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a July 4th xiaoshi and haiku


tangy taste of barbeque
sweet corn drips butter
taste of love
shared with friends
------------- --jvg

new neighbors
embraced by old friends
our circle expands
------------- ---jvg


I am still playing with verse form. Well this isn't really a verse form but a "subgenre" from the 1920s of Chinese poetry called xiaoshi which I believe means "small poem" (shi = poetry and xiao = little, diminutive or small). The xiaoshi should be fragmented with minimal explanation, seemingly unrelated images and little indication of cause and effect.

~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com


Hi Tink,


Two great poems to mark your experience of a special day! Never tried a xiaoshi. You make it seem so effortless!


Warmth and joie de' vivre come across in both the xiaoshi and the haiku/senryu.







Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.


Nice work Tink, I admire you how good you are with all of those forms. You are never tired with trying. Seems you are not lazy as me icon_biggrin.png . The poems works so well and that form I never met before, at least that title of the form xiaoshi But I like how it sounds and looks.


Thank you for sharing this wonderful work with us



The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

History of Macedonia




Thank you gl, these small poems were a reaction to the day.


Aleks, thank you. The xiaoshi really isn't a form but a style of writing. It doesn't have the restrictions of form. I am glad you enjoyed my small poems.



~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com


Tinker wrote:




tangy taste of barbeque

sweet corn drips butter

taste of love

shared with friends


new neighbors

embraced by old friends

our circle expands

For me, the third line of the xiaoshi has a double meaning. It seems to refer to both the food and the atmosphere of the event.


I like the last line of the haiku. It resonates with hospitality.



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic


new neighbors

embraced by old friends

our circle expands



the first line has the cause

second line has the act

and the third line has the consequence



excellent orientation of words and rhythm and it has diversifies with the feelings of belongingness!



and your first xiaoshi makes me hungry!


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