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Explore the Craft of Writing Poetry
Irish Verse

  • Treochair (tripe key) is written in accentual syllabic tercets which is a departure from the syllabic quatrains of most dan direach of ancient Irish forms.
    The elements of the Treochair are:
    1. stanzaic, written in any number of tercets.
    2. accentual syllabic 3-7-7 syllables per line, L1 carries 2 stresses, L2 carries 3 stresses, L3 carries 2 stresses.
    3. rhymed, axa bxb cxc ....ending with axa
    4. generously alliterated.
      Saturday Mornings by Mike Montreiul

      Waking up
      from the dream of another...
      Come, will you drink from my cup?

      A first thought...
      I recognize that odd voice;
      not quite cut from the same cloth.

      Elmer Fudd,
      Saturday morning cartoons,
      falling again in the mud.

      It's a game...
      I used to remember too,
      waking up, pretending lame.

      Make it fast
      was my one favorite wish,
      watching Dad make the breakfast.

      My turn now;
      pancakes are made as he did.
      Not enough time for a wow,

      Time to go!
      Too many errands need me.
      When will I ever be slow?

      Waking up
      from the dream of another...
      Come, will you drink from my cup?

~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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  • 5 years later...

Cat Owner's Adventures

A thriller,
let me bring you up to date.
Molly Cat is a killer.

And she brings
her precious prizes inside
all while she meows and sings

Many types
of birds, rodents and lizards
have become a part of the hype. 

Just today
she snatched a bird from the sky
still alive brought in to play.

Well of course
I tried to rescue her prey
without making matters worse.

Oh!  it flew
to the ceiling and rounded
the room, seeking open blue.

Then it hid
behind the washing machine
the poor thing shivers, timid.

So I wait,
cat evicted, door open
hoping it is not too late.
              ~~Judi Van Gorder


~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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