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Hexaduad & Inverted Hexaduad


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  • The Hexaduad is a syllabic rhymed verse form. One internet site states that this is an old English form but provides no history or example of the origin. Because counting syllables is not typical of old English writing and since I could find no evidence of this form in any of my many resources other than on a few internet sites, I suspect the Hexaduad is in fact a fairly recent invented form.
    The elements of the Hexaduad are:
    1. a poem in 12 lines made up of 6 rhymed couplets.
    2. syllabic, the lines of the 1st couplet has 2 syllables
                                            2nd couplet has 6 syllables
                                            3rd couplet has 8 syllables
                                            4th couplet has 4 syllables
                                            5th couplet has 6 syllables
                                            6th couplet has 4 syllables
    3. rhymed, rhyme scheme aa bb cc dd ee ff

      Pier 39 by Judi Van Gorder
      curious tourists judge
      kiosks, gift shops and fudge
      Tee shirts, pearls and coins in a trunk
      seafood, ice cream, coffee and junk
      diners are fed
      sour dough bread
      while winds from the bay blow.
      sea lions steal the show,
      their day begun
      laze in the sun.
  • The Inverted Hexaduad is a modification of the Hexaduad in that it separates the syllable count of the lines making the couplets irregular and the 1st and last couplets are the same lines inverted in order.
    The elements of the Inverted Hexaduad are:
    1. a poem in 12 lines made up of 6 irregular rhymed couplets.
    2. syllabic, the syllable count of the lines are 2, 6, 8, 4, 6, 4, 4, 6, 4, 8, 6, 2, in that order.
    3. rhymed, the rhyme scheme is AA bb cc dd ee AA. The first and last couplets are the same only inverted in order.

      x A
      x x x x x A
      x x x x x x x b
      x x x b
      x x x x x c
      x x x c
      x x x d
      x x x x x d
      x x x e
      x x x x x x x e
      x x x x x A
      x A

~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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