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Forms Unique to Poet's Collective and All Poetry


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Invented Forms

Poet's Collective, is where Lawrence Eberhart has gathered forms he has found interesting. He usually simply finds a form, copies and pastes the information giving the source credit, analyses the frame, maybe adds a comment and then writes some of the best example poems I've encountered. Many of the invented forms unique to the site were originally found at All Poetry, A poetry community where there are some poetry courses and many blog like forums that include poetry of the members as well as information they might want to share such as new forms they might have run across or even invented themselves. Here are many of the forms collected at Poet's Collective.

5/3 Meter Verse is a stanzaic form  that I assume Lawrence Eberhardt to be the creator.  What appears to be a very simple form is not simple at all. It is about mastering metric patterns. The elements of the 5/3 meter are:

  1. stanzaic, written in 5 or more quatrains.
  2. metric, accentual syllabic verse, measuring syllable count and metric patterns. Written with alternating lines of 5 and 3 syllables.  Syllables per line 5-3-5-3.  Metric pattern, the odd numbered lines are a iamb, da Dum, followed by an anapest, da Dum da, and the even numbered lines are a dactyl, Dum da Dum.  
  3. rhymed, alternating rhyme scheme A1B1A2B2 cdcd efef ghgh A1B1A2B2.  The odd lines end on feminine rhyme, the even on masculine rhyme
  4. composed repeating the first stanza as the last stanza in refrain.

    Example poem

The 13 Line Sonnet is simply writing any sonnet form that ends with a rhymed couplet and condensing L13 and L14 into one iambic pentameter line with internal rhyme, invented by Marcy Jarvis. I can only assume the intent is to include the standard elements of "the sonnet" with the exception of being shortened by one line. The elements of the 13 Line Sonnet are:

  1. a lyrical poem written in 13 lines, made up any combination of stanzaic forms that could result in a total of 12 lines followed by a single line.
  2. metric, iambic pentameter
  3. rhymed, variable rhyme scheme with the last line, L13 internally rhymes with the end word. x x x x d x x x x d
  4. pivot or turn according to the sonnet form chosen

    Sunday Morning

    Six A.M. chill
    carried on the sea mist,
    drenched divulgation,
    dampening my waking will
    to get up and tame my artist.

    So much to write, so much to do,
    but the comfort of our bed
    pulls me back under
    our cozy quilt to you 
    and dream instead.
                  ~~Judi Van Gorder

15/10 Alternating Verse, first demonstrated by Jeff Green is a pattern of alternating 15 syllable lined stanzas with 10 syllable lined stanzas.  The elements of the 15/10 Verse are:

  1. stanzaic, written in any number of alternating quatrains of 15 syllable lines and 10 syllable lines.
  2. syllabic, the 15 syllable lines begin with an anapest da Dum da followed by 12 syllables, metric pattern at discretion of poet. The 10 syllable line metric pattern is at the discretion of the poet however most often 10 syllables equal 5 iambs.  daDum daDum daDum daDum daDum.
  3. rhymed, rhyme scheme, the 15 line quatrains are made up of rhymed couplets and the 10 lined quatrains are alternating rhyme.  aabb cdcd eeff ghgh etc

    Example poem

Acrostic Tribute Sonnet is an invented sonnet form by Ron Morris and is essentially any sonnet frame but with the added device that the first letter of each line spells out the name of person honored in the poem. The elements of the Acrostic Tribute Sonnet are:

  1. a quatorzain, with a stanzaic pattern at discretion of the poet.
  2. metric, preferably iambic pentameter.
  3. rhymed, rhyme scheme at the discretion of the poet.
  4. pivot placement at the discretion of the poet.
  5. composed as a tribute to someone.
  6. an acrostic, the name of the one honored is spelled out in the fist letter of each line.

Alphabet Haiku shouldn't really be considered haiku since there is no Ah ha moment and metaphor is allowed.  It is simply, but strictly the common 5-7-5 frame with all words beginning with the same letter of the alphabet.  Created by Beatrice Evans at All Poetry.

           2019 #23
           fierce frigid Friday
           freeloading firewood from friend
           faithless furnace fried
           2019 #30

Amanda's Dark Sonnet is an invented sonnet form is also an alliterated acrostic with a dark theme. It was invented by Amanda J Norton.  The elements of Amanda's Dark Sonnet are:

  1. a quatorzain made up of 2 seven lined stanzas.
  2. syllabic, 14 syllable lines.
  3. rhymed, rhyme scheme aabbcca abbccdd
  4. volta optional
  5. the initial letter of each line in S1 alliterates with the initial letter of the corresponding line in S2

Amanda’s Pinch is an invented verse form created by Amanda Norton is a syllabic form that appears on the page as if it was pinched in the middle. The elements of the “Pinch” are:

  1. an octastich, a poem in 8 lines.
  2. syllabic,  syllables per line 12-12-10-8-8-10-12-12
  3. rhymed, rhyme scheme abcDDcba
  4. L4 is repeated in L5
  5. allierated, every line shout have alliteration
  6. centered on the page

Anaduo is an anapestic stanzaic form created by Lisa LaGrange at All Poetry with an acephalous anapestic first metric foot of each line.  The elements of the Anaduo are:

  1. stanzaic, written in any number of sixains made up of 2 tercets.
  2. metric, accentual syllabic, L1,L2 and L4, L5 are anapestic tetrameter, L3 and L6 are anapestic trimeter.  All lines begin with an acephalous metric foot.   anapestic = 2 unstressed syllables followed by a stressed syllable, da da DUM,   acephalous = headless. the first syllable of a metric foot lopped off.  anapest da da DUM  acephalous anapest da DUM.   or it may be easier to understand if we said L1,L2 are made up of an iamb followed by 3 anapests and L3 made up of an iamb followed by 2 anapests repeat.  Syllables per line 11-11-8-11-11-8.   
  3. rhymed, rhyme scheme aabccb ddeffe etc
    Example poem

Arabian Sonnet appears to be a little known invented form. The only name associated with the origins of the form is Jem Farmer of All Poetry. Other than the defining features of frame and rhyme scheme, it is assumed the components of the classic sonnet apply. The elements of the Arabian Sonnet are:

  1. a quatorzain made up of 2 quatrains followed by 2 tercets.
  2. metric, iambic pentameter.
  3. rhymed, aaaa bbbb ccc ddd.
  4. turned in the 9th line.

    Avebury Air by Jem Farmer

Arabian Onegin Sonnet is a variation of the Arabian Sonnet which simply includes repeat rhyme in a unique pattern. The elements of the Arabian Onegin Sonnet are:

  1. a quatorzain made up of 2 quatrains followed by 2 tercets.
  2. metric, iambic pentameter.
  3. rhymed,AaAa BBbb CcC DDd

Anapeat is a verse form create by Susan Budig that won a Forms Challenge at Writer's Digest despite somewhat misleading terminology used in describing the elements of the form.  The creator did include a poem as an example which I am sure was the clincher for the win and I have chosen to describe the elements of the poem which more accurately convey her intent.  (The original description of the form uses the word "anaphora' liberally and yet anaphora appears no where in the example poem.  The correct term for the element referred to would be tumbling refrain. Much like in the French form, the Retourne)  The elements of the Anapeat are:

  1. a verse form made up of 5 quintains. (5 line stanzas)
  2. line length and meter at the discretion of the poet
  3. rhyme at the discretion of the poet.
  4. composed with tumbling refrain in which L1 of S1 is repeated as L2 in S2, L3 in S3, L4 in S4 and L5 in S5.
  5. titled using all or a portion of the refrain.

    Example Poem  This poem by Lawrence Eberhart tries to use the original description but in the end follows the elements of Ms Budig's poem rather than her description.

Arquain is a simple syllabic verse form with only the 7 syllables lines rhymed. created by Madison Shaw aka Arkbear @ All Poety.  The elements of the Arquain are:

  1. a verse form made up of 3 quatrains. (12 lines total)
  2. syllabic,  syllables per line  1-2-3-4  5-7-7-5  4-3-2-1
  3. rhyme, xxxx xaax xxxx ,  x being unrhymed.
  4. centered on the page.

Arquain String is simply a string of 3 Arquains (36 lines total).  The rhyme of the 7 syllable lines can change from arquain to arquain.

             Example poem    

Asean Sonnet or Asean Royal Flush Sonnet, is simply an Italian sonnet in mono-rhyme. The variation is somehow associated with South East Asia but further detail is still illusive. The elements of the Asean Sonnet are:

  1. lyrical.
  2. a quatorzain made up of an octave followed by a sestet.
  3. metric, iambic pentameter.
  4. mono-rhymed, aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
  5. turned on the 9th line.

    The Architect by Jem Farmer

Atrina, created by Keith Metcalf Drew at All Poetry is a verse form with a complex refrain pattern which in effect require that you need write only 9 lines of the 18 lines total.  The rest are all refrain.  The elements of the Atrina are:

  1. a verse form made up of 3 quatrains followed by a sestet. (18 lines total)
  2. syllabic, all lines are 8 syllables.
  3. rhymed, rhyme scheme, A1A2aA1 B1B2bB1 C1C2cC1 A1A2B1B2C1C2.  Caps represent a refrain.
  4. composed with each quatrain with it's own refrain, L1 repeated as L4.   The sestet is made of the first 2 lines of each quatrain repeated in sequence.

    Example Poem

The Bardic Sonnet is an invented sonnet form by William Kenneth Keller that uses the Shakespearean Sonnet and adds a complicated rhyme pattern. The elements of the Bardic Sonnet are:

  1. a quatorzain made up of 3 quatrains followed by a couplet.
  2. metric, iambic pentameter
  3. volta arrives late in the frame, sometime in the 3rd quatrain or even waiting until the declamatory couplet.
  4. rhymed, alternating rhyme, abab cdcd efef gg, but here is where it gets a little tricky. The rhyme is found both internal as well as at the end of the line. The internal or interlaced rhyme (echoed internally with another line.) is true or perfect rhyme (last stressed vowel and last consonant are echoed) but the end rhyme is consonant rhyme (end sounds consonate, ball/ fell) and including framed rhyme (the consonant preceding the vowel consonates with the consonant after the vowel. bit/bat ).  To take it a bit further, the inventor requests that it be strict consonant rhyme as used in ancient Irish forms and designates interlaced rhyme to be echoed in the first 3 metric feet.The couplet contains both the end consonant rhyme and interlaced  rhyme
    Capital = perfect rhyme  lower case=consonant rhyme.  
    .x x x A x x x x x a
     x B x x x x x x x b
     x x x x A x x x x a
     x x x x x B x x x b  

The Chandler Sonnet is an invented verse form introduced by B Chandler that although it is called a sonnet, has nothing in common with the sonnet form.  The elements of the Chandler Sonnet are:

  1. a poem in 22 lines, written in 3 quatrains, an octave and a couplet in that order.
  2. syllabic, the first 3 quatrains are dodecasyllabic, the quatrain is hendecasyllabic and the couplet is heptasyllabic lines.
  3. rhymed, turned on only 4 rhymes, abab baba abab cdccdcdd ee.

Dual Sonnet is an invented form that basically is 2 sonnet forms, or at least rhyme schemes, in one.  Created by Allen R Murray the end rhyme of one form is found mid line and another sonnet form rhyme at the end of the line.  The elements are:

  1. a quatorzain made up of either octave/sestet or three quatrains and couplet.
  2. metric, iambic pentameter.
  3. rhymed, select two rhyme schemes from recognized sonnet forms.  One rhyme scheme should appear mid line and the other at the end of the line.          xxxxaxxxxA     lower case and uppercase simply indicates different rhyme sounds.

Dueces Sonnet is a restricted invented form turned on only two rhymes.  Created by Mary Lou Healy, the pivot placement is also specifically limited to either L9 and L11 at the rhyme pattern change.  The elements are:

  1. a quatorzain made up of 3 quatrains followed by a couplet.
  2. metric, iambic pentameter
  3. rhymed, turned on only 2 rhymes, abba abba baab aa
  4. pivot at rhyme pattern change, either L9 or L11

Echo Sonnet is an invented double refrain sonnet form created by Jeff Green. The elements of the Echo Sonnet are:

  1. lyrical.
  2. a quatorzain made up 3 quatrains followed by a couplet, similar to the Kyrielle Sonnet.
  3. metric, iambic pentameter.
  4. rhymed with a double refrain. A1bbA2 accA2 addA2 A1A2.
  5. composed without pivot. Because of the double refrain, the poem seems to be revolving, ending where it started.

    The Bridge of Dreams by Jeff Green

Eggtimer is an invented verse form created by Dorian Peterson Potter in which the first 5 lines are reversed and repeated as the last 5 lines. The elements of the eggtimer are:

  1. a decastich, a poem in 10 lines
  2. syllabic 5-4-3-2-1-1-2-3-4-5
  3. L1 thru L5 are repeated in reverse order in L6 thru L10
  4. best centered on the page
  5. unrhymed


    Morning yawns open
    saunters to noon
    sun to moon
    night sleeps
    night sleeps
    moon to sun
    saunters to noon.
    Morning yawns open.
                 ~~Judi Van Gorder

    We Remember by Judi Van Gorder

The Eight-ette is an invented verse form that has a progressive syllable count.  You guessed it, 1 through 8 syllables in an eight line frame.  Created by  Linda Varnell Smith at Rainbow Communications who adds an additional challenge, two optional rhyme schemes.  The elements of the Eight-ette are:

  1.  an octastich, a poem in eight lines.
  2.  syllabic, syllables per line progress from 1 to 8,  L1, 1 syllable, L2, 2 syllables, L3, 3 syllables, L4, 4 syllables and so on to L8, 8 syllables.
  3.  rhymed, 2 options for rhyme, ababcdcd or aabbccdd
  4.  poem is centered on the page.

    Write On

    more time,
    shun the pun
    and nail the rhyme
    with progressive beat.
    Scribble another verse
    cutting the chaff from the wheat
    ignoring the writer's block curse.
                          ~~Judi Van Gorder

The Emmett created by Dorothy Hester is an invented verse form that uses the words of the first line to begin the subsequent lines. The elements of the Emmett are:

  1. a pentastich, a poem in 5 lines.
  2. L1 is made up of 5 words. Other than the first line, line length and meter are at the discretion of the poet.
  3. each line begins with the correlating word of the first line. L2 begins with the 2nd word of L1, L3 begins with the 3rd word of L1, L4 begins with the 4th word of L1 and L5 begins with the 5th word of L1.
  4. rhymed, rhyme scheme abbab


    Enormous waves pound West Coast
    waves towering 42 feet
    pound and repeat
    west of Cali’s boast
    coastal mountains elite.
                      ~~Judi Van Gorder

Entwined is an invented stanzaic form created by Mary Lou Healy utilizing a linking rhyme. The elements of the Entwined are:

  1. stanzaic, written in 3 or more quintains (5 lined stanzas).
  2. metered, all lines are iambic trimeter.
  3. rhymed, envelope rhyme using L3 of each stanza to link to the next stanza in L1 and L5. The last stanza should link L3 to L1 and L5 of the first stanza. abcba cdedc efgfe ghahg

    Example Poem

Folded Sonnet invented by Barry Hopkins has a cloudy description and I don't see enough to include it as a true sonnet. The elements of the Folded Sonnet are:

  1. a dodecastich, a 12 line poem.  (However the poet has the option of writing any number of lines between 10 and 17 lines. 
  2. metric, iambic heptameter. (7 metric feet) 
  3. rhymed, rhymed couplets or whatever suits the poet. 
  4. pivot L 9

Gemstone invented by Lisa Morris, is a relatively long poem, a verse form of 32 lines in meter and rhyme, the form is suitable for story telling.  It is the rhyme scheme and changing meter of the octave that makes this form unique.  The elements of the Gemstone are:

  1. a poem written in 4 octaves (8 line stanzas) each made up of 2 quatrains. Because there is no interlocking rhyme or refrain between octaves, the frame can be realized in 1 stanza and I imagine this could be considered stanzaic in that any number of octaves could be written at the discretion of the poet 
  2. metric, iambic tetrameter except L2, L4 and L7 of each octave, which are iambic trimeter.
  3. rhymed, rhyme scheme ababccba dedeffed ghghiihg jkjkllkj, etc.  

    Witches' Brew by Judi Van Gorder

Hyper Sonnet is an invented sonnet form created Marnie Kanarek that turns on one rhyme. The elements of the Hyper Sonnet are:

  1. a quatorzain made up of 4 tercets followed by a couplet.
  2. metric, iambic each stanza has variable line lengths of L1 pentameter, L2 tetrameter, and L3 pentameter. The couplet iambic pentameter. 
  3. rhymed. Rhyme scheme axa axa xaa xaa aa x being unrhymed.
  4. pivot at the discretion of the poet.

Insane Cinquain is an invented form created by Amanda J. Norton, a.k.a. Dark Butterfly @ AllPoetry, that is a decastich made up of two cinquains with a unique syllabic pattern. The elements of the Insane Cinquain are:

  1. a decastich (10 line poem) made up of 2 cinquains (5 line stanzas).
  2. syllabic, S1 4-6-5-7-8 and S2 8-7-5-6-4 syllables per line.
  3. rhymed, rhyme scheme abxab cdxcd.

    Sunday Morning

    Six A,M, chill
    carried on the ocean mist,
    drenched divulgation,
    dampening my waking will
    to get up and tame my artist.

    So much to write, so much to do.
    But the comfort of our bed
    pulls me back under
    our downy quilt to you,
    to dream instead.
                    ~~Judi Van Gorder

Lazy Day Sonnet is an invented form created by Rebecca Kerr. Although it wasn't broken by stanzaic pattern in the description,  I'm making the assumption the quatorzain is made up of 2 sestets because of the placement of the pivot.  The elements of the Lazy Day Sonnet are:

  1. a quatorzain made up of 2 sestets.
  2. metric preferably iambic pentameter.
  3. rhymed, rhyme scheme aabbccd ddeeeff.
  4. pivot after L7.

Marshalline Sonnet  is an invented sonnet that employs feminine end words. It was created by Mairi Bheag at All Poetry. The elements of the Marshalline Sonnet are:

  1. a quatorzain made up of 3 quatrains followed by a couplet
  2. syllabic, all lines carry 9 syllables, iamb-iamb-iamb-amphibrach, falling or feminine end words.
  3. composed with the volta at or following L9
  4. rhymed, rhyme scheme: abab cdcd efef gg, 

The Mononet is an invented form with alternate and internal rhyme, introduced by B Chandler.  The elements of the Mononet are:

  1. stanzaic, written in 2 octaves followed by a couplet.
  2. syllabic, all lines are hendecasyllabic except L5 and L15 which are written in 2 hemistiches of 6 syllables each for a total of 12 syllables and L17 is 6 syllables.
  3. rhymed,turned on only 4 rhymes, abab(A-A)bab cdcd(C-C)dcD AD or abba(A-A)bba cdcc(D1-D1)dcD2 AD2. Lower case = rhyme, uppercase = rhymed refrain.
  4. composed with L5 and L15 written with a 6 syllable hemistich which is repeated in the same line creating a refrain with internal rhyme within the line.
  5. composed with the concluding couplet, a refrain, L17 is a repeat of one hemistich from L5 and L18 is the repeat of L16.
    x x x x x x x x x x a           or                  
    x x x x x x x x x x b
    x x x x x x x x x x a
    x x x x x x x x x x b
    x x x x x A x x x x x A
    x x x x x x x x x x b
    x x x x x x x x x x a
    x x x x x x x x x x b

    x x x x x x x x x c
    x x x x x x x x x x d
    x x x x x x x x x x c
    x x x x x x x x x x d
    x x x x x C x x x x x C
    x x x x x x x x x x d
    x x x x x x x x x x c
    x x x x x x x x x x D

    x x x x x A
    x x x x x x x x x x D
    x x x x x x x x x x a
    x x x x x x x x x x b
    x x x x x x x x x x b
    x x x x x x x x x x a
    x x x x x A x x x x x A
    x x x x x x x x x x b
    x x x x x x x x x x b
    x x x x x x x x x x a

    x x x x x x x x x x c
    x x x x x x x x x x d
    x x x x x x x x x x c
    x x x x x x x x x x c
    x x x x x D1x x x x x D1
    x x x x x x x x x x d
    x x x x x x x x x x c
    x x x x x x x x x x D2

    x x x x x A
    x x x x x x x x x x D2

Pendrangle is a very recent (I think 2018) invented form created by PenAllen at All Poetry.  It uses 12 syllable lines, monorhyme and a refrain.  The elements of the Pendrangle are:

  1. Written in any number of quatrains alternating with a couplet refrain.
  2. Syllabic, 12 syllables each line.
  3. Rhymed,  aaaa BB cccc BB dddd BB etc  The caps are a repeated refrain.
    I Choose my Own Fate

    I used to hear, What is your sign?, all of the time.
    Planning your day by the moon and the stars is fine
    if you believe. I won't wait for stars to align, 
    I prefer the view displayed in sparkle and shine.

    Never took much stock in Astrological signs,
    painted cards predicting my fate rebel my mind.

    I've only seen sinister Tarot on TV.
    OMG a hanging man is the card I see,
    the scary death card foretelling a killing spree.
    I'm sure there is more, I just know it's not for me
    Never took much stock in Astrological signs
    painted cards predicting my fate rebel my mind.

    I'm told I'm an Aries, I don't buy into it.
    I can play into some strengths assigned then I split,
    I can not ignore that others simply don't fit,
    and playing cards won't decide my fate, not a bit.

    Never took much stock in Astrological signs
    painted cards predicting my fate rebel my mind.
                                   ~~Judi Van Gorder

Purely Hopeful is an invented form created by Jennifer L. Hedin and found at All Poetry.com. The elements of the  Purely Hopeful are:

  1. Is a quatorzain, not a sonnet, made up of a quatrain followed by two tercets and ending in a quatrain.
  2. Syllabic, 9-8-7-6, 7-8-9, 9-8-7, 6-7-8-9 syllables per line.
  3. rhymed, abab cdc cdc fgfg.

The Quadrilou is an invented form found at AllPoetry created by Mary Lou Healy appears to be an exercise in meter. The elements of the Quadrilou are:

  1. Stanzaic, written in 2 octaves, made up of 2 quatrains.
  2. Metric, the lines of each quatrain is iambic, measured by

    L1 = tetrameter or approximately 8 syllables.
    L2 = dimeter or approximately 4 syllables.
    L3 = trimeter or approximately 6 syllables.
    L4 = dimeter or approximately 4 syllables.

  3. Rhymed, rhyme does not change from octave to octave, abcdabcd abcdabcd.

The Quaintrell is an invented stanzaic form created by DD Michaels at All Poetry. It was noted that a quaintrelle is a feminine version of the “dandy”. A woman overly concerned with her appearance, expressing her passion for leisure and “life’s pleasures" through her dress and deportment. This seems to be a variation on the Curtal Stanza from the 19th century wherein the quatrains are written in iambic pentameter except the 4th line which is iambic dimeter with a different rhyme scheme. The elements of the Quaintrell are:

  1. Stanzaic, written in 3 or more octaves made up 2 quatrains each.
  2. Metric, accentual syllabic, all lines are iambic tetrameter except L4 and L8 of each octave which are iambic trimeter. Syllable count 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 6 in each stanza.
  3. Rhymed, L3 and L7 carry internal rhyme, rhyme scheme a a (b-b) c d d (e-e) c  //  f f (g-g) h I I (j-j) h / .  . etc.
    or    a a b c d d e c //  f f g h I i j h   with the b, e, g & j lines internally rhymed.  L3 xxxbxxxb  L7 xxexxxxe

The Curtailed Quaintrelle created by Marcy Jarvis and further developed by DD Michaels is an invented sonnet form. Curtailed apparently refers to the shortened line at the end of each quatrain. The elements of the Curtailed Quaintrelle Sonnet are:

  1. lyrical
  2. a quatorzain made up of 3 quatrains followed a couplet.
  3. metric, L1-L3 are iambic tetrameter and L4 is iambic trimeter in each quatrain. The couplet is iambic pentameter. .
  4. syllabic, L1-L3 of each quatrain are 8 syllables and L4 of each quatrain is 6 syllables; the couplet is made up of 8 syllable lines.
  5. rhymed, rhyme scheme aabc ddec ffgc hh. There is internal rhyme in L3 of each quatrain. Therefore the b, e & g rhyme is repeated within the line. L3 xxxbxxxb (And apparently you have the option of leaving the 4th line of the 3rd stanza unrhymed.)
  6. pivot optional.  

Ravenfly is an invented verse form created by Amanda J. Norton, (Darkbutterfly). The elements of the Ravenfly are:

  1. a decastich (poem in 10 lines), made up of 2 quatrains followed by a couplet.
  2. syllabic,  8-7-8-7 8-7-8-7 10-10.  
  3. rhymed abab cdcd ee

    Where Doves Won't Fly by Judi Van Gorder
    Cheyenne Lore by Judi Van Gorder

RenRhyme is a recent invented form created by Renee Mathews Jackson that employs the lines of the first stanza as a refrain in the following stanzas. This was found at All Poetry. The elements of the RenRhyme are:

  1. Isosyllabic. All lines are the same number of syllables. The poem can either be written with all 8 line syllables or all 10 line syllables.
  2. A verse form, a poem in 12 lines made up of 3 quatrains.
  3. Written with the lines of the first quatrain repeated as a refrain in the following stanzas.

    L1 repeated as L2 in the 2nd stanza.
    L2 repeated as L2 in the 3rd stanza.
    L3 repeated as L4 in the 2nd stanza.
    L4 repeated as L4 in the 3rd stanza.

  4. Rhymed. Rhyme scheme A1B1A2B2 - c A1c A2 - d B1 d B2.

The Rondel Grand is an invented stanzaic form with a refrain and appears to have nothing in common with the French Rondel. “Rondel“ from French meaning “small circle”. The invented form was created by Victoria Sutton at All Poetry. The elements of the Rondel Grand are:

  1. Stanzaic, written in 3 quintains or more.
  2. Syllabic, L1 – L4 are 8 syllables each and L5 is 6 syllables.
  3. Rhymed, rhyme scheme ababR cdcdR efefR etc.
  4. Written with a refrain. L5 of each stanza is a refrain repeated from stanza to stanza.

The Royal Spiral is an invented verse form that employs a skewed version of the rentrament of the Rondeau in the 2nd and 3rd stanzas. This was found at All Poetry created by Mary Sullivan Boren. The elements of the Royal Spiral are:

  1. 20 line poem made up of 4 quintains.
  2. Metric, L1-L4 is iambic pentameter and L5 is iambic dimeter.
  3. Rhymed, rhyme scheme aabbc / ccdde / eeffg / gghhc.
  4. Composed with a rentrament in which the first 2 metric feet of S1-L1 is repeated as S2- L5 and S1-L5 is repeated in the first 2 metric feet of S3-L1.

    r r r e x x x x x x a
    x x x x x x x x x a                                                     
    x x x x x x x x x x b
    x x x x x x x x x x b
    r r r c


    x x x x x x x x x c
    x x x x x x x x x c
    x x x x x x x x x d
    x x x x x x x x x d
    r r r e


    r r r c x x x x x e
    x x x x x x x x x e
    x x x x x x x x x f
    x x x x x x x x x f
    x x x g


    x x x x x x x x x g
    x x x x x x x x x g
    x x x x x x x x x h
    x x x x x x x x x h
    x x x c

Schwim's Sonnet is an invented sonnet form in only 13 lines. Created by W.W. Schwim stating "the closing line is tertious (third) paeonic catalectic" Huh? Sorry that doesn't make sense to me in connection with the line in the example poems The elements of the Schwim Sonnet are:

  1. 3 quatrains followed by a single stich.
  2. metric, the quatrains are iambic pentameter, the closing single line is anapest-iamb-iamb-anapest, dadaDUM / daDUM / daDUM / dada DUM.
  3. rhymed, (a/a)b(c/c)d (e/e)b(f/f)d (g/g)b(h/h)d d with the odd numbered lines of the quatrains carrying internal rhyme at the 2nd metric foot with the end word.
  4. pivot at the last line.

    A Calendary Rose by Lawrence Eberhardt

The Serenity Refrain is a little like the Quatern with a tumbling refrain. This invented verse form was created by Billie Jean Murchinson, found at All Poetry. The elements of the Serenity Refrain are:

  1. A poem in 30 lines made up 6 quintains.
  2. Syllabic, 7 syllables per line.
  3. Rhymed, scheme Rhyme Scheme: A1A2B1B2A3 / aA1cca / ddA1ad / eeaA1e / aaffA1 / A1A2B1B2A3.
  4. Written with a tumbling refrain L1-S1tumbling down to L2-S2, L3-S3, L4-S4, and L5-S5. The final stanza, S6 is simply a repetition of S1

The Signature Sonnet is another invented sonnet pretender in 3 quintains also introduced by B Chandler. The elements of the Signature Sonnet are:

  1. stanzaic, written in 3 quintains.
  2. metric, written in iambic tetrameter.
  3. rhymed, turned on only 2 rhymes aabba bbaab ababa

    Looking for Friends by Lawrence Eberhart @ Every Sonnet 

The Shanzi is an invented verse form created by Andreas Gripp of London Ontario and found on Lawrencealot’s blog. The form is a kind of expanded haiku. The elements of the Shanzi are:

  1. A verse form written in 7 lines, 2 uneven couplets followed by a tercet,
  2. Syllabic, 4-5 / 5-4 / 4-4-5 syllables per line.
  3. Unrhymed.
  4. Title at the discretion of poet
  5. Constructed with:
    L1-L2 Introduce the subject
    L3-L4 “amplifies” the image or subject.
    L5-L7 provide a parallel image to inspire meditation.

Shoe Laces is an invented verse form "spontaneously" created by Michael Fantina, aka Eusebius on Allpoetry.  Michael simply wrote a poem, creating the frame to fit his message which would make this a nonce form until someone else read it and copied it and gave it a name.  Now there are many "Shoe Laces" out on the internet.  This is how most "classic" forms developed.  Poets just creating a frame to fit their poem and someone else emulating the frame and recognizing it by assigning a name.   The elements of Shoe Laces are:

  1. a poem in 11 lines.
  2. metric, iambic, alternating tetrameter lines with monometer lines, ending with a tetrameter line.
  3. rhymed, rhyme scheme abbacddcxee    x being unrhymed.

~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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