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Indian Verse
The Vedas

Tristubh trée-shtoobh (hymn, from the god of devas -shining ones or nature spirits and originating from the flesh ofPrajāpati) is originally found in part of the Bhgavad Gita chapter 11 Verse 15 - 44 (including this phrase "brighter than a thousand suns") and makes up about 40% of the meters in the Rig-Veda.

Many of the The Veda meters are associated with body parts, the Tristubh is associated with the chest and arms. This ancient meter does appear in poetry centuries later connecting the content to the Vedic character of the verse.

The elements of the Tristubh are:

  1. stanzaic, written in any number of quatrains, 4 padas or lines.
  2. syllabic, lines of 11 syllables each. The heavy-light or guru-laghu pattern of the lines is language specific and probably impossible to duplicate in English. But for the purist you can try by converting heavy-light to Long-short vowel sounds.
  3. metric. The metric pattern would then be L or s L s L L - s s L s L L. (the first syllable may be either Long or short) A caesura appears after the 4th or 5th syllable.

    Panache by Judi Van Gorder

    To let loose and declare
                            my wants with panache,
    make it all about me,
                            my needs, my desires,
    to cut in and step
                            to the front of the line,
    just once, it would be fun
                            to play the Diva.

Other Vedic forms

II. Sanskrit Forms

Regional Forms:III.Bengali, IV.Hindi, V.Kashmiri, VI.Marathi and VII.Teluga

~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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