, the second quatrain, 4 lines of free verse, and the third quatrain blank verse, which is unrhymed iambic pentameter. rhymed, Abab xxxx xxxA. L1 is repeated as the refrain in L12. The Douzet is a verse form with a unique rhyme scheme in the last quatrain. An exercise in meter and rhyme found in Pathways but is attributed to an unknown which Berg found in Clement Wood's Poet's Craft Book 1936, a book I have yet to get my hands on. The elements of the Douzet are: a 12 line poem made up of 3 quatrains. metered, iambic pentameter. abba cddc abcd. The Duni has a complicated metric pattern and includes a pivot or change of thought in L6. Created by Mildred Dewey. The elements of the Duni are: a heptastich, 7 line poem. metric, L1 1 dactyl followed by 2 trochees and an Iamb L2 3 iambs L3 a trochee followed by an anapest and 2 iambs L4 3 iambs L5 3 iambs L6 4 iambs L7 1 iamb, followed by an anapest and an iamb composed with a pivot or change of thought in L6. rhymed, rhyme scheme abcacba. The Fialka is a strophic form with little restriction other than meter. The form was created by Viola Garner 20th century poet and educator. Fialka is Viola in Bohemian. The elements of the Fialka are: strophic, may be written in any number of lines. metric, written in amphibrach (short/long/short) trimeter. unrhymed. Open Blinds by Judi Van Gorder We wake with the warmth of the sunshine that falls without hesitant sureness across our disheveled covers and greets our awakening gently. The Frieze is a verse form that appears to be an exercise in feminine rhyme. Attributed to Olivia Freeman. The elements of the Frieze are: a poem in 9 lines. metered, iambic trimeter. composed with L2, L4, and L8 with feminine ending. rhymed, rhyme scheme abcbacabc. The Gardenia is a verse form that focuses on the amphibrach like the Fialka only in shorter lines. Created by Viola Gardner. The elements of the Gardenia are: a decastich (10 line poem) made up of 5 couplets. metered, amphibraic dimeter (2 amphibrachs) rhymed, aabbccddee. The La Velle is a verse form that combines couplets and triplets and was created by Nel Moldglin.The elements of the La Velle are: a poem in 15 lines, made up of 3 couplets and 3 triplets beginning with a couplet followed by 3 triplets and ending in 2 rhymed couplets. metered at the discretion of the poet. rhymed, each stanza is monorhymed, rhyme scheme aa bbb ccc ddd ee aa. The first and last couplets carry the same rhyme. The Lady's Slipper is a verse form that plays with internal rhyme within a very short line. The tiny poem with the close rhyme lends itself to silliness. It was originated by Viola Gardner The elements of The Lady's Slipper are: a tristich, a poem in 3 lines. metered, iambic trimeter lines. uS-uS-uS. composed with internal rhyme in each line. designed for the last line to leave the reader thinking, questioning. Training Day by Judi Van Gorder Within the open pen a filly kicks and tricks a cowgirl with a curl. My Molly by Judi Van Gorder Refilled by Judi Van Gorder I stand upon our land in awe of every flaw and virtue, I'm renewed. The Latova which I can only assume was created by the book author Viola Berg. This invented verse form appears to be an exercise in trochaic meter. The elements of the Latova are: a poem in 18 lines made up of 2 9 line stanzas. metered, trochaic tetrameter, the final foot of each line is catalectic. (drop the last unstressed syllable) rhymed, rhyme scheme abbcccbaa deefffedd. The Laurel is another invented verse form created by Viola Berg that switches meter and rhyme between stanzas. The elements of the Laurel are: a poem in 24 lines, made up of 4 sixains. metric, L1, L3, L4, L5 are iambic tetrameter, L2 and L6 are iambic trimeter. rhyme, abcccb adeeed fghhhg fijjji. the trimeter lines are indented. The Louise is a stanzaic form that seems to be an exercise in using feminine and masculine endings. It was created by Viola Berg. The elements of the Louise are: stanzaic, written in any number of quatrains. metric. L1, L2, L3 are pentameter (5 metric feet), L4 is iambic dimeter (2 metric feet) composed with L1 and L3 with feminine (unstressed) endings. rhymed. L2 and L4 rhyme. Rhyme scheme xaxa xbxb etc x being unrhymed. Land Ho! by Judi Van Gorder So long ago, adventure for a sailor, with well supplied, staunch ships Columbus sailed without a means to navigate the water New land they hailed. Lyra Chord is an invented verse form created by L. Ensley Hutton. The elements of the Lyra Chord are: an octastich. metered, L1,L2,L3,L5,L7 & L8 iambic pentameter, L4 & L6 iambic dimeter. rhymed, rhyme scheme abbcacdd. L1 & L5 also have internal rhyme. The Lyrelle is a stanzaic form that seems to be an exercise in metric line length. It was created by Velta Myrtle Allea Sanford. The elements of the Lyrelle are: stanzaic, written in any number of quatrains. metered, iambic. L1 dimeter, L2 trimeter, L3 tetrameter, L4 pentameter. rhymed, rhyme scheme abab Lyrelling by Judi Van Gorder I'm late again I am computer bound the words I write in meter penned, although in truth I do not like the sound. Medallion is an invented verse form is a shape poem using predominantly trochaic meter. This form was created Lilian Mathilda Svenson.The elements of the Medallion are: a poem in 9 lines. metric, L1-L8 are trochaic and L9 is iambic. Syllables per line 4-7-8-7-9-10-9-7-4. As you can tell from the odd numbered syllable count of L2, L4, L5, L7 & L8, these lines are either catalectic or acephaletic (dropping either the end syllable or first syllable from the line). For this form, although it is not so instructed, the example poem is catalectic. rhymed, rhyme scheme xabccbadd. shaped. The poem should be centered on the page. Metric Pyramid is a verse form that builds a pyramid from the top down with lengthening metric feet per line, created by John Milton Smither. The elements of the Metric Pyramid are: a shape poem, center the poem on the page. an octastich, a poem in 8 lines. metric, graduated iambic metric feet in each line. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 metric feet per line. rhymed, rhyme scheme abbaabba. Neville is a verse form with a combination of trimeter and tetrameter lines, created in honor of Mrs. Neville Saylor by James B. Gray. The elements of the Neville are: a heptastich, a poem in 7 lines. metric, L1, L4, & L7 are iambic tetrameter and L2,L3,L5 & L6 are iambic trimeter. rhymed, rhyme scheme abbacca. Macy's Parade Day by Judi Van Gorder At times like these when nights are long and cold becomes a skean that stabs my flesh between my shoulder blades, the wind is strong. I bundle for the chill, wool scarf a codicil, then venture out to join the throng. The Palette creates a vivid word painting within a brief and lyrical poem. It is simply a short poem, using vivid imagery. This genre was specified by Viola Berg. There is no prescribed structure or rhyme. The only mandate is the poem should create a brilliant image in the reader's mind.The defining features of the Palette are: a word painting. framed at the discretion of the poet. Poor Man's Rhododendron by Judi Van Gorder A white blossom rounded with a blush, a hint of pale pink on the soft curve of each lazy petal that spreads wide to catch the sun's kiss. The Quinnette is "designed for the elfin or humorous or for nature themes." (that is the 2nd time I came across this statement in Pathways. ~~smile~~This was created by Ethelyn Miller Hartwich. The elements of the Quinnette are: a decastich made up of 2 quintains. metric, each quintain is written in trochaic tetrameter accept L3 which is trochaic trimeter. rhymed, rhyme scheme aabaaccbcc. The Quintanelle challenges the poet to write a complete sentence and break it into 5 metric lines with rhyme. This stanzaic form was introduced by Lyra Lu Vaile. The elements of the Quintanelle are: stanzaic, written in any number of quintains. metered, L1, L2, L5 pentameter, L3 dimeter and L4 trimeter. Each quintain should be one complete iambic sentence. rhymed, rhyme scheme aabbb, ccddd etc. The Quintette is an invented verse form with an unusually placed refrain. It was created by Fay Lewis Noble.The elements of the Quintette are: a poem in 15 lines made up of 3 quintains. metric, stanza 1 & 3 are iambic pentameter, stanza 2 all lines are iambic, L1,L5 are dimeter and L3 is pentameter and L2,L4 are tetrameter. L1 of the 1st stanza is repeated as L3 of the 2nd stanza and L5 of the 3rd stanza. rhymed, rhyme scheme Ababb acAca dada. The Repete is an invented form similar to the Rondel. It was introduced by Viola Berg. Although it is 14 lines it does not pretend to be a sonnet. The elements of the Repete are: a quatorzain made up of an octave and a sestet. metric, iambic tetrameter. rhymed, turned on only 2 rhymes, rhyme scheme ABababAB ababAB L1 becomes a refrain repeated L7 & L13 and L2 is a refrain repeated in L8 & L14. The Ripple Echo is an invented stanzaic form that "begins and ends its stanzas with rhyming ripple and echo couplets". I am not quite what that means but it sounds fun. What I am sure of is, L2 and L8 of each octave are anapestic mono meter rhyming with the previous line. This form was introduced by L. Ensley Hutton. The elements of the Ripple Echo are: stanzaic, written in any number of octaves, made up of 4 rhymed couplets. metric, L1,L3,L4,L5,L6,L7 are catalectic trochaic tetrameter, L2 & L8 are anapestic monometer. rhymed, rhyme scheme aabbccdd. L2 & L8 are indented. The Rosemary is an invented verse form that uses envelope quatrains. It was introduced by Viola Berg. The elements of the Rosemary are: a poem in 12 lines, made up of a rhymed couplet, 2 envelope quatrains followed by a rhymed couplet. metric, iambic pentameter. rhymed aabccbdeedff. L4,L5 and L8,L9 are indented. The Sacred Signia is an invented verse form is a decastich. Introduced by Viola Berg.The elements of the Sacred Signia are: a decastich, a poem in 10 lines. metric, L1,L3,L5,L7-L10 are iambic pentameter and L2,L4,L6 are iambic dimeter. rhymed, rhyme scheme ababcbccaa. San Hsien named for the three strings of a Chinese lute (sanxian = Chinese: 三弦, literally "three strings"), is another invented verse form in a decastich. It was created by Jessamine Fishback. The elements of the San Hsien are: a decastich, a poem in 10 lines. metric, iambic dimeter, two metric feet. L1 is acephaletic (drops the 1st unstressed syllable). rhyme, rhyme scheme ABbaccabBA. composed with a refrain, L1 & L2 are repeated as L9 & L10 in reverse. sanxian by Judi Van Gorder Seafonn (Anglo Saxon for seven) is a verse form named for its total number of lines, introduced by Elizabeth Maxwell Phelps .An argument is presented in the first 5 lines and the counter point in the ending couplet. A lot to jam into such a short frame. The elements of the Seafonn are: a heptastich made up of quintain followed by a couplet. metric, iambic tetrameter, with L2 and L5 catalectic. rhymed, abccb aa. Sestennelle is a stanzaic invented form introduced by Lyra LuVaile with a variable meter. The elements of the Sestenelle are: stanzaic, written in any number of sixains made up of 2 tercets. The original is 3 sixains. metric, iambic, L1&L4 a dimeter, L2&L5 are trimeter and L3&L6 are pentameter. rhymed, rhyme scheme aabccb ddeffe gghiih etc. suggested that the lines be centered. Sevenelle is a stanzaic invented form created by Virginia Noble which cannot only be found in "Pathways..." but is also in the Study and Writing of Poetry by Amy Jo Zook and Wauneta Hackleman, 1996. The elements of the Sevenelle are: stanzaic, written in no less than 2 septets, each made up of a rhymed couplet, tercet and couplet in that order. metric, iambic tetrameter. rhymed, aabbbCC ddeeeCC etc. composed with L6&L7 of the first stanza repeated as refrain in the last 2 lines of all subsequent stanzas. Welcome the New Year by Judi Van Gorder While this last year prepares to leave, It's Happy, Happy New Year's Eve. Let go of past endeavours failed, they're done, can't change, that ship has sailed. A new day dawns with hope entailed. Goodbye to 2022, Hail 2023, brand new! So raise a glass in gratitude for lessons, blessings and latitude the months gonebye have given you. Embrace the good, seek wisdom due from all the rest, a heady brew. Goodbye to 2022, Hail 2023, brand new! Sonnette appears to be an invented attempt to write a half sonnet, introduced by Sherman Ripley. The elements of the Sonnette are: a heptastich, a poem in 7 lines made up of a quatrain followed by a tercet. metric, iambic pentameter. rhymed, abba cbc. The Stellar is an invented stanzaic form framed in octaves and introduced by Viola Berg. The elements of the Stellar are: stanzaic, written in any number of octaves. metric, iambic L1-L4, & L8 are tetrameter, L5 & L6 are catalectic pentameter and L8 is dimeter. rhymed, ababccdd efefgghh etc. because L5 &L6 are catalectic, they have feminine endings. The Trillium is an invented verse form, a pentastich with long and short lines. The elements of the Trillium are: a pentastich, a poem in 5 lines. metric, iambic, L1 & L5 are trimeter and L2 - L4 are catalectic, hexameter. rhymed, abbba. because L2-L4 are catalectic they will have feminine endings. xx xx xa xx xx xx xx xx b xx xx xx xx xx xb xx xx xx xx xx b xx xx xa The Tulip is an invented verse form, a tetrastich with a combination of metric patterns. It was introduced by Viola Gardener. The elements of the Tulip are: a tetrastich, a poem in 4 lines. metric, L1 & L3 are iambic pentameter, L2 dimeter, a spondee followed by an amphibrach and L4 is dimeter, an iamb followed by an amphibrach. rhymed abab. because of the amphibrach foot at the end of L2 & L4 they have feminine endings. Starbucks by Judi Van Gorder The price of java going up and up Good God! Horrendous! The cost of coffee is four bucks a cup. The line, tremendous! The Virelet is an invented variation of the French Virelai and was introduced by Viola Berg. The elements of the Virelet are: stanzaic, written in any number of quatrains. isometric with a stanzaic frame of long/short/long/short lines set by the first stanza. The actual metric length and pattern of the alternate lines is at the discretion of the poet. rhymed, interlocking rhyme abab bcbc cdcd etc. The Wavelet is an invented verse form alternating couplets and tercets and introduced by Marie L. Blanche Adams. The elements of the Wavelet are: poem in 12 lines made up of 3 couplets alternating with 2 tercets. metric, the couplets are catalectic iambic trimeter and the tercets are iambic tetrameter, rhymed, aabcbddeceff. The couplets are feminine rhymed dropping the stressed syllable at the end of the line. Zenith is a stanzaic form with meter and line length left to the discretion of the poet. It was introduced by Viola Berg. The elements of the Zenith are: stanzaic, written in any number of sixains. meter at the discretion of poet. rhymed, abcabc defdef etc.
  2. Explore the Craft of Writing Poetry Invented Forms Shadow Poetry is a poetry community that has been on line since 2000. It encourages poets to "walk out of the shadows with their poetry". It is a popular site with on line poets who, though they may not be contributing members, use the site as a resource. Often they return to their own communities with some new challenge they found at Shadow Poetry or with a new poem inspired by the site's resources. The following forms were found either exclusive to that site or appear to have been invented by Shadow members. Some of these forms are better thought out than others. 7/5 Trochee is an invented stanzaic form, the defining feature is use of catalectic trochaic meter. It was created by Andrea Dietrich for which she offers a couple of variations. The elements of the 7/5 Trochee are: stanzaic, a minimum of 2 quatrains. metered, trochaic meter (Stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable) with catalectic end words (dropping the unstressed syllable at the end), (L1 and L3 Su Su Su S) (L2 and L4 Su Su S). L1 & L3 are trochaic tetrameter and L2 & L4 are trochaic tri-meter. rhymed, variable rhyme schemes available, abab cdcd etc. or axax bxbx etc. x being unrhymed or (a/a)x(b/b)x (c/c)x(d/d)x etc with (internal rhyme) in L1 and L3, x being unrhymed. Internal rhyme variable (a/a)b(c/c)b (the internal rhyme may be placed anywhere within the 1st half of the line.) x a x x x x a - x x x x b - x x c x x x c - x x x x b The meter should be a S=stress u=unstressed with the end trochee dropping the unstressed syllable. Su Su Su S Su Su S Su Su Su S Su Su S Family Fight Night by Judi Van Gorder From the den comes shouts and groans watching boxers dance. Punches, dodges, muscles, bones crunch, they hold their stance. Fight on pay per view tonight, guys around TV. Wives in kitchen share a bite while the kids run free. A L'Arora is a stanzaic invented verse form. It was created by Laura Lamarca. The defining features of The L'Arora are: stanzaic, written in any number of alternating sixains and couplets. unmetered. rhymed, rhyme scheme xxxxxa xa xxxxxb xb xxxxxc xc xxxxxd xd etc. x being unrhymed. Route 91 Harvest Festival by Judi Van Gorder Three day venue of fun, down home western music blares from concert stage where three thousand gather to listen to country stars. Finale just begun. Popping sounds intervene rapid sound from a gun Fans crouched in the darkness bullets skipped off the ground, ricocheted into the crowd. Chaos, panic and pain, hundreds running, wounded. Fifty eight dead tonight. High up across the way, coward leaves no insight. The Alouette (French for Skylark) is a stanzaic invented form with a syllabic meter which is meant to be an expression of the skylark's song. The form is syllabic with a recommended prominent stress in the 3rd syllable of each line. It was created by Jan Turner. The elements of the Alouette are: stanzaic, any number of sixains. syllabic , 5-5-7-5-5-7 syllables per line with the prominent stress in the 3rd syllable of each line. rhymed, rhyme scheme aabccb ddeffe gghiih etc. Month of August by Judi Van Gorder Begun as month six, eighth after the fix, named for Emperor of Rome. Just thirty-one days, in hot summer haze Augustus ascended his throne. The Blitz Poem is a recent invented verse form found on line at Shadow Poetry, it was created by a New York, English teacher and poet,Robert Keim. As the name implies it is meant to be written with a rush of phrases and images in rapid repetition as if creating a sudden and intense attack on the senses. It is a kind of twisted Chain Verse. The elements of the Blitz are: stanzaic, written in 25 couplets, a total of 50 lines. unmetered. Lines should be short, but at least 2 words, like rapid fire. unrhymed. composed with words that are repeated from line to line in a chain like pattern: L1 A short phrase, can be cliché. L2 The first word of L1 is repeated as the first word of L2. From here on, the last word of the even numbered line is repeated as the first word of each line in the next couplet through L48. L49 is the repetition of the last word of L48. (1 word line only) L50 is the repetition of the last word of L47. (1 word line only) unpunctuated. titled, which includes the first word of L3 and L47 bridged by a conjunction or preposition. Faith and Hope by Judi Van Gorder Sonoma strong Sonoma faith Faith and grit Faith fleeing Fleeing in fear Fleeing the storm Storm of fire Storm of loss Loss of home Loss in a roar Roar through trees Roar sending sparks Sparks fly Sparks ignite grass Grass burns Grass then homes. Homes of years Homes of families Families scattered Families missing all All treasures All threatened Threatened by smoke Threatened by fire Fire surrounds Fire devours Devours survival Devours escape Escape to safe haven Escape the flames Flames heat unbearable Flames scatter pets. Pets left behind Pet abandoned to fend Fend for themselves Fend with wildlife Wildlife scorched Wildlife wounded Wounded is our spirit Wounded but not broken Broken dreams Broken future Future hopes Future in process Process to cope Process to survive Survive this moment Survive with hope Hope survives. The Brevette is a small verse form invented by Emily Romano, Shadow Poetry and is almost the same frame as the Trio without the rhyme. It is defined by its brevity. The elements of the Brevette are: a tristich, a poem in 3 lines, composed in 3 words, a subject (noun), verb, and object (noun) in that order. The words are not limited by syllable count, "but the poem should have balance". It was suggested that the verb be spaced to give it the appearance of on going action. unrhymed. poet p e n s prosody --- jvg This is not going to be high poetry. Cascade is a verse form found at Shadow Poetry that attempts to capture "the smooth cascading rhythm of a waterfall". It is set up with repeated lines similar to a Pantun. It was created by Udit Bhatia. The elements of the Cascade are: stanzaic, made up of 4 tercets or 5 quatrains or 6 cinquains or 7 sixains etc. accentual, the rhythm of natural speech. unrhymed. composed with a refrain. The lines of the first stanza are sequentially repeated as the last line of the subsequent stanzas. ABC xxA xxB xxC or ABCD xxxA xxxB xxxC xxxD or ABCDE xxxxA xxxxB xxxxC xxxxD xxxxE, x being unrhymed. Vote by Judi Van Gorder I have a voice You have a voice We have a voice I'm not being coy I speak my passion I have a voice Time to make a choice What is your vote? You have a voice. We can rejoice Together we are strong. We have a voice. Cinq Trois Deca La Rhyme an invented form found at Shadow Poetry, created by Laura Lamarca. The elements of the Cinq Trois Deca La Rhyme are: a decastich, a poem in 10 lines. syllabic, 15 syllables per line. rhymed, rhyme scheme aabbcccabc. Clarity Pyramid was invented by Jerry P Quinn and is another form found at Shadow Poetry. This verse focuses on defining the first word of the poem. The elements of the Clarity Pyramid are: a heptastich, made up a 2 tercets followed by a single line. syllabic, L1 1 syllable, L2 2 syllables, L3 3 syllables, L4 4 syllables, L5 5 syllables, L6 6 syllables and the last L7 is 7 syllables. L1 is capitalized and is the theme and title of the poem. L2 and L3 are synonyms for L1. L4, L5, L6 provide concrete images of L1. L7 is a phrase to define L1 (this line is written with quotation marks) often centered on the page TIME moment eternal a second hand moves without haste or concern moving in circumference "which antiquates antiquities". "Time which antiquates antiquities, and hath an art to make dust of all things." by Sir Thomas Brown (1605-1682) Religio Medici Compound Word Verse is an invented verse form that uses a stem word from the title to end each stanza in a compound form. Created by Margaret R Smith and found at Shadow Poetry. (stem word = rain) stanza end words could be rainbow, rainfall, raincoat, raindrop, rainstorm etc. The elements of the Compound Word Verse are: stanzaic, written in 5 tercets. syllabic, 8-8-3 syllables per line. rhymed, rhyme scheme aax bbx ccx ddx eex; x being unrhymed. each tercet ends with a compound of a stem word in the title. Beyond the Grave by Judi Van Gorder The Constanza is a woven poem similar in effect to the Cleave or Trigee.It was invented by Connie Marcum Wong and can be found at Shadow Poetry. The elements of the Constanza are: stanzaic, written in 3 or more tercets. syllabic, 8 syllable lines. rhymed, the a stanzaic linking rhyme carried by L1 of each tercet followed by rhymed couplets. abb acc add aee aff etc. composed so that if L1 of each tercet was read in sequence it should create a stand alone poem. L2 and L3 of each tercet is an expansion on the first line woven in to give deeper understanding, thus creating 2 poems in one. The Con-Verse created by Connie Marcum Wong, is an invented verse form similar to Converse in Couplets. Although the Shadow Poetry description doesn't require it be written as exchanged dialogue, the name infers it. The elements of the Con-Verse are: stanzaic, written in 5 couplets. For a longer poem, repeat the pattern. syllabic, 7-7 8-8 9-9 10-10 11-11 syllables, in that sequence. rhymed, rhyme scheme aa bb cc dd ee. Conversation at the Office by Judi Van Gorder The Decuain seems to be a 10 x 10 poem, found only at Shadow Poetry and created by Shelley A. Cephas. The elements of the Decuain are: stanzaic, written in any number of 10 line stanzas. metered, iambic pentameter or 10 syllables. rhymed, ababbcbcaa, ababbcbcbb, or ababbcbccc. The Diatelle is similar to the etheree but longer and with rhyme. It can be found at Shadow Poetry and was created by Bradley Vrooman. The elements of the Diatelle are: 15 line poem. syllabic, 1-2-3-4-6-8-10-12-10-8-6-4-3-2-1, rhymed, rhyme scheme abbcbccaccbcbba. often center aligned which creates a diamond shape. A Book in My Nook by Judi Van Gorder The Duo-rhyme turns on only 2 rhymes. It was found at Shadow Poetry and was created by Mary L. Ports. The elements of the Duo-rhyme are: either a decastich or a dodecastich, at the choice of the poet. metered, iambic tetrameter. rhymed, aabbbbbbaa or aabbbbbbbbaa. Epulaeryu verse is a homage to the main course of a meal. It was created and named by Joseph Spence Sr. after his experience in the Mediterranean and Far East, obviously enjoying the culinary arts there. It was found at Shadow Poetry. The elements of the Epulaeryu are: a heptastich, a poem in 7 lines. syllabic, 7-5-7-5-5-3-1 syllable per line. punctuated with an exclamation mark at the end of L7! composed with one thought per line focused on the main course of a meal. The final line should express the poet's emotion regarding the meal. rhymed at the poet's discretion. Comfort Food by Judi Van Gorder Nothing exotic tonight just down home cooking but it fills up the stomach and tantalizes taste buds with goodness Mom's Pot Pie, Yum! Essence is a rhyming hexasyllabic couplet with internal rhyme with a twist. Normally in English prosody "internal rhyme" refers to a word within the line rhyming with the end word of that line or the end word of the previous line. However in this verse form internal rhyme refers to words from somewhere within the line rhyming internally within the next line, it could be 1 or 2 rhymes. (This could be tricky in only 6 short syllables.) Found at ShadowPoetry.com and attributed to Emily Romano, published in P.O.E.T. magazine in 1981. The elements of the Essence are: stanzaic, written in any number of couplets. syllabic, hexasyllabic lines. end rhymed as well as interlaced rhyme. x b x x c a b x c x x a The b and c interlaced rhymes may be placed in any position within the lines, the c rhyme is optional. Two short lines with end rhyme sort within, tend to time. ---Judi Van Gorder The Florette was invented by Jan Turner. It appears to be her attempt to emulate in poetic form, the growth of a flower by lengthening the last line of each stanza longer than the others, showing growth. The Florette is stanzaic, written in any number of either quatrains or cinquains: When written in quatrains the elements of the Florette are: syllabic, quatrains 8-8-8-12 rhymed, quatrains aaba ccdc etc with internal cross rhyme from L3 to L4. x x x x x x x a x x x x x x x a x x x x x x x b x x x x x x x b x x x a enjambed, L3 and L4 must be enjambed without endstop in L3. Prelude by Judi Van Gorder I'm Broke by Judi Van Gorder When written in cinquains the elements of the Florette # 2 are: metric, accentual syllabic, L1 thru L4 iambic tetrameter (4 metric feet) and L5 iambic heptameter (6 metric feet). rhymed, aabba ccddc etc. no internal rhyme suggested. enjambment not a requirement. The Grá Reformata, is an invented expansion of the Villanelle created by Michael King. The elements of the Grá Reformata are: a verse form written with alternating 5 tercets and 4 couplets and ending in a quatrain, a poem in 27 lines. iambic pentameter alternating L1 and L3 of the first tercet as a refrain in L3 of subsequent tercets ending the poem with a refrain taken from L1 and L3 in the first stanza. written with only 2 end rhymes with a rhyme scheme of A¹bA² xx abA¹ xx abA² xx abA¹ xx abA² xx abA¹A². x being unrhymed. The HexSonnetta is a verse form that is an invented variation of the sonnet. The form created by Andrea Dietrich has short lines and a prescribed pivot. "hex" meaning 6 is supported by the 2 septets and the 6 syllable lines. The elements of the HexSonnetta are: a quatorzain made up of 2 sestets followed by a rhymed couplet. metered, iambic trimeter. rhymed, rhyme scheme abbaab cddccd ee. turned, the pivot occurs between the septets and the exclamatory couplet sums up the 2 sestets and provides the solution to the problem set up in the 2 sestets. A Case For Blue The blue above speaks hope to all who see its hue. Its truth inspires a new designed kaleidoscope The only color to stop, maintain its nature true. Its clarity provides an ease to fill my lungs with earth's many songs I breathe in air that slides in nostrils flared and wide, essential to live strong. It's unimportant which of many tints to switch. ~~Judi Van Gorder Inverted Refrain is an invented form found at Shadow Poetry, created by the winner of their 2007 Chap Book Competition, Jan Turner and published in Faery Folk and Fireflies.I believe the form took its name from the rhetorical device, "inverted refrain", originally used by the ancient Greek poet Sappho. "Inverted refrain" is a writing technique in which the syntax of a line is reversed. eg ..the Sapphic line "I know not what to do". I am not sure that the composition instruction at Shadow Poetry exactly fits the literary definition of "inverted refrain" but the form could still be a fun challenge to conquer as long as it enhances the delivery of the poet's thoughts. The elements of the Inverted Refrain as an invented verse form are: stanzaic, written in any number of sixains, made up of a quatrain followed by an indented couplet. syllabic, all lines are 8 syllables. rhymed, rhyme scheme ababab or ababba, cdcdcd or cdcddc etc. composed in the following manner, "the first four lines of a stanza create a statement from which the last 2 lines extract the meaning, and invert the way it is said." Jan Turner @Shadow Poetry Finding Faeries by Jan Turner (stanza 1) the whole poem can be read at Shadow Poetry. A sprinkling shine of faery dust is mica-layered on the rocks Pretending to be nature's crust It really is a paradox: --------- A paradox of mica rocks From faery dust on nature's crust. The Joseph's Star is an invented stanzaic form which follows a prescribed syllabic pattern. This is unlike many such patterns because it demands a complete phrase or thought in each line. The elements of the Joseph's Star are: stanzaic, written in any number octaves. syllabic, 1-3-5-7-7-5-3-1 syllables per line. unrhymed. composed with each line a complete phrase or thought. The La Charta (Latin- charta = poem) is an invented stanzaic form by Laura Lamarca with a structured tumbling rhyme. The elements of the LaCharta are: stanzaic, written in any number of sixains, minimum 3. metric, accentual syllabic, iambic tetrameter. rhymed, rhyme scheme aaaabb ccccdd eeeeff etc. The Boy Who Loved Laughter by Judi Van Gorder The LaJemme is an invented verse form with a changing metric pattern and cross rhyming specific to the 4th syllable of the next line, created by Laura Lamarca and Jem Farmer. It seems a little contrived but if your poem has heart, it can work. The elements of the LaJemme are: a poem written in 5 quatrains. composed with a different metric and rhyme pattern for each of the stanzas. Stanza 1 All lines iambic pentameter, rhyme abab, L1-L3 cross rhymed to the 4th syllable of the following line x x x x x x x x x a x x x a x x x x x b x x x b x x x x x a x x x a x x x x x b Stanza 2 L1-L3 iambic tetrameter, L4 iambic tri-meter, rhyme cdef, couplets cross rhyme to the 4th syllable of the following line. x x x x x x x c x x x c x x x d d rhyme will be echoed in S3 L4-L5 x x x x x x x e x x x e x f f rhyme will be echoed in S3 L2-L3 Stanza 3 L1-L3 iambic tetrameter, L4 iambic tri-meter, rhyme gfdf, L1-L3 cross rhymed to the 4th syllable of the following line x x x x x x x g x x x g x x x f x x x f x x x d x x x d x f Stanza 4 All lines iambic pentameter, rhyme hihi, L1-L3 cross rhymed to the 4th syllable of the following li x x x x x x x x x h x x x h x x x x x I x x x I x x x x x h x x x h x x x x x i Stanza 5 Repeats the pattern of Stanza 1 including the rhyme abab x x x x x x x x x a x x x a x x x x x b x x x b x x x x x a x x x a x x x x x b. La'libertas, an invented verse form found at Shadow Poetry. Com, alternates syllabic, rhymed quatrains with sixains written without rhyme or metric specification and ends with a couplet in any language other than English framed at the poet's discretion. The La of La'libertas is from the creator's name, Laura Lamarca and libertas is Latin for liberty. The elements of the La'libertas are: a 22 line poem made up of alternating quatrains and sixains and ending in a couplet. composed with stanzas 1 and 3 syllabic, each line is 8 syllables. Stanzas 2, and 4 are unmetered and the closing couplet is framed at the discretion of the poet. partially rhymed, stanza 1 and 3 are rhymed, stanza 1 - abba and stanza 3 baab. Stanza 2 and 4 are unrhymed and the final couplet is rhymed at the discretion of the poet. ended with a couplet in any language except English framed at the discretion of the poet. The Lannet is an invented verse form that appears to me to be a duplicate of the Unrhymed SonnetThe only discernable nuance is the syllabic lines rather than the 5 stressed accentual meter which can or cannot amount to the same thing. It was found at Shadow Poetry. The creator Laura Lamarca suggests internal rhyme is allowed and the stanza breaks are at the poet's discretion. This invented form seems redundant since the Unrhymed Sonnet can be found as far back as the 17th century. The elements of the Lannet are: a quatorzain. The 14 lines may be unbroken or broken into stanzas at the poet's discretion. composed with unrhymed end words but internal rhyme is allowed. syllabic, 10 syllables per line. (Iambic pentameter lines are 10 syllables also but this form is not measured by an iambic pattern.) composed without prescribed pivot. The La'ritmo is an invented verse form with a changing refrain created by Laura Lamarca, The elements of the La'ritmo are: a poem in 32 lines made up of 8 quatrains. syllabic, dodecasyllabic (12 syllables) rhymed, rhyme scheme aabb ccbB ddbB eeff ggfF hhfF iibB jjfF written with a changing refrain, L8 is repeated as a refrain at L12 and L24, L20 is repeated as a refrain in L32 La'Tuin is an invented stanzaic form that reminds me of the Old French family of forms, the Ballade and its variations. The challenge of the form is the limited 3 rhyme sounds throughout the poem no matter how many stanzas are written. The form was found at Shadow Poetry.com. La of the name is from the name of the creator, Laura Lamara and Tuin is a giant turtle (a symbol of Mother Earth) from a Diskworld series. The elements of the La'Tuin are: stanzaic, written in any number of quatrains, with a minimum of 4. syllabic, alternating 9 and 8 syllable lines, beginning the poem with a 9 syllable line. rhymed, turned on only 3 rhymes, rhyme scheme abca abca etc. repeated in each stanza. The Galapagos by Judi Van Gorder The Lauranelle is an invented verse form which uses elements of both the Villanelle and the Terzanelle and was created by Laura Lamarca. The elements of the Lauranelle are: a poem in 22 lines made up of 6 tercets followed by a quatrain. metric, accentual syllabic, a strict iambic pentameter L1 and L3 are repeated as the last 2 lines of the poem L21 and L22 rhyme with an interlocking rhyme scheme and a little twist in L16, A¹bA² bcb cdc ded efe fbf ggA¹A² Paradise Erupted by Judi Van Gorder Lento found at Shadow Poetry is an invented verse form that has head and tail rhyme, uses rhyme at both ends of the line. It was created by Lencio Dominic Rodrigues. The elements of the Lento are: an octastich made up of 2 quatrains. A Double Lento is 4 quatrains and a Triple Lento is 6 quatrains. meter at the discretion of the poet. rhymed. The first word of the line in each quatrain is mono-rhymed, rhyme scheme aaaa bbbb. The rhyme scheme of the end words is xcxc xdxd , x being unrhymed, although alternating rhyme could be used, cdcd efef. Fall's Fancy by Judi Van Gorder The Cold Outside by Judi Van Gorder The Licentia Rhyme Form is an invented stanzaic form created by Laura Lamarca and found at Shadow Poetry. This verse is a long form with a unique pattern of repetition. (licentia is Latin for "to be permitted") The elements of the Licentia Rhyme Form are: stanzaic, written with 3 to 5 - 12 line stanzas made up of 6 rhymed couplets each. syllabic, lines are 11 syllables each. rhymed, rhyme scheme A¹A²B¹B²C¹C²D¹D²E¹E²A¹A², B¹B²ffgghhiiA¹A², C¹C²jjkkllmmA¹A² etc. composed with repetition, L1 & L2 are repeated as L11 & L12 of each stanza including the first stanza. L3 & L4 are repeated as L1 & L2 of the 2nd stanza, L5 & L6 are repeated as L1 & L2 of the 3rd stanza, if more added, L7 & L8 are L1 & L2 of the 4th stanza and L9 & L10 are L1 & L2 of the 5th stanza.... Line Messaging is an invented poetic device or technique in which the last line of each stanza or strophe when read independently and consecutively, form a message, kind of a "last line" Acrostic. The term for this technique is the idea of Angel Favazza and found at Shadow Poetry. Loop Poetry is an invented variation of the 17th century, French Chain Verse. This stanzaic form is attributed to Hellon at Shadow Poetry. The elements of the Loop Poetry are: stanzaic, written with a minimum of 2 stanzas with the number of lines per stanza at the poet's discretion. unmetered. rhymed xaxa xbxb etc. x being unrhymed. When written in couplets the rhyme scheme is bizarre xx aa xxxx bb cc xxxx xx dd. x being unrhymed. chained, the last word of each stanza is the first word of the next stanza. Memento is a themed syllabic verse form. Created by Emily Romano and found at Shadow Poetry, the poem should celebrate a particular holiday or anniversary. The elements of the Memento are: a hexastich, a poem in 6 lines made up of 2 tercets. syllabic 8-6-2 8-6-2 syllables per line. rhymed, rhyme scheme abc abc. themed, honoring or celebrating a holiday or anniversary. Graduation by Judi Van Gorder Holiday at Low Tide by Judi Van Gorder Mirrored Refrain is an invented stanzaic form which has 2 refrains which are flipped at the end of each stanza. This form was created by Stephanie Repayek. The elements of the Mirrored Refrain are: stanzaic, written in 3 or more quatrains. metered. Line length and pattern at the discretion of the poet. rhymed, rhyme scheme xaBA xbAB xaBA etc. (note the form is turned on only 3 rhymes.) x being unrhymed. posed with 2 refrains. L3 and L4 of the 1st quatrain become the refrain for subsequent stanzas. The refrains alternate position with each stanza. Soaring Free by Judi Van Gorder Mirror Sestet is an invented stanzaic form which uses the 17th century French Chained Verse within each stanza but doesn't link the stanzas. It was created by Shelley A Cephas. The elements of the Mirror Sestet are: stanzaic, written in any number of sixains, each made up of 3 couplets. (For the purists, technically the term sestet describes a 6 line stanza written in conjunction with other patterned stanzas as in the sonnet. When all of the stanzas are 6 lines, sixain or sexain is more accurate.) unmetered. Line length and pattern are at the discretion of the poet. rhymed, head and tail rhyme (1st word of the line rhymes with the last word in the line.) in L1,L3 and L5 of each stanza. (a variation would be to be unrhymed.) chained, Chain Verse L1,L2 are linked by the last word of the first line is the first word of the next line. L3,L4, and L5,L6 are also linked in the same manner. The Musette is an invented verse form that presents the challenge of writing in very short lines. This form was introduced by Emily Romano and found only at Shadow Poetry. The elements of the Musette are: stanzaic, written in any number of tercets. syllabic, 2-4-2 2-4-2 2-4-2 syllables per line. rhymed axa bxb cxc etc. x being unrhymed. Give cheer! My new laptop is here! Nove Otto is an invented verse form with a little different rhyme scheme, created by Scott J. Alcorn. The elements of the Nove Otto are: a poem in 9 lines. syllabic, 8 syllables per line. rhymed aacbbcddc. Company's Coming by Judi Van Gorder Octameter not only means 8 metric feet in a line, it also is the name of an invented verse form that isn't metric at all. This was created by Shelley A Cephas. The elements of the Octameter verse form are: 16 line frame made up of 2 octaves. syllabic, lines of 5 syllables each. rhymed, rhyme scheme xxabxbxb cxacxcbb x being unrhymed. (sometimes you just have to wonder) Octelle is an invented form that specifically asks that the poem include personification and symbolism. It was created by Emily Romano. The elements of the Octelle are: an octastich, a poem in 8 lines. syllabic, 8-8-7-7-7-7-8-8 syllables per line. rhymed, rhyme scheme A1A2bbccA1A2 L1 is repeated as L7 and L2 is repeated as L8. Oddquain is a pentastich with odd numbered syllabled lines that add up to 17 syllables invented by Glenda L. Hand. It is haiku-like in that is compact, utilizing the maximum syllable count of the haiku but breaking it into 5 lines. The elements of the Oddquain are: a pentastich, a poem in 5 lines or it can be stanzaic, written in any number of cinquains. syllabic, 1-3-5-7-1 syllables per line. usually unrhymed. can be written in variation: Crown of Oddquains - written in 5 cinquains. A crown always is written with the last line of the stanza repeated as the first line of the next stanza. Reverse Oddquains, written with reverse syllable count 1-7-5-3-1, Mirror Oddquain, written in 2 cinquains, syllable count 1-3-5-7-1 1-7-5-3-1. Oddquain Butterflies - merges the 2 stanzas of the mirror cinquain by deleting the 1st line of the second stanza, syllables 1-3-5-7-1-7-5-3-1. They Keep Coming Bills, reminders that nothing's free. Services rendered, dollars owed, Pay! ~~jvg Parallelogram de Crystalline is an invented verse form with a thematic focus. The subject is a lover and the lover should be described through images of nature. It was introduced by Karan Naidu. The elements of the Parallelogram de Crystalline are: a poem in 12 lines, made up of 4 tercets. syllabic 3-6-9 syllables per line for each tercet. unrhymed. themed, lover described by images from nature. Him Bay stallion, nostrils flared, sleek muscles unrestrained, head tossing, hooves prancing. Thundering while protecting his own from predators, he leads to safety. Fast and strong he travels over land he deems his own. Courage unquestioned. Beautiful, frightening, exciting. Eyes focused and wild, choosing one. ~~Judi Van Gorder Puente (Spanish-puente=bridge) is a thematic verse with a specific yet discretionary frame. It is written in 2 equal yet contrasting parts with a single line bridging the two parallels. It was introduced by James Rasmusson inspired by the anthology, A Poetry Bridge to All Nations by Connie Marcum Wong and by the actions of his step-daughter Mira Conklin who "walked the migrant trail in Mexico with 12 other Americans 'to explore the root causes of northward migration'". The elements of the Puente are: isostrophic, written in 2 strophes with the same frame at the discretion of the poet and "bridged" by a single line that carries the theme of the poem. The separate strophes should be parallels to one another. meter and rhyme at the discretion of the poet. The Quadrilew is an invented verse form with alternating syllabic patterns and a tumbling refrain. Introduced by C.V.G.Lewis at Shadow Poetry. The elements of the Quadrilew are: is a poem in 16 lines made up of 4 quatrains. syllabic, alternating stanzas of 5-6-5-6 6-5-6-5 5-6-5-6 6-5-6-5 or the opposite 6-5-6-5 5-6-5-6 etc. The lines of the first stanza are repeated as a tumbling refrain positioned in the first line of subsequent stanzas. L2 repeated as L5, L3 is repeated as L9, and L4 is repeated as L13. rhymed rhyme scheme aB1AB2> B1cbc Adad B2ebe. lower case = rhyme; upper case = refrain. RemyLa Rhyme is a stanzaic chain form. It was introduced by Laura Lamarca and named for her daughter. The elements of the RemyLa Rhyme are: stanzaic, written in 3 or more quatrains. syllabic, 8-10-12-8 syllables per line in each quatrain. rhymed, axxa bxxb cxxc dxxd etc. - x being unrhymed. a stanzaic Chain Verse, the last word of each stanza is the first word of the next stanza creating a linking effect. Septolet is the name of 2 different invented forms. One found at Shadow Poetry and one found at Mrs. Reese's Elementary. Both are written in 7 lines. The elements of the Septolet found at Shadow Poetry are: a poem in 7 lines broken into 2 strophes complimenting one another to complete an image. Written in 14 words. Let the Games Begin by Judi Van Gorder animals without clothes by Geoffrey Le Voguer with clothes chasing unfledged tails oblivious to stars, not knowing yet their place. depression by Tammi aka Moonqueen falling through a hole without bottom i no longer distinguish between solace and horror The elements of the Septolet found at Mrs. Reese's Elementary are: a heptastich, a poem in 7 lines. syllabic 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 per line. zi single syllable word character of written Chinese verse. -- judi van gorder Staccato an invented stanzaic form which attempts to emulate the musical staccato rhythm with emphatic two syllable refrains inserted in L3 and L6 of each stanza. Jan Turner created a form with internal rhyme and variable meter. The elements of the Staccato are: stanzaic, written in 2 or more sixains. metric, iambic, L1,L2,L5,L6 are pentameter, L3 and L4 are tetrameter. rhymed aabbcc ddeeff gghhii. Internal rhyme occurs between L1 and L2 midway in the lines. written with an emphatic, two syllable refrain repeated twice at the beginning of L3 and once at the beginning of L6 of each stanza. Swap Quatrain is an invented stanzaic form that repeats L1 in inverted sytax as a refrain in L4 of the same stanza. Created by Lorraine M Kanter. The elements of the Swap Quatrain are: stanzaic, written in any number of quatrains. metered at the discretion of the poet. However the lines must be long enough to create 2 hemistiches written with 2 phrases of L1 of each stanza inverted and repeated as L4 in a refrain. rhymed aabb ccdd Switching phrases, verse form invented. Very simple device presented becomes titled poetic basis. Verse form invented, switching phrases. ~~jvg Synchronicity is an invented verse form written in the first person revealing accidental yet seemingly synchronized events. Created by Debra Gundy who suggests there be a pivot or twist in the last quarter of the poem. Synchronicity is the simultaneous occurence of events which appear meaningfully related but have no discoverable causal connection. The elements of the Synchronicity are: stanzaic, written 4 or more tercets. syllabic, 8-8-2 syllables per line of each tercet. unrhymed. written in the first person describing simultaneous events that appear to be connected but could simply be coincidental. written with a pivot or twist occurring at the last quarter of the poem. The Tableau is an invented stanzaic form that paints a single image in keeping with the name of the form, tableau meaning picture. Created by Emily Romano who suggests the word "tableau" be included in the title. The elements of the Tableau are: stanzaic, written in any number of sixains. syllabic, 5 syllable lines. rhyme at the discretion of the poet. written describing a single image. written with a title that includes the word "tableau". Cease Fire in Syria Trophy by Judi Van Gorder Stepping over bricks rescuers pick through rubble and debris. Body found face down, her blood soaked hijab flutters in the breeze. A child's tear streaked face peeks from behind wall wide eyed in terror. Urgent searchers comb wreckage for victims of last night's airstrike. ~~Judi Van Gorder Tri-fall is an invented verse form that groups lines and rhyme in threes. Created by Jan Turner who suggest little or no punctuation be used. The elements of the Tri-fall are: a poem in 18 lines made up of 3 sixains. syllabic, 6-3-8-6-3-8 syllables per line. rhymed, rhyme scheme abcabc defdef ghighi. written with little or no punctuation. The Trilonnet is a 14 line invented verse form that doesn't claim to be a sonnet. Created by Shelley A Cephas who offers two options in both meter and rhyme scheme. The elements of the Trilonnet are: a 14 line poem made up of 4 tercets followed by a rhymed couplet. metered, iambic, either pentameter (10 syllables) or tetrameter (8 syllables). rhymed abc abc abc abc dd or abc cba abc cba dd. Dancing With Roses by Judi Van Gorder Trijan Refrain, another invented form created by and named for Jan Turner and the recommended number of stanzas within the structure. It was found at Shadow Poetry . The elements of the Trijan Refrain are: stanzaic, written in any number of 9-line stanzas (3 are recommended). syllabic, 8-6-8-6-8-8-4-4-8. rhymed, AbabccDDc AeaeffGGf AhahiiJJi composed with a refrain within the stanza, the first 4 syllables of L5 are repeated as a refrain in L7 and L8. written a refrain between stanzas, L1 of the first stanza repeated as L1 of each subsequent stanza. There is a variation in which L1 is not repeated in the subsequent stanzas, in that scenario the rhyme scheme is ababccDDc efefggHHg ijijkkLLk. Sweet Destiny by Jan Turner (stanza 1) Oh destiny, sweet destiny, Come silent in the night, And teach my spirit how to see Within tomorrow's light. I know I'll strive to do what's best For humankind's eternal quest. . . I know I'll strive I know I'll strive Oh destiny to meet the test. Trinet is an invented stanzaic form that is measured in words rather than syllables or metric feet. Created by zion, the poem should be centered on the page. The elements of the Trinet are: stanzaic written in any number of septets (3 are recommended) measured in words, 2-2-6-6-2-2-2 word in each line. unrhymed. centered on the page to appear as crosses. The Triquain is one of 2 different forms, one found in Viola Berg's Pathways for a Poet, 1977 and the other found at Shadow Poetry which appears to have been created about 25 years later by Shelly Cephas. The form as described in Berg's book is a syllabic tristich and the form at Shadow Poetry is a syllabic heptastich. The elements of the Triquain at Shadow Poetry are: a heptastich, a poem in 7 lines. syllabic, 3-6-9-12-9-6-3 syllables per line. rhymed at the discretion of the poet. can be written in variation: Triquain chain of 2 to 4 triquains. A stanzaic chain is always written with the last word of each stanza repeated as the first word of the next stanza. Triquain Crown in 5 stand alone linked stanzas (A crown is always written with the last line of each stanza repeated as the first line of the next stanza. Triquain swirl joining the stanzas and eliminating the beginning 3 syllable line of each subsequent stanza. 3-6-9-11-9-6-3-6-9-12-9-6-3 etc. snowman by Geoffrey Le Voguer (a triquain swirl) all of my careful efforts in vain buttons up front to the coal dark eyes and toper's nose with seasonal smile-- there he stood a lone titan of his ilk-- until the school bell rang early- -then down camea hullabaloo horde pelting at all in their way-- until they saw him and couldn't contain their glee-- and I swear we both shared such a baleful look as snowballing children tore him down The Triquatrain is an invented stanzaic form, obviously written in quatrains. The form, created by Robert L Huntsman, has an added feature of internal rhyme. The elements of the Triquatrain are: written in any number of quatrains. metered at the discretion of the poet. rhymed, employing internal rhyme in L1 and L3 of each quatrain, the rhyme scheme is (a-a)b(c-c)b (d-d)e(f-f)e etc. The Triquint is an invented verse form that repeats a refrain in L3 and L4 of each stanza. Created by Sylvia A Feeley, the form is name for the 3 cinquains that make up the poem. The elements of the Triquint are: a poem in 15 lines made up of 3 cinquains. syllabic, 9-7-5-3-1 syllables per line. rhymed, turned only 2 rhymes, rhyme scheme aaA1A2b aaA1A2b aaA1A2b. written with a refrain, repeating L3 and L4 of the first stanza in the same position of the 2nd and 3rd stanzas. Trois-par-Huit is an invented verse form named for its number of lines and stanzas, three by eight. Created by Lorraine M. Kanter. It could have been influenced by the French traditional form, Hutain. The elements of the Trois-par-Huit are: an octastich, a poem in 8 lines made up of either 2 tercets followed by a couplet or a tercet, a couplet, a tercet, in that order. syllabic, 3-6-9-12-12-9-6-3 regardless of stanza arrangement. rhymed, aab bbc dd or aab bb ccc. last line acts as a summary. centered on the page. Strangled at the Pump by Judi Van Gorder Trolaan is an invented stanzaic form that uses the ancient Welsh technique cymeriad that begins each line of a stanza with the same consonant and takes it a step further beginning each subsequent quatrain with the 2nd letter of the 1st word of the previous quatrain to begin each line. Created by Valerie Peterson Brown, the quatrains have a specific rhyme scheme but the meter is at the discretion of the poet. The elements of the Trolaan are: stanzaic, written in 4 quatrains. metered at the discretion of the poet. alternate rhymed abab cdcd efef ghgh. written with cymeriad, the first letter of each line in each quatrain is the same, although this form takes it a step further and in each subsequent quatrain the repeated beginning letter changes. The 2nd stanza begins with the 2nd letter of the first word of the poem, the 3rd stanza begins with the 2nd letter of the first word of the 2nd stanza, the 4th stanza begins with the 2nd letter of the first word of the 3rd stanza etc. Jungle Tale by Judi Van Gorder Vers Beaucoup French-many rhymes) is an invented stanzaic form that is riddled with rhyme. Created by Curt Mongold who suggest the lines within the quatrains be enjambed. The elements of the Vers Beaucoup are: stanzaic, written in any number of quatrains. metered at the discretion of the poet. rhymed, including multiple internal rhyme sounds. Rhyme scheme (a-a-a)(a-b-b)(b-c-c)(c-d-d) (e-e-e)(e-f-f)(f-g-g)(g-h-h) etc. Wrapped Refrain is an invented stanzaic form created by Jan Turner brings each stanza full circle by repeated the first 4 syllables of the stanza as the last 4 syllables of the stanza reminiscent of the French rentrament, repeating the first phrase of the stanza as a the last phrase of the stanza. The elements of the Wrapped Refrain are: stanzaic, written in any number of sixains or octaves. syllabic, 8-8-8-8-12-12 syllables per lines when written in sixains, 14-14-8-8-8-8-14-14 syllables per line when written in octaves. rhymed, aabbcc ddeeff etc. when written in sixains and aabbccdd eeffgghh etc when written in octaves. written with each sixain repeating the first 4 syllables of L1 as the last 4 syllables of L6 or each octave repeating the first 10 syllables of L1 as the last 10 syllables of L8. Since You've Gone by Judi Van Gorder Happy Holidays by Judi Van Gorder ZaniLa Rhyme is an invented stanzaic form created by Laura Lamarca and employs internal rhyme. The elements of the ZaniLa Rhyme are: stanzaic, written in no less than 3 quatrains. syllabic, 9-7-9-9 syllables per line. rhymed, xa(b-B)a xc(b-B)c xd(b-B)d etc. written with L3 of the first stanza repeated as a refrain in L3 of each subsequent stanza.
  3. Tinker

    Weekly Poem Challenge

    Here you will find various prompts to hopefully jumpstart your poetic fingers into writing. Try for daily writing time, but even a weekly poem is better than nothing at all Setting up a regular routine for writing can result in a lot of poems written on the fly, often without fine tuning. But it also can spark the beginnings of a new poem that can be honed later. What the challenge does is, it inspires writing. Any one can jump in when and if the prompt moves them. If you are so inspired go ahead and share your prompted poem in the thread and identify which prompt you followed. Of if it turns out a winner maybe share it in Member's Poetry where it will be commented on. I will do my best to add the prompts and forms here in this thread in case someone here could benefit from a little nudge. Don't expect me to be punctual with the prompts No judges here, just nudges. ~~Tink
  4. Tinker

    Fire Season

    Fire SeasonOctober winds fan fierce fire storm fueled by dry grass and plant life long summer set the stage flames force folks to flee blaze lights night sky choking smoke hot ash Leave! ~~Judi Van GorderNotes: ▼ 8 Lines Inspired by last night's fire, friends evacuated, 10000 acres burned so far with 0% containment. Another threatening fire with no end in sight. Verse Form: Octet
  5. Here Is California's biggest threat, FIRE. Packed a bag and headed to the office. So far the fire is east of my home, I won't be going to radiation therapy today, the cancer center may have burned down, I can't tell yet, The Inn and restaurant a half a block away from the center has burned to the ground. Even if it isn't burned there is no way to get there. Pretty scary stuff. Santa Rosa is my escape route in the event there is fire here on the mountain but Santa Rosa has 35,000 acres on fire including residential areas. I anticipate a lot of calls, I insure many homes there. Yikes, I still have the ocean 10 minutes away so there is always a way out, I'm a good swimmer. Stay safe out there. ~~Tink
  6. bob

    Fire and Ice

    Nature does not need instructions as to how or why recycling is beneficial to earth. It’s man with his uncertain wisdom, who needs to be made aware. Fire and Ice High above the frozen earth Their journey hence began. Tiny droplets of moisture; Tumble toward a darkened land. A chill overcomes them, Changing rain to crystal ice. Winds carry them higher Once, two times, even thrice. As crystals they gather, New shapes begin to form. With stems, branches and fronds Frosty white is now the norm. Flakes of varied shapes Cover earth with a blanket soft. Except in one location... Heat greets them from aloft. Christmas carolers by a campfire, Sing songs of praise on high. Voices reach to the heavens, Through fragments from the sky. Heat from flames arising… Meld with winter’s cold, Catches tiny bits and pieces… Not wanting to release its hold. Fire and ice do not mix; An exchange goes unopposed. Flame-alters frozen cells, Now as steam, they arose. Earth’s environment is efficient, With elements at beck and call. Using its marvel of recycling; A lesson to be learned by all. These precious wisps return, To heights where they began. Gathering once more as tear drops, To be released again and again. Yarnspinner copyright 2015
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