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#8, Englyn proest gadwynog or chain of half rhyme englyn


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Englyn proest gadwynog én-glin proyst ga-doy-nóg cadwyn or (chain of half-rhyme), the 8th codified Official Welsh Meter, an Englyn, is verse that employs both alternating full rhyme which half rhymes with the alternating full rhymes. To complicate things further no half rhyme may occur within the lines.

The elements of the englyn proest gadwynog are:

  1. stanzaic, written in a chain of quatrains.
  2. syllabic, 7 syllable lines.
  3. rhymed, each line half rhymes with the next line and fully rhymes with the next. L1 and L3 fully rhyme with each other, L2 and L4 half rhyme with the rhyme of L1 and L3 and should fully rhyme with each other. The full rhymes of L1 and L3 half rhyme with the full rhyme of L1 and L3.
  4. chained, the last word of the stanza begins the next stanza.

    x x x x x x A
    x x x x x x a
    x x x x x x A
    x x x x x x a

    a x x x x x B
    x x x x x x b
    x x x x x x B
    x x x x x x b


    Kael or war koler euraid
    Karw Edwart mewn kaer ydwyd
    Kael o ebolion lonaid
    Kann ystabl yt, kwnstabl wyd.
    --- Dafydd Nanmor

    Warrior Woman by Judi Van Gorder          

    Desired by all who've seen
    the royal fighting woman,
    Gweneviere the Warrior Queen,
    behold, King Arthur's chosen.

    Chosen from the very best
    appearing out from the mist
    stand beside him in his quest
    join Camelot's wedding feast.

    Feast of victory and peace
    lady takes her rightful place
    in time see injustice cease
    royals joined in married bliss.




    The Desert Palm by Stephen Arndt

    Like an upright spine, your trunk
    Grows as straight as any plank
    And, with roots so deeply sunk,
    Towers upwards, lean and lank.

    Lank as well, your long, green leaves,
    Ranged in spirals, spend their lives
    Capping a crown that receives
    But rare drops of rain, yet thrives.

    Thrive serene in heartless heat,
    Poised upon your peaceful height;
    See us speed our hurried feet,
    Watch us flee in hasty flight.

    Flight or fight of little ants
    Scrapping over scant amounts
    Thus must seem our frantic dance
    When you total our accounts.

~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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