Tinker Posted December 6, 2018 Author Posted December 6, 2018 Day 13 Notes: ▼ Theme: Put someone on 'the naughty list' and tell us why. NO SPECIFIC NAMES, not even names like wife, daughter, friend, spouse, aunt, uncle, cousin or man at the corner. Him, her, she, he etc. are fine. Words to use: coal, flamingo, list, naughty, why, mayhem,something 'deleted' as in crossed out. Words forbidden: Any identifying names, (to protect the guilty and/or the indignant) Additional parameters: Rhyming,Unlikeable He sat there, slumped, arms crossed in petulant pose among dignified leaders to honor a great man in repose. Clearly he'd rather be off playing golf in flamingo land or creating mayhem for coal miners, or to be anywhere he can grandstand. I'm reluctant to deem him damned, his office demands our respect. Why, some supporters are my friends, but for me it's hard to connect. I wonder when it is all over and done will he be on the naughty or nice list. Only history will tell. Perhaps the FBI will investigate check it twice. ~~Judi Van Gorder Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted December 6, 2018 Author Posted December 6, 2018 Day 14 Notes: ▼ December 6, 2018 at 8:49am Preview: Theme: Colors Words to use: Minimum of five colors used in new connotations. Use at least one other sense besides sight. Forbidden words: the At least 24 lines, free verse - rather than highlight your colors in green (per usual) list them after your poem.Rainbow of Possibilities Waking light fills my rose dusk mind with golden thoughts. I see familiar tree tops change to forest towers and open sky becomes a wash of powder blue possibilities. Prinked by prompts and bold “must does” I begin my day. I flip on TV for company and see a starburst stained glass window beaming down a rainbow welcome upon a simple casket, wrapped in red, white and blue, remembering a life and mourning a loss of a president. His sage legacy is a reminder to live with love and respect. Today I strike a candle to join your "thousand points of light". George Herbert Walker Bush, Thank you for your brilliant service. ~~Judi Van Gorder 37 Lines Colors used, rose, golden, forest, powder blue, red, white, blue, sage, (and maybe "rainbow"} Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted December 7, 2018 Author Posted December 7, 2018 Notes: ▼ OnomatopoeiaThe Day Begins Rat-a-tat-tat, Rat-a-tat-tat you might think it a kettle drum. Rat-a-tat-tat, Rat-a-tat-tat No, it’s the sound of the rain, waking me this bleak morning. Rat a-tat-tat. Pa-dump pa-dump, pa-dump, the kitty gallops through the house Pa-dump pa-dump, pa-dump jacked by the cold and ready to play, running so fast she slammed into a wall. Clunk! Pa-dump pa-dump, Shuuuuuuuu-uuuuuuu the heater kicks on to warm the room Shuuuuuuuu-uuuuuuu I have no idea why that thing is so noisy. Until it does it’s job I’ll stay right here in the rustle of my sheets snuggled and entertained by the cat. ~~~~ Judi Van Gorder Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted December 7, 2018 Author Posted December 7, 2018 Day 15 Theme: Pick a snack or some kind of food you love that you CANNOT get where you are. A friend calls on her way to get herself some of what ever it is and now you really want some too. Words to use: NOW!, mean, slime. Forbidden words: ANY KIND OF FOOD. Additional parameters: Title of poem is the specific food. (ONLY place you can use any type of food word.) At least 16 lines. Taquerìa Tacos Oh yes, there are many others but only one hole in the wall, So Cal, cocinero can create them mean and lean. Fire on my tongue, addicting, leaving me craving more. Not now, but when I head south again, You will be sure to find me standing in line to place my order. Taste of Mexico, no slime, just succulent freshness that awakens every taste bud with fireworks! Olè! ~~Judi Van Gorder Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted December 8, 2018 Author Posted December 8, 2018 Day 16 Theme: Time - we all need more, but supposing someone 'gave' you a moment? Pick a period of time: a moment, a quarter of an hour, a day, an hour, decade, eon, month, etc.. What would you/could you do with it? Or maybe when would you get it? Fun or get chore caught up? All sorts of possibilities! Words to use: your selected amount of time, plus four (min) other units of time. Title your poem your chosen unit of time. Forbidden words: None today 🙂 Additional parameters: None sp;A Lifetime Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted December 10, 2018 Author Posted December 10, 2018 Notes: ▼ Prompt for: December 9, 2018 (Ren) "Day 17 " Subject or Theme: Holidays make us miss someone or appreciate someone more. Your poem must include 5 of these 10 lines that are from songs on my current playlist:if you're gonna break my heart just break it play me close 27 blocks to goI'm not made out of steeleverywhere I go I see your face this is perfect baby I still see youyou're running out of time just another ex-love you don't wanna see looking like a princess I need more hours with you you love me now and I feel the same wayI got this feeling inside my bones baby shark Word(s) to Include: at least 5 of the lines above - please list the ones you used at the bottom in a note.(tense can be changed, but nothing else!) Forbidden Word(s): (none) (or any derivatives of these words) Additional Parameters: Can be serious or humorous...24 lines minimum Remember, do not use forbidden words ANYWHERE, including title or the brief description. I'll Miss You Tears held in check a battle rages inside, anger and sadness war. "I’m not made out of steel" "If you’re going to break my heart, just break it" and still I'll miss you. "You’re running out of time" To salvage any hope of Christmas past, the laughter gone. "I got this feeling inside my bones" we end now and I'll miss you. "Everywhere I go I see your face" Your taunting words ring in my ears. I will be happier without your venom. and still I'll fondly remember better times and I'll miss you. ~~Judi Van Gorder 25 Lines Lines used from playlist highlighted in green Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted December 10, 2018 Author Posted December 10, 2018 Notes: ▼ "Day 18" Theme: Christmas - any aspect thereof Words to use: palpable, replete, whisper, symbol Forbidden words: the, of, a, for, an, to, I, you, me, from, in, and Hush He's Sleeping Tanka Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted December 12, 2018 Author Posted December 12, 2018 Notes: ▼ "Day 19 - " Theme: Currier & Ives Christmas. Write a rhyming poem that takes us back in time to a Currier & Ives kind of Christmas. (Google Currier & Ives if you aren't familiar with them.) Think simpler times, family oriented. Togetherness. No cell phones, video games or TV. Words to use: harness, candle, envelope, stick Forbidden words: auto, car, TV, cellphone, video, computer, internet, For some reason, these prompts bring out my dark side.Picture Perfect Christmas Frosty snowbound village with garland all around cozy candle lit cottages where love of family abounds. Enveloped in Christmases of old were homemade gifts and sweets and sleigh bells in the narrow streets. Holiday sights and sounds untold. Every person went to church Currier and Ives sold a brand A cardinal watches from his perch. Were things really all that grand? Kids enjoyed a sticky taffy pull and snow ball fights for sure a practice still secure and on the farm, dared tip a bull. A well worn harness hangs on the rustic stable wall next to the old mare’s stall, there’s pens to muck before supper clangs. Nostalgia for the good old days when life was simpler then you know, "Good will to men" when seen through a rosy haze. No people of color do you see or derelicts, drunks or gays. They don’t fit this idealic way around the Victorian tree. The truth is life was hard in this picture perfect note and women couldn’t even vote when grandma cooked with lard. ~~Judi Van Gorder Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted December 14, 2018 Author Posted December 14, 2018 Ring Joyful Form used, Glosa "day 20" Theme: Bells. Could be bells or belles. Door bells, church bells, 'with bells on,' --any kind of bells--but used in conjunction with Christmas Required words: stargazing, meander, etiquette, break, jump, ring. Forbidden words: fly, wing, chime. Additional parameters: any form (state form with link to how that form works) as long as it is at least 24 lines long. (Do a double or triple if necessary!) Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted December 15, 2018 Author Posted December 15, 2018 Notes: ▼ Day 21 Theme: Anniversary. Write about 'an' anniversary...any kind of anniversary... 3rd Christmas together, wedding, a wdc anniversary … perhaps a cancer free date or x years at a job. Words to use: the year of the anniversary and what it is. Forbidden words: All words are good because each scenario is different. Additional parameters: At least 40 lines. Make us want to go 'awww...sniff...smile'Happy Anniversary Babe It was just a couple of weeks ago, November 30, 2018 we celebrated our wedding anniversary, well sort of. It was a quiet celebration just the two of us. It had rained all day, I had to go into the office so I was tired. Bob said we should go out for dinner but I didn't want to. So we stayed in, it was a night like most every other night. A far cry from 55 years ago, 1963, and the hustle and bustle of a formal wedding. I say that quite literally, my slipper satin gown had a bustle, the train pulled up into a bubble on my butt for dancing later on. The event was just that, a full Catholic Mass, a gaggle of bridesmaids, 300 guests, sit down dinner, a four tiered cake, a live band and an open bar. A new beginning after just one week before, with the assassination of President Kennedy and the death of one of our groomsmen in an auto accident the same day. We were putting mourning behind us and starting a new life. And life goes on, quieter now, simpler now, more comfortable now. ~~Judi Van Gorder 60 Lines PS. We did go out and celebrate with friends of 50 years two days later. We are old but not so old we can't still have fun. Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted December 15, 2018 Author Posted December 15, 2018 Day 22 Notes: ▼ Theme: Shopping for the perfect Christmas Present, you meander in to an old antique store you've never noticed before. Time has no meaning here and you wander, entranced, by the items you see artfully displayed in old trunks or balanced precariously on dusty shelves. Antique furniture, jewelry piled as if in Aladdin's cave, musty old books, elegant hats of some long forgotten era. What do you find? Why is the cat (?)watching you? Why does the proprietor seem oddly familiar? Do you venture up the stairs to the second floor? Why do the wide wooden floorboards creak sounding like an old carol? Do you look out through the fogged windows to see outside and if so, does it look the same? Using some of these details, and more you come up with on your own as you wander in your mind's eye, take us on a descriptive journey to your finding that ultimate gift. Will it be as intended? Words to use: piquant, befuddle, ring, set, cobweb, feather, gloss, spectacles, at least a four syllable word starting with the letter E. Forbidden words: shop, store, buy, gift Additional parameters: details, descriptive phrasings, find more than a simple gift. At least 48 lines, rhyming or not.Curiouser and Curiouser I enter the hobbit-like domain of antiques and curiosities. This peculiar place is out of the way, almost hidden. I peruse, glass topped ornately carved display cases and witness crooked wire spectacles from another era, a moldy, mauve feather boa that makes me sneeze, an oriental yellowed-ivory chess set that my son would love, and a tiny gold baby ring. On a shelf next to the counter is perched a delicate, porcelain dove. No, that's not it, I need a more piquant find, something unique, something memorable. Toward the back of the room there is a doorway shielded by a glitzy beaded curtain that tinkles as I pass through. Unlike the well lit outer room, this one is dim illuminated by only a stuttering florescent lamp. Cobwebs decorate the corners and a once glossy teak table is covered in dust. Boxes are stacked precariously at odd angles in befuddled disarray. With excruciating and meticulous, endeavor I begin to comb through the boxes closest to the light. One must have been the property of an apothecary. Blue bottles, a scale, stone mortar and pestle, what stories these could tell. Another belonged to a military man, old medals, tarnished and forgotten. Thank you for your service. Who knows how long I searched with no success but I know it is here. I will return tomorrow to continue my quest.. ~~ Judi Van Gorder 59 lines Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted December 15, 2018 Author Posted December 15, 2018 Day 23 Theme: Your favorite or most memorable Christmas. Be descriptive and let us in on the backstory as to the why it stands out in memory. Words to use: Any and all you wish 🙂 Forbidden words: Free day 🙂 Additional parameters: at least 48 lines.Merry Christmas To All Haven't we been down this road before? Of my 76 Christmases what's my most memorable? I honestly don't know. They blur together until a comment a photo, a song or a person, something draws me back. So I'll simply share my 77th with you, which hasn't yet happened, but only one week away so things are fresh in my memory. Favorite, probably not, but who knows, I'm alive, my family is well and I'm truly grateful for each day and Christmas just takes it up a notch. Since my son married and made his home 500 miles away I've gone south to watch my grandkids experience the wonder that is Christmas each year. It's easier and cheaper for two people to travel than a family of six. A few years ago they planned a trip north to spend the holiday here and my son ended up in the hospital, again I went south and obviously their trip was cancelled. He was a motor cop at the time and he was hit by a car merging into his lane where he was pursuing a speeder at 75 miles an hour with full lights and sirens but she didn't see him. They had to pry the bill of his helmet from the asphalt. That was a scary one, but he survived, he's just fine, still a cop but plain clothes now an expert in vehicle theft, chop shops, undercover ops and surveillance. I told him he lives a real live TV show. This year I'm staying home and so are my son and grandkids. I'm hosting a Christmas brunch for my brother and another couple. I'm still planning the menu and additional decorations, its kind of fun to change it up. I'll go to Midnight Mass in my own parish, which I haven't done for a long time, husband won't make it that late. We'll facetime the kids on Christmas morning and enjoy a low key celebration. Then a few quiet days before we'll be invaded by our grandchildren and their parents for a full week. A promise of chaos, noise, adventure and lots of love. On second thought, this just may end up being my favorite. ~~Judi Van Gorder Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted December 17, 2018 Author Posted December 17, 2018 Notes: ▼ Day 25 "December 16 prompt (don't know the day)" Prompt for: December 16, 2018 (Ren) Subject or Theme: Christmas Future ~ a narrative and a poem! Word(s) to Include: Any type of timepiece: clock, timer, phone, watch, etc. Please note what you use at the bottom. Must be used in the both narrative and poem.(or any derivatives of these words) Forbidden Word(s): Future (or any derivatives of these words) Additional Parameters: Write a narrative about a future Christmas. It must be at least 250 words (give word count). Then using that narrative, write a poem. At least 28 lines. Do not use exact lines from the narrative. Make the poem poetic. Remember, do not use forbidden words ANYWHERE, including title or the brief description.Journal Entry December 25, 2041 The calendar marks another Christmas, 100 years from that of my birth. Gratefully my mind is still here. The body may be checking out however. The number of years left for me is in question. But I believe love and the written word live on. calendared pages declare another Christmas on this day of hope I share the Father's promise through my actions and my words Despite our world's forward progress into technology induced isolation, the Christmas promise of hope and salvation is still renewed this day. Winding the timepiece backward, I've watched as the ice man brought the block of frozen water and placed it in a box to keep our bottle of milk cold. I've helped chop and split wood to cook our meals on wood burning stoves. The ice is melting and our forests are burning. timepiece wound backward nature's ice and wood supply simple solutions for preservation and heat planet now in jeopardy I've turned the round dial on a clunky black phone and listened to the ticking sound as the dial returned to position and worked with pencil and paper to calculate the mathematic equations to determine my clients insurance premiums. I built a business by visiting peoples homes, sitting across their dining table and getting to know who they are and what their needs were. In turn the season was met with cards, homemade cookies, jams and wines. clunky telephone pencil, paper, face to face caring for others gifts of cookies and jellies season of celebration Today the world spins by my surgically enhanced eyes so fast, my laser vision still can't keep up. The fridge passes prepared nourishment, on schedule, to a plate for consumption, a dinner bell rings. Communication is permanently imbedded behind my left ear and linked to my right eye, so I see and hear and communicate at the touch of my ear lobe. And the public is lulled by corporate greed to believing the automated voice saying, "buy this, buy that, buy, buy, buy", cares. The promise of the season buried deeper and deeper under consumer landfill. crispy salad plate juicy red pomegranate bells chime a welcome family still gathers to feast gift exchange waits 'til later We can no longer depend solely on a child in a manger born 2000 years ago. He has passed the mantel, it is up to us to carry his message. Cherish the earth we were commissioned to care for, walk in the shoes of our brother and reach out and touch our neighbor. earth and sky and sea living proof of agape gifted to our care love our neighbor as ourselves pass on the message of hope Artists paint, singers sing, healers nurture and poets write. Until I can no more, I will use my gift to proclaim the living message of the season. St. Luke wrote these words, "Peace on earth good will to men." sage words to live by ~~Judi Van Gorder Prose 371 words. Poem 5 tankas followed by 1 haiku = 28 Lines Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted December 19, 2018 Author Posted December 19, 2018 Day 26Notes: ▼ 42 Lines side note: The name of the street I've lived on for 55 years is "Joy Road". Theme: If I Owned a Toy store. What types of toys? What would it be like? Magical? Scientific? What would it look like? Who runs it? Where is it? Words to use: silly string, rhinocerous - or another 4+ sylable animal, read, purple, a number like 10 or 506, Store's Name, alphabet, a specific children's book title and author, a childhood character not associated with the book title you use, price }Forbidden words: buy, purchase, money, coin, afford, dollars - not even implied with a $ sign, no form of money as in lira, dimes, pounds , etc. Additional parameters: Must rhyme, minimum of 36 lines Tinker's Toy Academy Welcome, step right in join with me, let's begin. Right here on windy Joy Road we just received a brand new load. Toys of every kind for everyone who loves to play and treasures fun. From slimy, gooey silly string to a giant playground swing. And of course, what can be grander than a green, fake salamander? Over there are crying baby dolls and bins and bins of colorful balls. Sit right down in this little nook you can find adventure inside a book.Read the antics of Junie B. or runaway and sail out to sea in "Where the Wild Things Are", the book earned Maurice Sendak 5 big stars. Here imagination rules the day, in this charming castle you can play. Don a royal purple cape or change into another shape with horns and tongues of fire anything your heart desires. We reserve a special section for priceless fun with education. Teach your child their A B Cs, with black and yellow alphabet bees, or line up the animals of Noah's Ark count them 2 by 2 before they embark. And if your taste runs to the techy we have gaming from chaste to the sketchy. There is Minecraft and Fortnite or worse, dependent on skill level, age and purse. We don't recommend you make it a habit, try virtual change from monster to rabbit. But whether you're naughty or nice, there is no need to think twice. Whenever you wander around to the wizard's side of town, please look for the sign, Tinker's Toys a shop for every age, girls and boys. ~~Judi Van Gorder Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted December 19, 2018 Author Posted December 19, 2018 From the Heart Notes: ▼ 20 Lines "day 27" Theme: Sad Santa. Santa's been all 'round the world and every single deserving person on his journey has gotten one of Santa's gifts. But he has just discovered that he still has one small gift left in the bottom of his pack. He doesn't know what to do! Cannot give it to the world. It doesn't contain a cure for any disease, it can't make everyone nice, isn't money and it can't bring world peace. It isn't an embodiment of hope or joy. It is a concrete thing that can be placed in a box, wrapped and given. While not necessarily a toy, it is something one can hold in their hands. Who gets it? Why? What is it? What will make Santa happy? Hurry, dawn is approaching and Santa must give out everything in his pack before the first rays of the sun break the horizon. Words to use: precious, tear, eyebrow, fold Forbidden words: none today Additional parameters: Rhyming - must use at least 3 'slant' rhymes, descriptive, at least 15 lines. Stanzaic Form Used: The Tennyson is a stanzaic form patterned after Ask Me No More by English poet, Alfred Lord Tennyson (1802-1892). The elements of the Tennyson are: stanzaic, written in any number of cinquains. metric, iambic, L1-L4 are pentameter and L5 is dimeter. rhymed, envelope rhyme scheme abbaC deedC fggfC etc. written in with L5 as a refrain repeated from stanza to stanza. Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted December 19, 2018 Author Posted December 19, 2018 Write a poem about change: Black BeautyWith minimal crystal the vicious molten magma beneath the earth's crust rises to the surface to spew volcanic ashand ravenous, crimson lavadown and out to flow over unwilling terrainand into the seaquickly cooling to createjagged rock formations.With time the spikes and splintersof the dense massbecome glassy,black and brittle,The sharp edgesideal to cut and slicewith precision.The mirrored surface,a shiny bauble, the perfect contrastto luminous skin. Obsidian,nature's jet-black beauty. ~~Judi Van Gorder Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted December 19, 2018 Author Posted December 19, 2018 Notes ▼ "day 28" Theme: write a poem for Christmas morning for someone to find in the toe of their stocking. Someone real. Mom, dad, your child, spouse, sibling, partner, best friend or grandparent. Be real, honest and make them smile. Write from your heart. Show emotion! (And then consider actually doing this! Did it one year for everyone. Happy tears and the highlight of the morning!) Words to use: Their first name or mom etc. Forbidden words: the, of, for, to, you, me, my, we, with, from .... only kidding....use whatever words express your heart. Additional parameters: rhyming or not, Min 24 lines of love. Dear Trinity, Merry Christmas Sweetheart, Standing on the cusp of womanhood your possibilities are endless. Keep your eyes wide open, explore each opportunity, and always stay true to yourself. Life is an adventure to be embraced Live with the same fearlessness you display on the soccer field. Train your body and mind and when you are in the game trust your teammates and play balls out. There are going to be many difficult challenges ahead, life is not easy, meet it head on, don’t ignore or try to sidestep adversity, It’s in the hard times that we discover ourselves. Failure is your friend, it takes you one step closer to success. Always know you are loved, you are beautiful, you have a good heart and if you put forth the effort in time, all things will come to you. Believe in yourself as I believe in you my love will live in you beyond my time. I depend on you to carry it forward. Love, Grandma Darlin' Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted December 20, 2018 Author Posted December 20, 2018 Notes: ▼ "day 29-edited" Theme:Bah Humbug! There's this marvelous room over here where one can (temporarily) crawl in, slam the door and, without getting into any trouble at all, let out all the holiday frustrations, people getting on your nerves (no names, now!) and just 'stuff' in general that is spazzing you out! There's things in here you can smash to smithereens (and will be magically repaired later) and throw at walls. Just a place to rant and get it out of your system so you can go back to being your normal, marvelous, holiday self! Words to use: I want to hear things crashing and banging. I want to see stuff smashed to smithereens! What do you smash, bash and crash? How? With what? If you rant and rave against a person … that person's name will be Cruella D'Vile or Ginchly Mc Green. Against a company, use: Scrooge-a-zon. Against a 'thing' - what ever the thing is. Remember, all things broken will be fixed and it isn't 'really' that company or person you decimate, it's allllll in your mind. Walking out of the room, and all is as it was, you've just released the tension. 🙂 Rhyming or not, at least 28 lines, and go get rid of some tension 🙂The Grinch Who Tried to Steal Christmas Slamming the door behind me I shut out cheer and care and enter my very own pity party. Follow if you dare. I crumple into a heap upon the dusty floor "You sow what you reap" Oh Grinchy, hear me roar. I smash the looking glass into splintering shards. Your effigy I punch and bash and shred your business cards. Don't tell me what to do. Gender doesn't make you right. I'm the pro, not you. Get the F*** out of my sight. I've tried to play it cool with diplomacy and more but won't wade the cesspool, you're such an ignorant bore. I'd love to tear asunder each narcissistic limb. Don't spew it was a blunder. I'll not be your victim. So here I wail and flail throwing caution to the wind I may end up in jail in thought at least I've sinned. ~~ Judi Van Gorder Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted December 23, 2018 Author Posted December 23, 2018 Notes: ▼ Last Day of the Winter Construct Cup Challenge Pick and link one of the poems you've already written. Then either write a totally new poem following the prompt or significantly edit original as new item.Molly’s First Christmas She joined our home months ago, her kitten play charmed all. In my memory I don’t recall ever owning one quite as entertaining. She can be sleeping like the dead one second and the next dancing across the kitchen floor on her hind legs. Now with Christmas looming the tree went up glorious in lights and silver shiny globes and instantly it came down toppled by a flying cat clinging to its branches. Tinsel scattered and ornaments tumbled everywhere gratefully only one shattered into tiny sparkling shards. Molly peeked out from between flocked branches wide eyed wonder wrapping up my heart for many Christmases to come. ~~Judi Van Gorder 30 Lines A totally different poem with a more cheery Christmas theme. A little more personal."When the Light Went Out" For "Day 7" Theme: Shattered Ornament Words to use: shard, dance, memory, heart Forbidden words: the word 'a', bounce, roll, crash, red, green, broken Additional parameters: At least 20 lines. Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted December 27, 2018 Author Posted December 27, 2018 Don't want to break the momentum. Quick break for Christmas but something easy today. Write a poem in 24 syllables using the word "after" Boxing Day a British phenomenon arrives the day after Christmas. Boxed gifts for charity. ~~jvg Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted December 28, 2018 Author Posted December 28, 2018 Another 24 syllable challenge. Write a poem in 24 syllables including the word "fledgling". Leaving the Nest Fledgling rider, places foot in stirrup, gets boost from the rear, straddles the saddle, eager to fly. ~~jvg < Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted January 1, 2019 Author Posted January 1, 2019 Prompt: Share what Psalm 23 means to you. (I found this prompt at on a Christian Forum and it spoke to me so I share it here.)The Night the Bears Roamed Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted January 1, 2019 Author Posted January 1, 2019 Repetion is commonly found in in many poetic forms, but none more than in the Pantoum. Write a Pantoum: Aloha, Hello-Goodbye Aloha, come to our island paradise, Welcome houli, it’s the place to be. Breathe the scent of jasmine and spice. Rest in the shade of the kukui nut tree. Welcome houli, it’s the place to be. Sway to the strum of the ukulele, Rest in the shade of the kukui nut tree, Caution, avoid the rumblings of Pele. Sway to the strum of the ukulele Grass skirted lovelys hula with grace Caution, avoid the rumblings of Pele. Surf’s up, shoot the curl, enjoy the chase. Grass skirted lovely’s hula with grace Breathe the scent of jasmine and spice Surf’s up, shoot the curl, enjoy the chase. Aloha, come back to our island paradise. ~~Judi Van Gorder "Notes:" 16 Lines Mahalo (thank you) for reading my simple poem. Hawaiian language is very phonetic. Aloha Ah - low- ha means hello or goodbye - depends on whether you are coming or going. Houli - how- oo- lee. - non Hawaiian. Kukui - koo- koo-ee The state tree, brought to the islands with the Polynesian immigration. The large nut has many uses from ornamental, oil., fuel etc. in the old days only Hawaiian royalty wore a lei (lay) of Kukui nuts. I have a beautiful Kukui nut lei I inherited from my mother. No she was not Hawaiian royalty only a tourist willing to pay the price. I began taking hula lessons at the age of 8. I performed with 3 others through my teens all over the state of California. About 20 years ago I was on the island of Maui with friends in a local lounge and some locals were playing ukuleles and one Hawaiian woman began dancing, I couldn’t resist and i joined her in a vamp. They were all so surprised a Houli could dance like a native. It was a very fun night Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted January 2, 2019 Author Posted January 2, 2019 Prompt: sapid Letter Home The sapid words he wrote lingered lovingly on her tongue and on her heart as she read aloud. ~~jvg Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted January 3, 2019 Author Posted January 3, 2019 Prompt: 24 syllables using algid Bitter Cold The algid review froze her pen. The frigid words began an avalanche of doubt. Winter will pass. ~~jvg Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted January 9, 2019 Author Posted January 9, 2019 Write a love poem talking about something else. Surf’s Up We touch and from the darkest depth at the ocean’s floor a rumbling, churning, a tumbling, yearning, begins climbing to the surface. A frothy surging sea builds to its crescendo changing colors along the way. Ineffable as it hangs . . . . until it can hang no more then curls and rolls, to crash upon the shore. ~~Judi Van Gorder Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted January 9, 2019 Author Posted January 9, 2019 24 syllables prompt: ineffable Maverick, sea green, frothy wave, surges upward, ineffable as it hangs . . . then tumbles to shore. ~~jvg Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted January 19, 2019 Author Posted January 19, 2019 24 syllables including the word "impish"Loki's Game Loki's impish game extinguished the Norse Light with the kiss of death tied to the tip of Blind Hod's dart. ~~ jvg Notes: ▼ 24 syllables 5 Lines Norse Mythology: Baldar god of the light was indestructible. The lessor gods would target practice throwing darts and spears at Baldar and he would be unscathed. His only weakness was mistletoe. Loki the trickster god, hated Baldar and tricked Baldar's blind brother Hod into throwing a dart to which Loki had tied mistletoe. Loki guided Hod's hand and the poison dart struck Baldar, killing the light. Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted January 26, 2019 Author Posted January 26, 2019 Write a poem using anaphora. ( A rhetorical device in which there is repetition of the same word or phrase at the beginning of successive phrases or lines.) To Read a Poem When a poet's scribbles touch you When his pen writes from his heart When his words become super glue When he dares to share his art Then the reader's keenness deepens and like magic poetry happens. ~~Judi Van Gorder Chore Time Mopping, scrubbing the kitchen floor mopping the sticky spills mopping everyday user ills Mopping, scrubbing, my least favorite chores. ~~Judi Van Gorder Seasonal Repeat Winter chores outside chairs inside Winter clothes warm and fuzzy Winter woes flues and colds Winter floors tracked with mud Spring chores open doors Spring clothes cottons and rain coatSpring woes weeds to pull Spring floors freshly polished Summer chores clean the pool Summer clothes shorts and sandals Summer woes sunburn and insect bites Summer floors sand to be swept Autumn chores rake the leaves Autumn clothes sweaters and wools Autumn woes summer is gone Autumn floors here we go again ~~jvg The beginning of the week we celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Dr. King, in his famous speech used anaphora through out. "And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today! I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of "interposition" and "nullification" -- one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. I have a dream today! I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; "and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together."2 This is our hope, and this is the faith that I go back to the South with. With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. And this will be the day -- this will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with new meaning: My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrim's pride, From every mountainside, let freedom ring! And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true. And so let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania. Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado. Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California. But not only that: Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia. Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee. Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring. And when this happens, and when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!" ~~Martin Luther King Jr. delivered August 28, 1963 Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted January 27, 2019 Author Posted January 27, 2019 Symbols, a little different kind of prompt today, actually 2 different prompts: I've been flipping through the many books on poetry on my book shelf and reading snatches, just looking for ideas. Creating Poetry by John Drury offers ideas at end of each subject. I just opened to a page on "Symbols" which has forever been unclear in my mind. He says, "Think of a symbol as any image that resonates with meaning and recurs throughout the poem." Donald Hall in his book To Read a Poem defines symbol as "a person, object, place, or event that comes to stand for something other than it is, usually something more than it is, and for a class of events or relationships. There is the conventional or traditional symbol, the natural symbol and the literary symbol." I will leave this here for the purpose of the below prompts or exercises but I think I am going to take this subject for discussion to "Literary Discussion" If you would like to chime in just follow the link to. Symbolism. Here are two suggestions Drury makes as exercises in symbolism: "13. Take a familiar symbol (like a red rose, or an anchor, or a crucifix) and write a poem that restores the object to something tangible, something you can see, hear smell taste and touch. Place it in some context, some seemingly real place." "14. Write a poem in which you refer not to things themselves, but to parts of them. The antler rather than the buck, the telescopic sight rather than the rifle etc.....Jump from image to image, using free association asking yourself "what does this remind me of? When you come to a halt, see what all the images and shifts and "parts for the whole" suggest, what they add up to." Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted January 29, 2019 Author Posted January 29, 2019 Here is something easier than yesterday's prompt. I'll come back to that. Today write a poem using personification. (Giving human characteristics to an inanimate object, idea or animal) Come Sail With Me Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted February 2, 2019 Author Posted February 2, 2019 New to me, a Japanese Verse form, the Gogyohka. Basically it is a tanka without syllable limitations. Give it a try. Gogyohka #1 lights go low the rise and fall of violins surrounds us on the big screen the wild fields of Ireland blades of green populated by delicate lavender blooms a child’s voice sings ~~ Judi Van Gorder Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted February 2, 2019 Author Posted February 2, 2019 Prompt: a poem in 24 syllables using the word " prate "No Loitering There's no time to prate about, twenty four syllable verse sometimes sounds terse, though efficient through out. ~~jvg Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted February 13, 2019 Author Posted February 13, 2019 "I'm late, I'm late for a very important date," This famous line rings in my head all of the time, because sad to say, I am one of those. It seems I'm always struggling to get somewhere on time and often missing the mark by at least a minute of two. Being late is so rude and I am very conscious of that, but still time gets away from me and I'm scrambling again. I have to admit when I'm waiting for someone who is 15 minutes or better late, I can't help being angry. Hypocritical I know, when I am a chronic culprit. It is one of the reasons I have my own business. I have staff to open on time and cover for me. I even have had dreams of being late. So the prompt for the day. Tardiness ~~Tink Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted February 16, 2019 Author Posted February 16, 2019 Yesterday was not only Valentine's Day it was also National Ferris Wheel Day. So write a poem of 12 lines or more from the prompt: Ferris Wheel. At the Fair Word patterns scramble round and round, seeking the perfect order and placement as I write. Like the lights of the Ferris Wheel against the darkness of night, a blur of vibrant colors illuminating my mind, grouping thoughts into stanzas rocking gently in the air, the gondolas rising higher and higher then rounding and descending to spill out upon the page, still breathless from the ride. ~~ Judi Van Gorder Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted March 15, 2019 Author Posted March 15, 2019 I’ve been remiss for some time in providing daily challenges so here is one: write a poem in 24 syllables, no more, no less, using the word raillery. Lucky Charm With a wicked wink and slightly naughty raillery, he charmed the Irish lass, who gave him some sass. ~~jvg. Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted May 4, 2019 Author Posted May 4, 2019 Purple Pen I scribe in night guarded purple,deep and dangerous,iridescent, glowing royal,opens me. ~~jvg prompt: indigo 24 syllablesAcrostic Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted June 13, 2019 Author Posted June 13, 2019 My Summer Morning Water drips from the hose bib as the long hose unwindsand drags across the gravelthen kinks needing a yankto straighten and quench my garden's thirst.It is still coolat 6 AMbut the silent heat of the afternoon sunwill be relentless.For now the buzz of bees,flutter of butterfly wings,and water splashingon the dry earthare in harmony. ~~Judi Van GorderMorning Poem Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted June 27, 2019 Author Posted June 27, 2019 Breaking the Silence Silence is suspended by the far away, staccato bark of hungry dogs. In the time it took to type these words, it has stopped. The tap tap tapping from fingers striking the keyboard, the subliminal buzzing hum from some electronic appliance, and from outside, the soft chirp chirp of little birds, are now the only discord imposing on my morning quiet. ~~Judi Van Gorder The focus of this writing exercise was rhythm, the use of words to tap out a lyric. Morning Poem Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted June 28, 2019 Author Posted June 28, 2019 Verse Form: The Seox Morning NewscastOfficerinvolved shooting, one hurt,two dead in domesticviolence dispute.Suspect's wife fledto neighbor.Drunk crashesinto side of Patrol car.Two officers injured,driver arrested.The lesson - Don't drink and drive.Commute time,more costly than you may think.Bay Area driverslose eleven daysannually,more than most. ~Judi Van GorderMorning Poem Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted June 29, 2019 Author Posted June 29, 2019 Verse Form. Gwaddodyn Using the cywdedd naw ban couplet followed by the cywdedd hir couplet. Summer SwelterThe end of June has arrived too soon,summer sun has me sweating by noon. There is no breeze but buzzing bumblebeesand butterflies ease my sunstroke swoon. The seashore offers a cool respite and foamy surf rushes to summit upon the sand. It flows over my toes, the cooldown grows cleansing my spirit. ~~Judi Van Gorder Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted July 11, 2019 Author Posted July 11, 2019 CircleMorning yawns opensaunters to noonsun to moonnight wakessoonsoonnight wakesmoon to sunsaunters to noonmorning yawns open. ~~Judi Van Gorder Verse Form: EggtimerMorning poem #13 Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted July 19, 2019 Author Posted July 19, 2019 Write a Raay Visit to the Vet Today Molly got shots and a check-up, disrupting the scene. Between hisses and claws, draws of blood, and screams, seems like she went wild. Child cat, I love her, purrs, once we got home. ~~Judi Van Gorder Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted July 22, 2019 Author Posted July 22, 2019 Prompt: Confinement Verse form: SonnetTrapped Confined within the hemisphere dispensed A stroke while forming in her mother's womb. A damaged global hub, commander's room to signal body parts to function hence. The intellect and empathy are held within its mass to compliment her life Her brain was halved as if 'twas sliced by knife. The living side stepped up, took charge, excelled. Born paralyzed, her arm and leg, dead fish, unknowns, her speech, her thoughts and so much more. But still her stubborn courage deigned to score, she fell and failed and tried again. Her wish to walk and talk and be like other kids made real, her body moves just as she bids. ~~Judi Van GorderBowlesian Sonnet Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted July 22, 2019 Author Posted July 22, 2019 Write an Etheree Dawning Day begins in silence. I feel a nudge and open my eyes to see my Molly's face, her kitty nose to my nose. A sweet awakening with love and gentle persuasive intention. The dawning of another enterprise. ~~Judi Van GorderNotes: ▼A Morning Poem Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted August 6, 2019 Author Posted August 6, 2019 Write about an everyday task with a new perspective. Cleaning the Tub My bathtub has become a killing field. Daily I retrieve lizard heads and wipe the porcelain clean of bloody streaks. Yesterday my sweet kitty brought in a little bird she snatched from the sky, I rescued it from the tub and turned it outside to hop away. Downy feathers flew everywhere. And last week while in the shower I thought I had thoroughly cleaned, an alligator lizard swam up out of the drain where it had been hiding and circled my bare feet. My new daily task has raised my creeped out bar. ~~Judi Van Gorder Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted August 12, 2019 Author Posted August 12, 2019 Write a TrilonetteDancing with Roses I have red rosebuds on the brain. I sit and write while roses dance around in my imagination. Looking through the window pane of joy, they sway as in a trance, drawing me to meditation There's many flowers I could feign in colors, that engage, enhance allure and elevate their station. But everybody knows the reign- ing bloom for bliss and true romance, the scarlet rose, is love's creation. A symbol for all hope and passion, the red-red rose performs in fashion. ~~Judi Van Gorder Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted August 13, 2019 Author Posted August 13, 2019 Write a Tanka Change On the Horizon She's labeled "lazy", her habits mimic the sloth, gorging on goodwill, sapping the snap from others. Today new conventions dawn. ~~Judi Van Gorder Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted August 13, 2019 Author Posted August 13, 2019 Your assignment: Think about some emotion you experienced recently. Write about that emotion from the perspective of some inanimate object. AnticipationThe well-worn teapot,spiffed up for the occasion,began to hum then shimmy with gleeas the time drew near.The vibration came from deep inside,it bubbled upuntil she thought she might explode, rocking out at full boil,whistling her top off.Her guest had arrived. ~~Judi Van Gorder Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
Tinker Posted August 20, 2019 Author Posted August 20, 2019 Write a poem reflecting a different persona Those Who Dare Silently, slowly I slither from my sunning place stalking a succulent morsel to sustain my significance. My languid length lithe with strength and stamina slides without effort down a tree trunk to seductively sap your soul. I am as ancient as the most ancient, cunning and capable. I will wind and wring the wind from your lungs then swallow you whole. Do not dare to challenge me. Consumer of conceit, constrictor of courage, call me Kaa. ~~Judi Van Gorder Quote ~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~ For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com
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