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Poetry Magnum Opus
  • Welcome to PMO. Below are some tips and links to help familiarize you with the site.


    1. Our most active forums where members showcase and discuss their poems are MEMBER POETRY and MEMBER POETRY (OVERFLOW).

    2. For useful information on various poetic forms visit PMO's comprehensive REFERENCE SECTION.

    3. A forum where any member may post a topic with his own carefully curated index to his works on this site is the MEMBER ARCHIVE FORUM. If you're interested in a particular member's works, look here first.

    4. Also, be sure to check the Blogs, Our Picks, The PMO Front Page, and Clubs, accessible from the menu bar at the top of the site, or select the menu bar's Activity tab to display a timeline of the most recent activity from across the site.


    To view all the FORUMS, access them using the Forums tab in the menu bar at the top of the site. For now, the default view is set as a traditional forum table view. If you prefer, you can select a view that displays forums as cards in a grid. A third option and one of the handiest ways to track most recent forum topics/posts is the fluid view which consists of a dynamic listing of topics with a forum filter box. Once fluid view is applied, simply select the box(es) of forums you wish to display to view recent content only from the selected forums. If you've narrowed it down a lot by selecting only a few boxes, just don't forget to uncheck the boxes when you're done or fluid view will remember your selections and continue to filter the view and only show content from the selected forums causing you to perhaps miss other content of interest from elsewhere across the site. Change forum views by toggling these controls:


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