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XC: a sport in poems

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These are the best of my first works. Critique very much appreciated!


Cross Country - a haiku


If cross country was

Easy, nobody would want

To run with the best




Running is like




And you’re gone

Push yourself to the 


Adrenaline is the



keeping you 

M o  v   i    n     g

Your breath is









With the 


In sight




XC #2


Run and feel pain

So you can

Run and feel pain

So you could

Run in a race

And now you

Run and feel good

So you now

Run and feel pain

Becuz you

Ran and felt stron



Water and rocks

The nature that talks, saying:

“Come and see me,

This wondrous world,

The birds and the sky

Come and hear me,

The whoosh of water

And the whisper of leaves”

The gentle thump of my shoes

My freedom, I’ve paid my dues

I want to leave the city behind

Let the glory of god fill my mind

The green and blue and red rushing by

I’ll trust my training to carry me

Far, I don't want to stop, let me

Fly with the birds who befriend me

The river view the mountain trail

Synonyms: “Freedom”






Cross Country 5K

Just 3 miles to pour out your

Heart and soul to win

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David W. Parsley

Hi XC, I like the playful use of capitalization, spelling, and spacing in XC #1.  It has the feel of Concrete Poetry to it.

The opening stanza correctly applies the 5-7-5 syllable count characteristic of classical haiku.  I think it would work even better if it addressed a specific instance, especially one that evokes a scene from nature that implies season.  The final stanza, titled "XC", would also benefit from revealing a similarly private in-the-moment reflection.  It also needs a seventh syllable in the second line if the intention is to produce a classical haiku.  I enjoy this write-up on composing haiku.

 - Dave

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