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Poetry Magnum Opus

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Light Verse

Occasional poetry is verse written for an occasion such as a birthday, graduation, birth or any event really. It is normally considered Light Verse but it could loosely come under the genre of an ode. We usually associate an ode with lofty purpose and expect it to be long. Occasional poetry need not be so lofty nor need it be long, but the fact is, neither does the ode. (I am sure I am going against all of the poetry pundits, but this makes sense to me.) The purpose is near the same in that both are written in honor of a particular event or person. Occasional poetry may be written in any structural pattern including some of the Ode patterns.

Here is an example of Occasional Poetry that could also be called a Genethliacum Ode, a poem written in honor of the birth of a child.(Twins to be precise)

Twins! by Judi Van Gorder

Tiny fingers, tiny toes
angel face with button nose.
First came Charlotte, fairy bright,
next Samantha, petite delight.
Little girls who look the same
claiming hearts will be their game,
kept safe and loved when
cared for by big brother Ben.
Tiny fingers, tiny toes
babies, Mom and Daddy chose.

~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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