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Explore the Craft of Writing Poetry
French Verse

Descort, Occitan - (Old French= discordant), is a genre of poetry that is written with differing verse forms utilized from strophe to strophe. Each strophe is structured in a minimum of 2 elements, the verse forms chosen can be recognized verse or nonce forms. Elements such as line number, meter, rhyme, and language are all factors.

Descort by Jan Haag

The following discord is written in free verse, followed by an iambic tetrameter quatrain with envelope rhyme, followed by a trochaic trimeter tercet with alternated rhyme and linked by rhyme with the previous stanza, then ending with a haiku.

Discordant Thoughts by Judi Van Gorder

"Time in a bottle"
is a phrase racing
through my brain
for days.

If we could truly capture time
and stuff it into hollow glass
then mount it in a frame of brass,
I think it might just be a crime.

What would now become?
Would the moment pass?
Why is this just dumb?

all years, months and days
winter, spring, summer and fall
"time in a bottle"

  • The Rhaiku is a recent invented form found at All Poetry and created by Matt is a version of the Descort that specifies 3 strophes made up of rhymed verse, haiku and free verse in any order.

    The elements of the Rhaiku are:

    1. strophic, written with 3 strophes, a haiku, a rhymed verse and free verse in any order.
    2. The haiku of course would be syllabic, 17 syllables or less, the rhymed verse may be metered at the discretion of the poet and free verse has no metric requirement.
    3. written with one strophe rhymed, scheme at the discretion of the poet.

~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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