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Welsh Verse
Features of the Welsh Meters
Welsh Codified Divisions

Toddaid, todd-eyed is the 19th codified Welsh meter, an Awdl, and an uneven couplet often written in combination with other meters especially the 9 syllable couplet, cyhydedd hir.
The elements of the Toddaid are:

  1. stanzac, written in any number of couplets.
  2. syllabic, L1 is a 10 syllable line and L2 is a 9 syllable line.
  3. rhymed, the main rhyme aa - cc - dd etc.
  4. composed with gair cyrch following the main rhyme and caesura of L1. The gair cyrch end rhyme is echoed in the first half of L2 in secondary rhyme, assonance or consonance.
  5. sometimes written in a shortened version of 16 syllables, L1 is 10 syllables and L2 is only 6 syllables which is called a toddaid byr.

toddaid couplets
x x x x x x x A - x b
x x x x b x x x A

x x x x x x x C - x d
x x x d x x x x c

a toddaid byr couplet

x x x x x x x A - x b
x x x b x A

Nit digeryd Duw, neut digarat - kyrd
Neut lliw gwyrd y vyrd o veird yn rat;
Neut lliaws vrwyn kwyn knawlat--- yghystud
O'th attall Ruffudd gwaywrud rodyat.
                                   Einion 15th century

Shere Kahn by Judi Van Gorder

The young calico keeping cool - eases
slow as she pleases upon the stool .
Her Bengal bones live nine lives - daring dogs,
chasing frogs, tiger dreams, kitten thrives.

~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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